Pull Down that Demonic Stronghold of Adultery & Divorce

Too many people are experiencing divorce due to adultery.  It has become epidemic.  Jesus said to us

“Behold I give you POWER to tread  upon serpents and scorpions and over ALL the power of the enemy and nothing shall hurt you.” Luke 10:19


Adultery is demonic. Divorce is demonic. (Except in specific biblical exceptions)

Adultery and divorce are tools that Satan uses to destroy the family. We see that we have been given all power over the enemy – including over divorce and adultery. Yet very few believers understand their power and know how to use it.

Many years ago I was a teacher in a children’s sunday school. One morning a father dropped off his young daughter. As I was chatting with him I asked if he was a single dad. He said “No, my wife is in the church at this very moment sitting with another man. They are having an affair.”

I was shocked. I said “Well we are going to pull that demonic spirit of adultery down right now! We are not going to stand for this!”

I prayed loudly and with authority “Satan, I command that you get your hands off of this marriage. I command this lying spirit of adultery to leave this mans wife right now in Jesus name. I break the satanic plot of divorce that is attacking this man and his wife. Your powers were broken at the cross in Jesus name.”

I then told the man to keep standing against this demonic attack of adultery and to begin thanking the Lord for restoring his marriage. The next week I was back at my children’s class. When this same man came to drop off his daughter he had a big smile on his face. I asked him what happened. He said that his wife had left the other man and that God had restored their marriage. Even I was amazed at how quickly the marriage was healed. This man was a believer – he just didn’t realize the power and authority that he had in Christ.

Is your husband or wife committing adultery? Has your spouse divorced you? Do you feel that your marriage is lost forever? Do you feel hopeless? Don’t allow Satan to rob you of what is rightfully yours. Use your authority in Christ to reclaim your marriage. Keep praying until you see results. You may have to pray for 6 months, a year or 2 years – I don’t know how long it will take, it’s different for each case. 

Now you may ask me – what about a person’s free will? Yes, each person has a free will that God will not supersede. But often the person’s mind has been blinded, distorted and confused by a demonic stronghold that has twisted their thinking. By you pulling all that demonic activity down you are now freeing the person to think clearly and make wise choices. 

GET A WORD ON YOUR SITUATION. What is God saying in your situation? As you Fast and Pray, Stay in the Word, Stay in Purity and have Daily Quiet time – keep asking God for a Word. He knows the final outcome. Once you get that Word hold onto it. Write it down. This will be your faith link to get through this difficult time. It’s different for everyone. Everyones battle is different. God wants to speak into your battle as to how you should proceed. For some the Word may be to let the person go. Although it is a painful and difficult Word it is better to have truth than to fight a battle that may never be won. What is God saying to you about the outcome?

You are still called to a life of peace, even in the midst of adversity. You must know this. Your peace is not based on the outcome of your marriage but by knowing Jesus intimately and walking closely with Him. Find this peace. Stay in the Word of God daily and diligently begin to memorize bible verses on a daily basis. YOUR PEACE WILL BE YOUR POWER. Once you have this no one can steal this from you.

Here is what I suggest: Purpose in your heart that you will fast on a regular basis until you get a Word on your marriage. See all my posts on Fasting and Prayer  

Next, you are going to memorize the above scripture verse – Luke 10:19. I want you to say it out loud all day long. Keep saying it. Finally, you are going to pray an authoritative prayer and command the demonic strongholds to leave your marriage and your spouse. Below is a sample prayer. Then write me and tell me about your victory. I am praying  and standing with you in faith.

Today in Jesus name I reclaim my marriage for Christ. No man, no woman, no demon and no stronghold will separate what God has brought together. Satan, I now command you in the name of Jesus to get your hands off of  my marriage. Foul spirit of adultery I command that you leave _________’s mind. Your powers were broken two thousand years ago at the cross. You have no right to touch or torment __________’s mind. I now cover my marriage, our home, our family and all that we have under the blood of Jesus Christ. I claim complete restoration for my home, my family and my marriage. I speak healing between me and my spouse and Lord I ask that you would bring your healing touch upon our relationship. I pray all of this in Jesus name.  amen

PRINT OUT THIS PRAYER.  When you pray this prayer it must be done out loud with great authority. Get mad at Satan. Satan knows who truly believes and who doesn’t.

Prayers don’t bother Satan – it is only when we speak them in power and authority that causes his powers to be shaken and broken.

494 thoughts on “Pull Down that Demonic Stronghold of Adultery & Divorce

  1. I’m asking God to restore my relationship with my ex partner and daughter I have repented my sin before the Lord asking God almighty to forgive me.

  2. I am Martin Mwenda. I noticed my wife’s strange behavior in 2018 December during her company’s end year party. She asks me to pick her up at 9pm from the hotel where the party was held. At exactly 9pm, I was at the hotel parking. She refused to pick my calls until 11pm. I got so upset but later she called me. When we got home. I found a love text between her and her boss. I confronted her and she denied it. Later the same year, found another text from the same boss. The text was discussing about me. I confronted her and she accepted that they were having an affair and that she’ll end it. Days later she showed me a text message she had written to the boss to end the affair. I got comfortable. She then started ignoring my calls on Saturdays. To cut the long story short. I decided to pray for the relationship to end. Last week but one. I had a voice at night telling me that “tomorrow, they will be meeting at a hotel room. I called her and she lied she was out of town. The spirit guided me into a hotel where the receptionist showed me the room they were. I went their and knocked. I found them naked. I did not fight, I went back home. She came later and denied that what I saw was wrong. Since then I have been quiet about them. She is still at home with me. And still going to work to the same boss. I put my trust upon the Lord that He will end this affair. Amen

    1. Brother Mwenda, you really are a man of God, i can tell you she is more disturbed. continue trusting God. it shall be well.

  3. My husband left me and our 2 small children last month. I found out he moved in with another woman. It didn’t end up working out as far as I can tell. They don’t live together anymore and she moved back to her hometown. He however won’t come home. He said I will never change (we were both unkind to each other but I own what I said and asked forgiveness but he still doesn’t believe me) and said I left the marriage a long time ago. I truly think this is just his guilt and I think he wants to find someone else so he doesn’t have to come home. He thinks God is fine with him divorcing me even though he has no biblical grounds. He doesn’t even try to see the kids a lot which is odd to me because his schedule didn’t allow a lot of time with them but he never acted like he wasn’t interested in them. We had them late in life because we met when we were older and I can’t wrap my head around all of it. He needs to turn back to God so I’m interceding for him with God and begging God to restore our marriage. I’m praying God blocks all of his paths so he realizes home is where he needs to be. His mom who is a every week at church Catholic is backing him so I have a lot of people working against this.

  4. I have been praying this prayer several time a day, but I need help. Please pray for my husband, he has feelings for another woman. He hasnt done anything else and says he wants to work on our marriage, but he still talks to this woman several times a day and works with her. He refuses to not talk to her and cast her aside. She is going through a divorce so he says she needs someone to talk to. I need prayer warriors to release the hold satan has on him, so either he will stop communicating or she will stop it. I have said this prayer and the demonic strong hold prayer, but I need help.

  5. Please pray for me! My husband is cheating on me with a co worker for the past 11 months.his heart is hardened.he is totally under her influence,her control, obsessed over her.ive have been praying for my husband but nothing seems to be working.satan has a strong grip over him! As I read the posts I can see that the spirit of medusa is upon him.please pray that God will deliver him and bring him back to us.i will be fasting for him next week.he has turned everyone against me saying that it was because of me that turned him into who he is now.he still hasn’t confessed about the adultery to me or his family,denying it outright! I have done everything I can…I am at a dead end now.i need your prayers!!

  6. Please pray for my husband Steven we’ve been separated sence march 1st of this year,he kicked me out and moved another woman in within a couple of days,I’ve forgiven him ,and I love him and I know God is the only one that can restore our marriage,please pray for his salvation, and he also has an alcohol addiction and drug addiction please be praying for my marriage and im praying your prayer as well,Thank you and God Bless.and my email address is cassandrakey14@yahoo.com if you want to contact me, Thank you for the prayer.

  7. I am one person who had lost hope for my marriage. Going through your comprehensive post on prayer against adultery and divorce, I have realised that God has given me yet another chance and hope against hope to pray harder for my marriage to be restored.

    My wife left me 2 years ago and life has never been the same again ever since she left me. I have sinned against my body and God, after she left me. Today marks the beginning of a 2 day fast against fornication and adultery in my life. I need God to deliver me from these demonic shackles and gaols.

    I implore you remember me in your prayers too. I know God is a God of order, divine engagement and restoration.

  8. I just found your website and am praying to stop the divorce my wife of 24 years is pushing forward. On the 23rd is a hearing she wants to force me out of our house until the divorce is finalized. I will be separated from our kids, my home and her for an undetermined period. I have been asking her to go to counseling and to reconcile- God hates divorce and so do I. She says that God is telling her divorce is the way to go; I think Satan is telling her this. I can’t reason with her and again this seems to be caused by demonic interference. Please pray for me that she will get loose of this evil grip and see that I truly love her and that we should both ask God to help heal our marriage. Right now, I am the only one asking God to help us – we both have to ask and He will help us; I am positive of that. Thank you.

    1. Joe,

      Our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation. I encourage you to read the response I have written to several people in this same category. We now stand with you in faith and warfare.

  9. gold afternoon am doyin I got married around febuary this year and my husband travel abroad during this period may this year a friend who is a male called me I went to his house and we had a sex I broke my wedding vow I wanted to tell my Husband but I was scared he got to know yesterday I don’t no how he knew he has been avoiding Me he asked me to go andvssek forgiveness from God and come back to him am scared I don’t no what his decision will be I don’t wantvdivorce have stop talking to the male friend and block all communication since we had the sex pls what Can I do am confused

    1. Doyin,

      I encourage you to seek Christian counseling. You need to get to the root of the problem, what made you commit adultery in the first place. Until you resolve that issue you cannot move forward. You and your husband should be in counseling together. Although he may not want or feel obligated to participate, its imperative that he does, as you are both in this together. If you don’t have a strong, loving bible-beliving church its important that you find one. Finding a womens fellowship where you can begin to grow and have accountability will help you on your spiritual journey. Please see the response to “Suresh” – I encourage you to do the same as I have counseled her. I am having our prayer team lift up your situation.

  10. Hello, I posted a while back, my husband left me on January 27th. I have been standing and praying for almost 9 months now, but I feel that I am getting no where. Two weeks ago he called, told me that he still wants the divorce, that he never loved me for the 4.5 years we have been together, that he is still with the strange woman, that she is living with her parents and her son, and some other awful things that I cannot mention out of respect for my husband. We have not spoke now for two weeks, and since then I have felt hopeless, directionless and blocked with confusion when I have tried to sort my thoughts to pray or even just talk to God. I know this is satan. Please, I need help! I do not want to lose my marriage, but am getting confused as to wondering what is real anymore. I do not know what to do, things look like they are getting worse and I feel like I am running out of faith. Can you give me some direction, please…please!

    1. Felicia,

      We are in the middle of fasting and praying over your situation. We need a Word from God. Until He speaks we wait. Can you join us for a 90 day complete media fast?https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2017/09/29/join-me-for-a-90-day-breaking-the-chains-media-fast/

      During these times of strong demonic oppression and attacks we must be in an attitude of fasting and prayer. Sterilize your home of any type of books, magazine, DVD’s, etc that are impure. PURITY IS POWER. Go through your house today and ask the Holy Sprit to reveal anything that displeases Him. Even if it doesn’t make sense, if He tells you to get rid of it, just do it immediately, don’t question it. Make sure you are getting at least half an hour to an hour of daily Quiet Time. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/tag/what-is-quiet-time/ This is where you will find your strength. Begin to journal daily. Put down all your feelings and what you feel God is speaking to you. Find 2-5 Godly women who can begin to stand with you in warfare. Pray with one of them daily. Then ask the Lord to give you a Word on your situation. Remember, each person still has a free will. We can do all that we are supposed to do but if your spouse loves the darkness and wants to be lost eternally separated from God then even God will not break that person’s will.

      You are still called to a live of peace, even in the midst of adversity. You must know this. Your peace is not based on the outcome of your marriage but by knowing Jesus intimately and walking closely with Him. Find this peace. Stay in the Word of God daily and diligently begin to memorize bible verses on a daily basis. YOUR PEACE WILL BE YOUR POWER. Once you have this no one can steal this from you.

      We will be in contact with you for further information. Please be sure to read all my posts on The Armor of God. Do exactly as the teaching says and do this daily. Standing with you in faith. Peace.

    2. Dear Diana,

      Thank you for your response. I have been praying and using the scriptures you have suggested. The only support I have is God, and I know that He is enough. It is just so confusing when I stand, praying and believing in faith, then it seems like everything gets worse. It is difficult to go through and to understand why, when God is all powerful and Satan is already under His Command, why this is going on. I am asking that God will restore our marriage and not give Satan any more ground by another divorce in this world. I am asking God to heal my husband an our marriage. I am asking that God remove the strange woman and bless her with opportunities away from us or someone else to love who is NOT married so she will not be in sin herself again. I am asking for a hedge of protection around my husband, daughter, myself, and our marriage. I am asking for God to give us courage. I want the Lord’s blessing on my husband. I want to fulfill His word, “What God has joined together, let no man put asunder”. I want God to do what ever He needs to do to me or my husband to protect or defend our marriage.

      I understand that God is using this time to grow me, I fear that each passing day that Satan will have his hands deeper into my husband making it that much harder for him to come home.

      Thank you for your support – Felicia

    3. Felicia,
      Forgive. Forgive. Forgive. (you possibly already have but its imoortant to mention). We are to fogive just as God forgives us. We are to love our enemies. Its a beautiful and powerful combination between walking in love and authority. I call it Loving Authority. There is NO FEAR as perfect love casts out all fear. No more speaking “its not working” or “its getting worse”. The getting worse is an illusion of the enemy (satan/demonic forces) to distract and discourage you! Your prayers are powerful. Youre speaking against demonic forces is powerful. The key is NO FEAR and believing. Listen to sermons (Winston, Creflo, Cooeland, Duplantis, J Meyer,…), read The Word, talk with God continually. Be Thankful and Praise God in all circumstances.

      This is spiritual law — it will work! Why? Because we know that we know that we know Gods Word is Truth — and “what God has joined together, let no man put asunder.” When thoughts of it not working enter your mind, you boldly snd conficently in Christ speak out loud, “NO! I believe and I receive and Gods Word says that what He has joined together, no man shall put asunder!” Let there be NO strife, NO condemnation, NO jealousy, NO offense, … These are all based in FEAR and God has not given us the spirit of fear but of love, power, and strong/sound mind.” Stand on His Word and know that “It Is Done!.”

    4. felicia, i read your posts and i wanted to know if you are doing ok. This touched my heart as i know what you are feeling. I will pray for your healing as well. I hope you can let us know how things are going with you.

  11. Hi
    My husband and I are separated and have been for two years this month. We have had a few of false starts in restoration, however he still remains in the midst of adultery. I love my husband and I have been praying and standing for a complete restoration of our marriage. I had this man who calls himself a Prophet tell me that there are two women now praying against me, my marriage restoration and my husband. I just really need som Godly spiritual guidance on how to pray my marriage through everything that the enemy is trying to do. Please help me

    1. God loves you and He knows your pain and what you are going through.
      He wants you to be whole. Stand on God’s promises 24/7 and be comforted by our God of mercy and compassion (Ps145:8)

      Read Eph6:10-18 … “be strong in Him. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood..”

      Choose to forgive your husband daily no matter what he says to you to hurt you.

      Speak positive over him and your marriage. Ask God to bless him and your marriage and believe it (Mark 11:23-24) and thank and praise the King

      Recognize and refrain from saying the things that do not edify him or anyone.

      Proclaim ALOUD into the airwaves :
      Deut 33:25-27

      “The bolts of our gates will be iron and bronze, and our strength will equal our days.
      There is no one like the God of Jeshurun, who rides on the heavens to help us
      and on the clouds in His majesty.

      The eternal God is our refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
      He will drive out our enemy before us, saying, ‘Destroy him ! ’ “

      Yes..Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil. (1 John 3:8b)
      We trust that God is destroying ALL the extramarital affairs !

      You may use the acronym TACS when you rise to pray.

      T – Thanksgiving
      A – Adoration
      C – Contrition
      S – Supplication


      Proclaim Ps 100:4-5
      4 Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise;
      give thanks to Him and praise His name
      5 For the Lord is good and His love endures forever;
      His faithfulness continues through all generations.

      (You may personalize the above)

      Thank God for all that He has done, for all that He is doing and for all that He will be doing.


      Praise and worship God. Read the psalms especially Ps 146 to 150.
      Sing songs of praise, sing from your heart daily because when we do that, our God brings down strongholds. Let praise and worship songs resound in your home (play CDs or musical instrument if you know any)

      Pray for Israel daily too..


      Confess/Recognize sin.
      Ask Holy Spirit to reveal hidden sins
      Ask God forgive sins

      Repent of it
      Renounce sin
      Resist sin

      Declare this daily too :

      I forgive __ for hurting me
      I release __ to You, Lord for You to minister to __

      I bless __

      (When you can, take one step further, forgive the 3rd party)


      Prayer requests

      Pray Ps91 FIRST

      Pray the scriptures. God’s words will not return to Him void (Isa 55:11)

      Using scriptures pray positive prayers (as follows) over him and yourself (you may personalise them) :

      Father God, thank You that You will sprinkle clean water on my husband __ (name) and me and we will be clean.

      You will cleanse __ and me from all our impurities and from all our idols.

      You will give each of us a new heart and put a new spirit in each of us;

      You will remove from each of us a heart of stone and give us, each a heart of flesh.

      Father God, You will put Your Spirit in each of us and move us to follow Your decrees and be careful to keep Your laws.

      In Jesus’ mighty name, we pray. Amen

      Declare aloud also that what God has joined together, no one is to separate (See Matt19:6)—

      Pray the prayer based on Hosea 2:6-7 niv :
      Father God, block his path with thornbushes;
      Wall him in so that he cannot find his way.
      he will chase after his lovers, but he will not be able to catch them;
      he will look for them, but he will not be able to find them
      Then he will say, ‘I will go back to my wife as at first, for then I was better off than now.’

      In Jesus’ name amen !

      Before and as you connect / communicate with your husband, ask the Holy Spirit to direct both of your steps and speak life to each other (Prov 21:23).

      As God’s chosen people, holy and dearly loved, we are to be clothed with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience (Col 3:12)

      May the Lord give your husband and you singleness of heart and action, so that both of you will always fear the Lord and that all will then go well for you (and for your children after you). (Jer 32:39).

      We serve a God who is Omnipotent, Omniscient and Omnipresent and nothing is too hard for Him to do.

      Read God’s Word daily and try to hear His voice.. calling the name of Jesus so that it’s God’s voice you are listening too

      I pray alongside you for the restoration of your marriage.

      God blesses your husband and you and your marriage.

      Read all our posts on The Armor of God. Put this on daily. Remember, you are still called to a life of peace. No matter what cling to that peace and do not lose it. Have at least 30 minutes of daily quiet time – read the post Quiet Time will Change your Life. Our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation. Standing with you in faith.

  12. At the beginning of this year, my husband left me while I was 6 months pregnant with our first baby due to an affair. He used to be a God, fearing man and unfortunately has been led astray by this woman he has hooked up with. We ended up selling our home and didn’t speak for almost 4-5 months. But Through prayer, there have been some small breakthroughs, he does not want to get a divorce, still sees me as his wife and loves and has almost ended his affair multiple times over the past month. But unfortunately the devil keeps dragging him back in and my husband is aware of this and told me he feels he is toe to toe with the devil. I do believe the Lord can restore our marriage but I just ask for prayer from other sisters and brothers in Christ.

    1. Amanda,

      You are dealing with a demonic spirit of Medussa https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/tag/medusa-the-seducing-spirit/ This teaching will give you insight how to warfare against her. Join our team for a 90 day media fast to break the chains off of all adulterous spouses.

      When fighting these types of battles it is impertinent that you begin to fast and pray. (Read all my posts under Fasting). I recommend a long fast such as 6 months to one year. The most powerful fasts are often Media Fasts. This means no TV, No movies, no social media, or internet, etc. Only listen to Christian music and read the bible. This can drive away much of the darkness and prepare the ground for deliverance.

      I encourage you to read all our posts on Armor of God, be sure to follow the instructions very carefully as this will be your key to overcoming difficulties and spiritual warfare. I also encourage you to read all our posts on Inner Healing, as this will help to bring healing to your mind and heart during this stressful time. This will also help insure that a root of bitterness does not develop and cause further pain in your life. I would encourage you to further read the teachings under Demons, Discouragement, Spiritual Warfare, Growing Spiritually and Wisdom.

      Daily Quiet Time is essential during this time. As this will bring you the peace and solace that you will need during this time. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/quiet-time-will-radically-change-your-life/

      We are now having our Prayer Team lift up your situation. We are standing with you in faith for healing and complete restoration. blessings

      1. Thank you, I had started fasting as of yesterday and will include a media fast as well.

        I really appreciate your continue prayers during this time


  13. I’m asking for prayer for my marriage from your ministry. My husband and myself has had been in an up and down marriage for sometime now, we’ve been married for 19 years a total of 27 altogether, neither of us was saved when we married. I did accept Christ as my Lord and Savior, 14 years ago. I never knew the authority I had in my marriage. Because of that, things just got out of hand. My husband is a “serial cheater.” He was molested as a child, he never talks to me about it, but he has a lot of suppressed anger towards his mother, according to his sister “the mother did nothing about it.” I’m praying, but I’ve been doubled-minded from time to time, from anger. I’ve really been petitioning him for a divorce, but he never respond to it, when I ask him. It’s as if I’m not talking to him. Now, he’s not living at home full time. He has done this before in the pass. This is why I asked for a divorce. He won’t give me the key to our home, or remove his clothes from here. Sometimes I just get tired of dealing with him. Now, I had a dream about 2 weeks ago, I dream my husband and myself, was at this bar, I remember questioning my thoughts, as to being at this place… Because in real life, Christians don’t join the crowd of sinners. This lady wanted to dance with my husband, I didn’t think nothing of the dance at first. After awhile the dance got out of control. He started rubbing on her, and she was kissing on him. I went and intervened, the lady got mad with me. As she looked at my husband, her eyes somehow controlled his mind. He was in a daze, when I grabbed his arm he came out of this mind controlling spirit. Then, this woman started doing some type of “genie” dance or something, when my husband decided not to go with her, she threatened to shot me. But God protected me even in this dream. Later the next day, I realized that was a “Jezebel spirit” I had encountered in my dreams. I rebuked the dream (in Jesus name). He’s in my prayers. Pray for my strength. Amen and thank you!

    1. Nita,
      When fighting these types of battles it is impertinent that you begin to fast and pray. (Read all my posts under Fasting). I recommend a long fast such as 6 months to one year. The most powerful fasts are often Media Fasts. This means no TV, No movies, no social media, or internet, etc. Only listen to Christian music and read the bible. This can drive away much of the darkness and prepare the ground for deliverance.

      I encourage you to read all our posts on Armor of God, be sure to follow the instructions very carefully as this will be your key to overcoming difficulties and spiritual warfare. I also encourage you to read all our posts on Inner Healing, as this will help to bring healing to your mind and heart during this stressful time. This will also help insure that a root of bitterness does not develop and cause further pain in your life. I would encourage you to further read the teachings under Demons, Discouragement, Spiritual Warfare, Growing Spiritually and Wisdom.

      Daily Quiet Time is essential during this time. As this will bring you the peace and solace that you will need during this time. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/quiet-time-will-radically-change-your-life/

      We are now having our Prayer Team lift up your situation. We are standing with you in faith for healing and complete restoration. blessings

  14. I requested prayer a few weeks ago concerning my wife, who has schizophrenia and severe delusions and who went off her meds, with terrible results. I would like to ask for prayer again because even though she has turned against me and wants a divorce, due to much prayer sent up
    for her, she was willing to go to marriage counseling with me. After interviewing her, the counselor told her that before we proceed with marriage counseling, a deliverance session would be needed and my wife agreed to it.
    She is scheduled to have a deliverance session on Monday, 9/25/17.
    Please pray that she will go and not back out!
    I realize a lot of this could be a brain disorder and if it is, then she will need to accept that she will have to take meds until she’s physically healed by God–but if there’s a demonic component, then we need this deliverance session to be VERY EFFECTIVE at freeing her from these things. She went through deliverance 20 years ago when this all started, but it DIDN’T help. Symptoms came back in a few days, so please pray for her protection. She may try to back out or, if she goes, she may try to talk the pastors in circles-I’ve seen her do both before. We need for God to free her.

    1. We praise God first in all circumstances. I believe in His plans and I pray for you to be fortified in perseverance. I lift your wife to His loving arms for protection from the enemy who I rebuke in Jesus’ name now. The more you seek peace in His mercy, the closer your relationship. Press into Him and be a stronghold to whom the enemy wilts in the presence of. Be strong in God’s strength and fight the good fight. All we ask in His will, He hears. So we ask the Lord now for His mercy.


  15. My husband David is lost to sin and despair. We were married just this past Easter and have contemplated divorce numerous times. He is overseas in Afghanistan as a military contractor due to our dire financial situation. A little over a month ago, I was baptized and decided to walk a new path with Jesus Christ as my personal savior. I led a sinful life for the most part up until then. Sin brought him and I together and we suffered for it. We have a beautiful son and he is a step-father to my 3 other children and I am a step-mother to his son. We have similar backgrounds with family upbringing and military service. Currently, our friendship is shredded and it was our initial foundation. At first when I was baptized, I felt peaceful. Now the devil attacks me daily. I know the devil wants my marriage! I’ve had spiritual battles before in regards to my abusive ex-husband and with my children’s welfare. I won with God’s help! My husband lives his life in a fluctuation of shame, despair, goodwill, loneliness, alcoholism, sexual fantasies, hard work, deep thinking, emotional roller coaster, etc… His heart is good, yet he does not have a relationship with Jesus and often mocks my decision to follow Christ. I can clearly see the devil using him and it pains me. Earlier this week, I found out that he was in contact with his ex-wife again. Their marriage ended due to repeated affairs on both ends and numerous other problems. Prior to our marriage and shortly after I gave birth to our son, he left me for her. We have had to heal from this betrayal. Needless to say, I am saddened by his recent actions. I confronted him with this knowledge and he denied it at first and then admitted it. He claims he is not committing adultery, but he has to make a decision if he wants to stay in this marriage or not. He refuses to break off all contact with her again and is messaging her daily rather than coming to me for emotional support. I have been praying and seeking spiritual guidance and am restraining myself from acting out recklessly. I am listening to sound advice on audio cd’s about how to be an honorable and respectful wife. These things are helping me. I’m asking for prayers to lift David up and to seek God’s wisdom, to be filled with the Holy Spirit and to awaken him from his sin. To turn away from his past and to commit his life and love to me once again as we made vows to God before our closest friends and family. I am asking for our hearts to be softened towards each other and to forgive one another for our mutual transgressions. I pray for our family to be restored and for David to focus on our home and our children’s well-being. I pray for his ex-wife to find a good, Christian man who will lift her up and give her the love she seeks and for the Holy Spirit to open her eyes to the reality that David has moved on and has a right to be happy and to develop a relationship with Jesus. I pray for me to find strength during this turmoil and to strengthen my relationship with Jesus. This will be an on-going battle until David turns his life over to God and forgives himself and releases his anger towards the death of his father. I pray for our family and for peace in our home, in Jesus name, AMEN!

    1. Lucille, When fighting these types of battles it is impertinent that you begin to fast and pray. (Read all my posts under Fasting). I recommend a long fast such as 6 months to one year. The most powerful fasts are often Media Fasts. This means no TV, No movies, no social or internet, etc. Only listen to Christian music and read the bible. This can drive away much of the darkness and prepare the ground for deliverance.

      I encourage you to read all our posts on Armor of God, be sure to follow the instructions very carefully as this will be your key to overcoming difficulties and spiritual warfare. I also encourage you to read all our posts on Inner Healing, as this will help to bring healing to your mind and heart during this stressful time. This will also help insure that a root of bitterness does not develop and cause further pain in your life. I would encourage you to further read the teachings under Demons, Discouragement, Spiritual Warfare, Growing Spiritually and Wisdom.

      Daily Quiet Time is essential during this time. As this will bring you the peace and solace that you will need during this time. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/quiet-time-will-radically-change-your-life/

      We are now having our Prayer Team lift up your situation. We are standing with you in faith for healing and complete restoration. blessings

  16. My wife has been taking psych meds for delusions and about two weeks ago, she went off of them. she has become even more delusional and has turned against me. she doesnt want to be with me now which is hard to take because until she got sick (about a year ago), we had a very good relationship, but she doesn’t realize that she’s now falling prey to deception. I want my wife back! I know we can win over this. But we need God’s intervention right now. Please pray that the enemy’s power over our marriage will be completely destroyed, the meds helped her somewhat, but there are serious mental and demonic issues going on here that weren’t addressed by medication. One good development is that my wife has agreed to marital counseling. Pray that we will honor our covenant with God. Pls agree with me for success, WE NEED YOUR PRAYERS!

    1. Ken,

      When fighting these types of battles it is impertinent that you begin to fast and pray. (Read all my posts under Fasting). I recommend a long fast such as 6 months to one year. The most powerful fasts are often Media Fasts. This means no TV, No movies, no social media on the internet, etc. Only listen to Christian music and read the bible. This can drive away much of the darkness and prepare the ground for deliverance.

      I encourage you to read all our posts on Armor of God, be sure to follow the instructions very carefully as this will be your key to overcoming difficulties and spiritual warfare. I also encourage you to read all our posts on Inner Healing, as this will help to bring healing to your mind and heart during this stressful time. This will also help insure that a root of bitterness does not develop and cause further pain in your life. I would encourage you to further read the teachings under Demons, Discouragement, Spiritual Warfare, Growing Spiritually and Wisdom.

      Daily Quiet Time is essential during this time. As this will bring you the peace and solace that you will need during this time. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2015/09/28/quiet-time-will-radically-change-your-life/

      We are now having our Prayer Team lift up your situation. We are standing with you in faith for healing and complete restoration. blessings

  17. I beg for help. I have been praying every night and morning for two years in hope of saving my marriage from divorce. I am literally to mental and spiritual exhaustion .please pray for my marriage to be saved, that it won’t end in divorce. Thank you

    1. Good Afternoon, peace of our Lord Jesus be unto you. Our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation. Remember, no matter what, you are called to a life of peace. Begin to say bible verses about peace out loud all day long. Read all my posts on the Armor of God. Standing with you in faith and love.

      1. Bless you! I will read and I keep praying. I pray that God has mercy on me and my daughter and saves my marriage.
        I’ll pray for you too for your kindness is so very welcomed! Thank you

  18. I (Bernie Kuprionas) would like to say thank you for the article. I know my wife (Brandy Kuprionas) has been possessed by a Jezebel spirit because she is now acting like a covert narcissist. Brandy’s current personality is not even close to the wonderful woman I met and thought I married. She has filed for divorce moved another man into our home and had me falsely arrested. I am asking is if you can please pray for our marriage and to remove this evil spirit from my wife.
    I am at the end of my rope and don’t know how much more I can handle. I’m even having problems typing this up due to negative demonic forces,
    thank you for all your help,
    Bernie and Brandy Kuprionas

    1. Bernie, our prayer team is now lifting up your situation. Read all my posts on Depression, Fasting and Prayer, Anxiety and Fear. You must put on The Armor of God on outloud every single day. You are in a spiritual battle. Make sure you have a male friend prayer partner who will stand with you in prayer. Standing with you in faith.

  19. Hello,
    I have been standing now for my husband since January 2017. I posted on here shortly after everything happened. I put on the full armor of God on myself, my husband and family everyday, and I pray. I pray to Jesus to intercede, to send his Holy Spirit to convict my husband. I pray for Jesus to give him dreams in the night to remind him of us and the vows he made before the Lord. I pray for God to bring the OW His best, and I know that His best is not my husband or any other married man. I pray for the Lord to send godly men into his life who believe in marriage restoration. I want Gods blessings on my husband, I know that he was sanctified thru me, but now that he is out of Gods will, he will not receive those blessings from Him. So I pray, pray, and then pray some more. I read God’s Word and then pray again.

    The Lord gave me Exodus 14:14 and one of the cross references is Isaiah 30:15, convicted me to my heart. Then on 7/7 the Lord gave me Jeremiah 31:16 and one of the cross references is Jeremiah 29:11. God hears you and me, He is listening. This has happened and God has allowed it to happen for a reason, for me I know that I placed my husband over my Lord. I am getting things back in order, placing God first. I love the Lord but I was not trusting the He was big enough to handle this, I thought I could do this on my own…pray and never, never give up. You’re not only fighting for your marriage, you’re fighting for someone life.

  20. pray for my marriage restoration and healing. my husband to be renewed and change completely. the sole ties and bond betwwen him and the other woman to come to an end. may the other woman turn her ways and seek repentance, may she find love and a man that it is hers and not married men. convict her heart and set her free from her sins

      1. Please prayer for our marriage. My husband Anthony is involved with another woman and wants a divorce. He was a victim of sexual molestation as a child. I am praying for his complete deliverance, salvation and renewed relationship with Jesus Christ. I am praying for her deliverance and salvation too. We have been married for 4 years.

        1. Revered Nihole,

          Our prayer team is now lifting up your situation.

          Praying that God grants Anthony clarity of mind, grace and mercy.

          Praying that he knows what pleases God and what He hates

          Praying that Anthony be faithful again and loves his wife as Christ loves the church.

          In Jesus’ name amen

  21. Please pray my husband stev who i been married to for 17 years the only man i ever been with and only wanted him has been in a relationship with another women that I been knowing, my husband had an affair four years ago i firgave him for I put so much prayer and fasting for my marriage and God brought us together and then four years later he cheat again and then leave me with all bills no contribution and told me he filed for divorce. I love my husband so much and i never wanted a divorce I wanted God to heal my marriage and for God to save and deliver my husband..I am so hurt i have no family where i live and he just leave me and he goes to church with this women and I need God so much right know I dont want to lose my mind or lose my husband please pray for me I need a peace of mind and comfort for my broken heart. Thank you

    1. Vicki, our Prayer Team will be lifting up your situation. I encourage you to read all my teachings under Inner Healing, Armor of God and Growing Spiritually. You are in a spiritual battle. Try to find one woman who will be your prayer partner. Ask God to send her to you. I am asking God to give you wisdom,peace, strength and understanding. Standing with you in faith.

  22. Please pray for my husband Samuel. He is in a relationship with another women and he has not helped me with our children in any way or form. He has stated that our marriage is just a piece of paper and that our marriage is dead to him. After 10 years i just feel broken and so hurt. This is a man that was truly a family man that was there for us i dont even know who he is anymore. Please pray that he will truly run to God with an open heart and that he will truly repent from his sin. That God will remove him from this ungodly relationship he is in and anything that is holding him back from truly having a relationship with God. Thank you.

  23. God bless you all.Pease pray for my marriage restoration.My husband wants to divorce me next week.He said he doesnt love me.I love him so much.I dont want to loose him.He is not a believer.May God save his soul and the Holly Spirit to change him.Please pray that God to bring him back to me and fill his heart with love and forgivness.Thank you ahead.

    1. Monica, may our Lord Jesus bless you with supernatural peace and hope. Our prayer team is now lifting up your situation before our Heavenly Father. I encourage you to read all my posts on The Armor of God and Fasting and Prayer.

  24. Please pray for my husband claytons salvation he moved out at the beginning of Jan 2017 and moved in with TOW who is also married and he left me and our 2 kids barely sees them. He has broke off all connection with me and won’t talk to me and now I heard there trying to have a baby. My heart is broken. Please pray for our marriage restoration and family healing. Please pray with me for my husbands eyes to be open and whatever strong hold this OW has on my husband would be gone. And that God would remove her from his life permanently.

    1. Sarah, our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation. Read all my posts on The Armor of God, Fasting and Praying and Inner Healing. Please read each of these several times and very carefully. You are in a strong spiritual battle and you must use all of God’s artillery to fight this demon of adultery. Standing with you in faith.

  25. Please lift up prayers for my husband and I. We were married on 10/1/16 and he moved out 1/27/17> Immediately after moving out he began texting another woman and is now in some kind of a relationship with her. He said this weekend she was just a distraction. He is not a believer and I am. Please pray for God to break the stronghold of the emotional, physical, and mental ties between them. Pleaser pray for SATAN to get out of our marriage and for the Lord to restore us.

      1. Hi Jackie,
        We spoke briefly yesterday, he was heading to FL to see his father who is dying. His father and brother are very angry at him for what he has done. This will be an interesting visit for him. I called him to let him know that I could not sign the papers I had drawn up for a divorce. That it was against everything inside of me. I asked him to think about us, told him I loved him and wished him a nice trip. In the conversation he told me that nothing has happened between he and TOW, just a kiss. However they are constantly on the phone texting back and forth or spending time together. I texted him today, “what you have done has devastated me but I love him no matter what. I sought God and He showed me my part even though I thought I was doing it for us. I want us to stay together to work this out. I hope we can seek God together and let Him change both of us so that our marriage will last. I know this is hard to do but I hope you will think on it. We have more together to just throw it away.” I have not got a reply, but thinking back on yesterday he did not have to answer the phone (he hasn’t been) nor did he have to text me when he arrived at his brothers. His family are all believers…I have prayed in Jesus’ name to break the demonic stronghold on him, bind satan so he has a chance to hear his family. I prayed the blood of Jesus over him, us, me, my daughter, and all that we have. I have asked Jesus to help drive him to confess and repent because I do not want to see him spend eternity in hell. I asked Jesus to send His Holy Spirit to touch his heart and soften it toward both Him and me. I pray for a hedge of thorns around him and a hedge of protection around us, my daughter, home, jobs, cars and all we have.

        Please join me in this prayer of love for my husband. I do not want him to spend eternity in a place that is indescribably horrible. I pray he is willing. I pray for God to work in both of us. Thank You.

  26. Hi,
    My husband is a Christian who walked out on our marriage. He said he isn’t happy and that he didn’t pray and wait on God for a wife. It’s been two years now and he’s since been in adultery and other things that he wouldn’t normally be involved in. He said I’m a weak Christian and needed to come up to his level. I have been standing on God’s word, remaining faithful and in prayer, not only for mines but other marriages. He has told me now that he’s filing for divorce. I have given no grounds or cause for such and I ask for prayer support. The hold of the enemy over his mind and will to be broken and the doors he’s opened to the enemy to be shut. I’m so tired and discouraged at times but I believe that God can and will restore. Please stand with me. I want my son’s to have a good example of marriage and end this curse from going forward to upcoming generations.


    1. Kerry, our Prayer Team is faithfully lifting up your situation and standing with you in agreement for victory. Please be sure to read all my posts on the Armor of God and do this exactly as indicated OUT LOUD daily. Have daily quiet time – I recommend at least an hour – this is not bible study or prayer time – that is separate, this is simply sitting at the feet of Christ waiting on His presence. Finally, rest in Christ. You are called to a life of peace regardless of what is happening around you. Stand strong in the power of God and know that you are so valuable to Christ.

  27. Hello Jackie and the Prayer Team:
    My wife (Lisa) and I are both born again Christian, in fact, she is a ordained minister. About 11 months ago, she separated and moved out with our 2 boys (ages 2 and 4). The reasons were, I did not treat her well (i.e. I was constantly angry around the house, did not talk and treat her with respect, she did not feel she has a voice at home and I was a bit controlling etc. An other words, I was emotionally abusive). No adultery or any physical abuse happened to her or our boys. During the first 9 months of our separation, I’ve tried very hard to reconcile with her and I faced a lot of resistance (i.e. she almost picked on or fought back most of the things that I said, and accused me for making her guilty). I’ve been seeking a lot of professional help to work on myself in the last 11 months (i.e. pastoral care, counselling, cognitive behavior therapy, physicist, prayer support group etc). I’ve been fasting and praying regularly. I’ve repented and asked God to forgive me of my sins and the ways I treated her, and I was very remorseful about my actions toward Lisa and the boys. Because I constantly want to reconcile with her and want to make this marriage work again, she feels that I don’t respect her boundaries and safety, and she feels that I invade her privacy and harass her. As a result, she filed a restraining order against me and go ahead to start the divorce process. At this time, she refuses to talk to any pastors or couple counselors as she is afraid that they might talk her out and convict her about the divorce. She can officially file for divorce in early Mar, 2017 (after 1 year of separation). I’m a Bible believing Christian and there are grounds for divorce, but I didn’t not break the grounds at all. Because of the restraining order (the order is quite unfair against me), time is running short now and I can’t talk or approach her. Please pray that the Lord will soften her heart and open her eyes and ears about the divorce decisions she is making. Also pray for clarity to stop this process and satan to loose the grips on our marriage. At this point, every door has been shut, but I plead with you to join me to pray for the Lord to perform miracles to open up the door again for reconciliation and for marriage restoration. Or at least prolong the separation for another year so that we can have the opportunities to work things out.


    1. Andre, our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation before our Father in Heaven. We are specifically praying and warfaring against demonic spirits that are influencing Lisa – A Rebellious Spirit, Spirit of Divorce, A Spirit of DECEIT, Demonic Spirits of FANTASY and LIES. Please be in agreement with us as we warfare specifically for your marriage. Please be sure to read all my posts on the Armor of God and do this exactly as indicated OUT LOUD daily. Have daily quiet time – I recommend at least an hour – this is not bible study or prayer time – that is separate, this is simply sitting at the feet of Christ waiting on His presence. Finally, rest in Christ. You are called to a life of peace regardless of what is happening around you. Know that you are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father and that we are all standing in faith with you. blessings.

    2. Hi Andre

      Our stories are so very similar. I pray with all my heart that God will restore your marriage and turn you wife’s heart back to Him first and then to you. I look forward to the success of this restoration and reconciliation, that God would receive all the Glory.

  28. Afternoon,

    Please pray for me, my husband has just left me with 2 kids, the youngest is 3 weeks old,. He is a Procket and says that ‘God’ has revealed to him that I have been cheating and using witchcraft on him for the past 8 years of our marriage! This came as a shock to me as I have been faithful and am a Christian who will never do anything against my belief. Im desperate for prayers to break this and also for a job as I’m unemployed and finances has been a huge problem in our marriage because he’s a full time Pastor and does not have a stable income, we also don’t have a home, been staying with his parents but i have moved out to be with my family. Please pray against this dpirit that has been tormenting my marriage for years and financial breakthrough.

      1. Im praying for KB to be healed by our Lord who knows what she is going through.

        May God have mercy on her, her spouses and families.

        I pray that she put on a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair. .God will fight the battles for us.

        I pray that she forgive her husband for hurting them and release them to God for Him to minister to them. Bless spouses often too. (Luke6:27-28)

        I pray that she would pray/positive words over self and husbands and families. .including in law and siblings and close friends.

        Personalize 1Cor13:4-7..put own name and loved ones names..

        __ is patient, kind…

        Will uphold you in my prayers.

        Diana – A Mountain Streams Counselor

  29. Kindly pray for me.
    My wife left me 9 years ago. Initially I heard clearly from God that it was devil’s work that I should wait, that He would restore my marriage. I approached all possible means of reconciliation but all to no avail. about 41/2 years ago, I learnt that she was pregnant for another man. i lost all hope and was looking for another wife. But it was hard getting the one I truly love. I vowed I can never take my wife back having given birth for another man.

    But the loneliness I was plunged into was scattering my life. My life is in complete disarray. I am afraid to bring in a woman to my apartment even to share my company because I was afraid I could be tempted and this will bring me down spiritually. I had fallen a victim of touching and kissing a few occasions and this created a big scar in my heart and it took me sometimes before I could be reconciled with the Lord again. So I have been living a very lonely life and this is killing me gradually.

    My wife later summoned me to court for divorce and I was so glad but as the case progressed, she made it known through her lawyer that she wanted reconciliation. I instantly declined. Where are we going to start? What about the children she had for another man. . The thought of her having slept with another men is so excruciating in my heart.

    But then suddenly I had a vision in which God revealed to me that I should take her back. That he wants to use it to prove to Satan that he has no power. I was reluctant to believe the vision. then God reminded me that he had told me that the separation between me and my wife was orchestrated by my own father through a diabolic means( I am from Africa) and the primary aim is to scatter my life, knowing the type of person I am. God made it clear that for me to move forward and achieve anything useful, I must allow HIM to restore my marriage. Then I succumbed to HIM, called my lawyer and informed her to contact my wife’s lawyer to arrange for reconciliation.

    But it is so painful that whenever another man was sleeping with my wife, I will either see it in a night vision or it will be revealed to me in wakefulness. At a point I had to pray that God should stop showing me such visions as it is scattering my spitit. Even recently, such vision was revealed and I have been downcast and unhappy since, more so that I had decided to take her back.

    It is almost a week now that I had contacted my lawyer and my lawyer said she had not heard from the other lawyer.

    Kindly pray for me that the WILL of God be done in all departments of my life and also for the grace to be completely broken and obey every God’s instruction concerning this issue. I also need wisdom and great patience to deal with her because she is highly proud, naive(she only listen to her mother and her siblings) and of high ego and presently working in a very prestigious company with very high salary compared to mine.

    We have two children who stay with her and she hardly allow me to see them.

    Thank you.

    1. Debay, our Prayer Team is now lifting up your situation. I encourage you to read all my posts on Inner Healing, Armor of God, Anxiety, Depression, Discouragement and Fasting and Prayer. You are called to a life of peace. This torment is not of God. Speak the Armor of God exactly as I teach it and do it OUTLOUD with great authority. This must be done daily. The demonic attacks must stop and will as long as you are consistent and determined and loud when you put it on. Standing with you in prayer.

      1. Jackie,
        Thanks so much. I will do as you advised. May God strengthen your ministry and family the more.


    2. I am greatly moved by this man’s love for his wife.

      I pray that God
      binds up Debay’s wounds and
      heals him and
      delivers him from ALL evil and
      makes him whole again..just as God is doing for me.

      I give Him thanks and praise.

      I pray that Debay will pray the Lord’s Prayer daily, aloud, slowly & meditatively.

      Praise and worship God..focus on our Creator God

      I pray that God touches him to forgive wife daily, release her to the Lord to minister to her. Bless her.

      I pray that he daily obeys God for marriage restoration and
      search self and repent and
      live in godliness and holiness (1Tim2:1-4).

      I myself am reminded to think positive thoughts too (Php4:8) and do not think of their misbehavior.

      Pray believing prayers as God says in Mark11:24-25

      May God bless Debay and grant him the desire of his heart as he spends time reading God’s Word daily

      Diana – A Mountain Streams Counselor

      1. Diana,
        I am so grateful for your prayers and advice. May God send comforter to you too in times of need. Thanks so much. I really appreciate.


  30. I’m doing what I can but I am just falling apart. He still wants to be “friends” with her. It cannot be. It is just a temptation for more at best, a cover for continuing activity at worst. Substance abuse is involved. Mental health issues. Death. Cheating. Lots of children. It is disguised as someone who needs his help but has turned him into a shell of himself.

    1. Ann, you and your husband need to be in solid, Christian counseling. There is so much distrust, hurt and turmoil that there are many years of brokenness. I suggest you read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer, Armor of God, Spiritual Warfare and Inner Healing. We will have our prayer team lift up your situation before the Father. Please remember, you are called to a life of peace – this may mean without your husband. God has a divine destiny for your life – with or without him.

      Please take some time to listen to several of the prayers on Youtube by MrPastor77.

      1. This is the first reply I’ve seen from you stating that someone may have to give up on their marriage.

        IT’s not been years. Months, but not years.

        Still praying, though.

  31. Urgent prayer needed.My marriage is falling apart. My wife has seperated from me and a nother man has used withcraft to control her mind and he is trying to make her his wife..i have been praying for her but each time i get a chance to see her she is so tough on me and says she doesnt love me anymore. what shall i do, please pray for her to be set free from blinding of witchcraft and adultery.

    1. Daniel, our Prayer Team is now warfaring for you. I suggest you read all my posts on Armor of God, Spiritual Warfare, Marriage, Fasting and Prayer, Inner Healing and Forgiveness. I suggest you go on a one year fast. You should find one or two faithful men of God who will be able to stand with you during this time. You need a “Word” on your situation. Keep waiting on God until the answer is clear. Then when you receive it write it down and stand on it. Cleanse your house of ALL IMPURITIES. That means ANYTHING that is even remotely sexual, violent or ungodly – this would pertain to all movies, videos, books, magazines. This is warfare. I strongly suggest you get into a spirit filled church that can support you during this difficult time. Blessings.

  32. Adultery is rampant today because of the way the devil has made females to dress and behave. No true christian girl will be wearing tight jeans, mini skirts, fake hair, make up, high heels, and walking in a sexually seductive manner. All lascivious girls will not go to heaven period. I am sick of seduction of the females and stupidity.

  33. Jackie, I am a man and a husband, I have been having another affair with another woman outside my marriage, I have tried all I could as a natural man, through prayers to resist the temptation but I keep finding myself around this same woman and still committing adultery with her anytime we are together, it has really affected me for about 5years of marraige, no issue (children), financially down and carrier wise it had gone down. I have come to realize this and I have since been asking God for forgiveness, I also asked my wife to forgive me, My conscience Judge me, I want you to advice me wisely what next to do to stop all the mess

    1. Mike, I hear sincerity. You need inner healing. There is always a root reason why we sin. You are trying to fill an inner need. Read all my posts on Inner Healing, Fasting and Prayer, Armor of God, Adultery,Spiritual Warfare and Sin. You need to go on a 1 year fast – No Alcohol, No Media,No radio no TV, no movies, no internet, nothing at all that relates to the media.Don’t even get online AT ALL. Not even to read the news. You are in the grip of lust, perversion, deceit and witchcraft. This woman has a demonic hold on you that must be broken. Only through prayer and fasting can this be broken. Get into a good and powerful spirit filled church. Find a pastor who will be your accountability partner. You must tell him all that you have done and every week check in with him. You must meet with a men’s group for bible study and prayer. You must tell them what you are doing and ask for their support. Mike, I think you know unless you change you will spend eternity in hell. Take what I say very seriously. Do NOT delay with my instructions. Time is running out for you.

      1. From Rick a Mountain Streams Prayer Team Member:

        Step out of the path of darkness. It is time to fully let yourself go in complete surrender to Jesus. You cannot doubt and you need all trust HE will intercede. I pray the Spirit lead you out of this darkness and close to the safe haven of your marriage. Praise God for He will do good work in you. Resist temptation through the strength given in the love of Jesus. You are strong in Him so do not succumb. God only has enmity with darkness. Now show your reverence, thank Him, and pray for strength to resist. I will too.

  34. Jackie
    I have been married for almost 5 years. I am a Christian and my husband an unbeliever. He has cheated numerous times and claims that I created the atmosphere for cheating by not being everything he wants and needs from me. We have tried to work it out, I have prayed and prayed for healing and for his salvation. He has now told me that he is divorcing me because I am too comfortable, I do not push myself and I do not do everything he asks of me. We are sleeping in separate bedrooms and he is already seeing someone new and not coming home at night. My mind feels tormented thinking of him with someone else and feeling not good enough. Although I know I have been a good wife. I know God hates divorce but is it his will for my marriage to work? I am not certain if I should pray for restoration.

    1. Michelle, first of all an unbelieving spouse does not have the veil of darkness yet lifted off their eyes. They do not see nor do they understand what you are talking about. You need to let him go. You are called to a life of peace – not frustration and torment. Separate living quarters would be best. You need a place where you can get back to Christ – let Him be the lover of your soul – let Him be your husband. Stop praying for your marriage. Pray to fall back in love with the Lord Jesus. Seek only God. The Word of God tells us to Seek FIRST the kingdom of God and all the things you have need of will be added unto you. Ask God to give you a heart that yearns after Christ. Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer – then go on a one year long fast. If you kids are old enough let them join you. I recommend a sugar and media fast. Clean your house spiritually. Get rid of everything that is even remotely ungodly – even if it’s kids movies. Read all my posts on the Armor of God. Follow the instructions carefully. Finally, after having done all this see what God does. Your marriage may or may not be restored. Not even God will change someone’s heart that chooses sin. You have a Divine Destiny – seek that. What is it? Stop chasing your husband. There is nothing a man dislikes more than a woman who is desperate. Let your husband see that you WILL survive without him. Find your peace once again. blessings.

  35. Hi Jackie and all prayer warriors,

    I am in desperate need of your prayers. My husband wants a divorce and says he doesn’t love me anymore. I have since confessed to God and repented and asked forgiveness from Him. But no matter how many times I ask my husband for his forgiveness he won’t even let me ask and just interrupts and says, “No you’re not”. Jesus Christ has really turned me around and changed me and I have been showing my husband unconditional love but he thinks it’s all a ruse for manipulation. My sins are of someone who has not respected my husband and for him nothing good ever came from our marriage and his mind has now blocked out anything good I had ever done.

    My once loving husband who was so in love with me is now someone who spouts out foul language, says he hates me and doesn’t love me anymore, screams at me, ignores me, uses me for sex, makes me his cleaning slave, wants to take drugs and go out drinking, takes out his female friends and treats them out while he leaves me at home, threatens to commit adultery all with the blessing from his family and friends and their constant urging to divorce me. He has disrespected and yelled at my parents and he mistreats me because I refuse to sign divorce papers. My parents loved him and they couldn’t believe who he is now. My friends can’t fathom this person that we all can’t recognize. In fact he doesn’t pray anymore and doesn’t believe in God and he can’t stand to hear me read the bible and listen to Christian music cause he closes the door to our room and goes to the living room when that happens.

    I know I am dealing with demons who are behind my husband. Please pray for a hedge of thorns and the Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ be upon my husband and that all demons plaguing him will all be sent back to hell and leave him and our marriage alone immediately. And that all ungodly influences will leave him and be replaced by Godly Christian men messengers who bring him to Jesus. And that my husband will be born again and ask Jesus Christ into his heart and be filled only by our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit’s fruits. And that my husband will be a spiritual leader of our family and seek Jesus Christ and thirst for Him always. And that our marriage will not only be restored but be better because Christ is the center of our marriage. Thank you for all your prayers. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!

    1. Rochelle, our Prayer Team is now lifting your situation up before the Father. A few suggestions: Stop chasing this man, he is an adulterer, an abuser and a drug addict, you deserve to be valued. Valued! Valued! Say this right now and all day long out loud – I AM VALUABLE! Next, read all my posts on the Armor of God, Inner Healing, Forgiveness and Spiritual Warfare. Put the Armor on Out Loud each day. Read my posts on having Quiet Time. Let this man go. If it’s God’s will for your marriage to work it will happen, otherwise you are beating a dead horse. There is purpose, joy and peace for you because God has a plan for your life with or WITHOUT him. Standing with you in love.

        1. Rochelle-
          First and foremost, you are beautifully and wonderfully made. You are a lovely child of God and you are first responsible to Him, then yourself. I will pray for you and your husband that God would reveal His perfect will for you. He makes all things good because He is all goodness. Live in each moment and reflect on God’s total love. He will see you through. Keep Him in your focus always. I know He will nurture you and hold you tight. He is a loving God.

          Praying for you – A Mountain Streams Prayer Team Warrior

  36. Hi, I am in desperate need of your prayers. My husband John wants a divorce. He said he doesn’t love me anymore and because I am praying and standing and refusing to sign anything he has yelled at me and my family and saying he will commit adultery just to spite me. I asked for forgiveness for all the wrong I had done and he says he forgave me but he is so bitter and angry and keeps saying I had never done one good thing and now he ignores me and purposely does things to hurt me and has basically made me his cleaning slave at his beck and call. I do it to give unconditional
    Love and to make up for my sins of not giving him the respect he needed. I have since begged the Lord and him for forgiveness and has changed through Jesus Christ but my husband is blinded and thinks this is all a ruse. He used to be a loving husband who adores me and my parents loved him but now they don’t even recognize him. My friends can’t believe the person he turned into either. He has the continued support and urging from his family and friends to divorce me. When I look at him I don’t know who he is. I am certain demons are behind him as he wants to do drugs now and refuses to pray as he did before. In fact he says he doesn’t believe in God anymore and he couldn’t stand when I listened to Christian songs and the spoken word cause he shut the door so he didn’t have to hear it. Please pray for his salvation and that he would accept Jesus Christ into his heart and seek the Lord and thirst for him. And that all ungodly influences will disappear and be replaced with Godly Christian men friends who will bring him to God. And that all demons leave my husband immediately and never return but be replaced with the blood of Jesus Christ and the fruits of the Holy Spirit and that he will be born again with Jesus Christ as his Lord and Saviour in his heart. And that our marriage would not only be restored but be better as it will be Christ-centered always. Thank you all for your prayers. Amen!

  37. Jackie, please pray for my family and my father who has committed adultery. He is not a Christian. Please help me pray for his salvation and his soul.

  38. i ask for prayer for my marraige – I strayed from our marriage four years ago and my husband discovered it. We have been working through it to stay married, but the Devil has a stronghold on my husband who is consumed with resentment, anger, mistrust and hate. Please pray for God to restore our marriage.

  39. Jackie, Please pray for my wife. She has fallen into sin with another man. We have been separated for over 4 months now and she dropped the word “divorce” just a couple days ago. We have 3 beautiful boys and have been married 10 years as of last Oct. I forgive her and have been standing for my marriage. Thank you.

    1. Joel, our prayer team is now standing with you in faith. Read all my posts on The Armor of God. Have an hour of daily quiet time. Confess God’s Word daily, out loud, all day long. God is faithful. Peace friend.

  40. Jackie, please pray that prayer with me. My wife, Jammie is really confused and lost. Please pray for her and our 8 year old son. He’s praying as well for our family. Thank you so much. Standing strong.

  41. Hello my dear Christian brothers and sisters in our Lord, I humble ask you to join me in my constant prayer and in rebuking Satan and all his demons , that has influenced my Godly Christian wife of 29 years who has forced an unwanted divorce after adultry. I refused to sign one thing and unfortunately was drug into the Seattle family courts and after over a year they forced divorce on me and took my marriage and family and children and home. I have been a man of God that follows Christ daily and we have three teenaged children all saved and involved in youth group and my wife and I served for years together as deacons of our church and our marriage was based on biblical principals and we prayed together daily.
    After catching her in an adulterous affair she filed a no-contact order based on me sending her scriptures of how wrong her choices were and asking her to come back . We were in Christian counseling after I caught her and she left it. Now our divorce through the courts is final as of last December 2015, but not through my eyes or Gods. Please pray for reconciliation . I pray daily and hourly and ask you join me. My children are just devastated as I am. Her name is Anna Marie George and we live in West Seattle . Please also pray for a hedge of protection around my children as they are having such a hard time. Kids names are
    Anthony 20, Jacob 18, Elizabeth 14,

    Thank you so much. I am believing for God to put his hedge of thorns around her to block every demonic approach and to block her lovers path and for confusion to detour all the negative influences telling her it’s ok. I pray that her every thought returns to thoughts around Christ and her every desire is to come back to her relationship with God first and then to truly repent and ask for FORGIVNESS and then our marriage and family reconciled .
    Thank you so much
    Micheal George
    Seattle Wash

    1. Michael, our prayer team is now lifting you, your wife and you children up before the Lord. You are a man of Faith and God hears when you cry out to Him. Remember to have daily quiet time, put on the Armor of God (see my posts) and continue to fellowship to encourage your faith. May our Lord Jesus continue to work in your life and situation.

    2. I feel your pain. My husband of 26years also a Godly man has committed adultery and the young girl is now pregnant. We have three daughters and a granddaughter who live with me. Please also remember me in your prayers his name is Kirk and I, Sue am praying daily for restoration.
      God Bless keep strong and do not give up

  42. Jackie,
    I’m seeking some advice here, and was led to your website and I’m glad that I found it, you are a blessing. I’ll keep this as short as I can.
    Let me preface this by saying that I’m not a baby Christian, my family and I have been very involved in a Word of Faith, Bible based church for several years, we are fed well there and know and understand what belongs to us as children of God.
    Now, here is my dilemma. My wife and I have been married for exactly 10 years (as of 2 weeks ago) we have 3 boys at home 11, 5 & 2. We lived a normal, healthy and mostly happy life, or so I thought. About 3 months ago my wife began to shut me out. On valentine’s day when I surprised her with a vacation I had planned for our anniversary she informed me that not only did she not want to go but she wanted a divorce. She simply said she isn’t happy and doesn’t love me, and in fact she never has loved me. After we both met with our pastors separately, they let me know that they see nothing wrong that can’t be fixed and they believe there is someone or something in her head leading her away. I immediately began praying, confessing and speaking the word over my wife, my marriage and my family feverently. I asked her many times, and the pastors asked her if there was someone else in her life and she denied, denied, denied. She filed for divorce one month ago but still has not served me with the papers. My wife is passionately into personal fitness and began going to a new gym, going late at night and not returning home til 10:30-11:00 every night. This raised red flags with me, but once again she constantly denied anything going on. A week ago I finally entered her social media account (she gave me the password a long time ago because we didn’t want to hold secrets from one another, and I don’t have social media) and I found what I had greatly feared. She’s been having an adulterous relationship with a man from the gym she began going to, and has been doing this for over two months. I spent hours reading messages and learned that they go to the gym for a while and then go back to his place for more “activity”. They also have already planned for him to move in our house as soon as I’m out. (We still are living in the same house, but separately). She has gone on a couple of business trips within the past month and I found out he went with her on one of them and they spent the weekend away together. They even spent OUR 10th anniversary night together. When she came home that night I confronted her, asked her about this man by name and she denied again. When I finally told her that I knew what was going on, she still denied it until I had to physically show her and read out loud to her what I was seeing. Then she finally admitted to it but showed no remorse. In the time since then she told me everything negative she could say about me, called me every foul name in the book and totally beat me down as a husband, a father and a human. I was suicidal for about 24 hours until God hit me through the Holy Spirit and told me that if I fight, He has my back. He told me that my wife is not herself, but she has a foul spirit inside her. I held onto that and I have been fighting. That’s how I came across your website of spiritual warfare. I began rebuking Satan and his foul spirits, pleading the Blood of Jesus over my home, my family, and her bed and rebuking adulterous and divorce spirits. Since then, she has been more friendly to me and we have been actually getting along better, so to speak. However, she still says she doesn’t love me and she doesn’t want to reconcile or end her adulterous relationship. She even told me that she knows it’s wrong but she’s willing to answer to the Father when her time comes. Our 11 year old is aware of what is going on, he is spiritually strong and we have been praying and standing together, along with some other believers who I have standing with me. I’m looking for any other advice. Within the past 48 hours, she has been complaining of constant headaches. She didn’t get out of bed at all yesterday and she was complaining again this morning, however she did get up and go to work. I’m believing this may be a sign of the foul spirit being forced out of her body but fighting it? Am I doing all that I can do? Is there any other things I’m missing here? I do admit that in the past few years I did have issues with pornography, not heavily, but nevertheless, and I believe that is mostly what opened the door for this demonic force to come into our lives. So I’m not claiming innocence, but I’m repentant of that and I know I’m forgiven, as is she. I know God is for me and my family. He doesn’t want my family devastated, and I could not physically accept it if we did our young children love us both and are innocent. I’m fighting for my life and the life of my children right now and if there is any advice you can give it would be greatly appreciated. God Bless You.

    1. Good Morning Chase, our prayer team is now lifting you up. Know that you are deeply loved by your heavenly Father and He knows all that you are going through. Our Mountain Streams Counselor will be responding to your questions shortly. Peace be unto you.

    2. Chase, here is an excellent daily prayer to claim over your spouse:


      “I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear Me and that all will then go well for them and for their children after them.”


      Father God, pls give us,

      __(husband’s name) &
      __(wife’s name)

      singleness of heart and action,

      so that we will always fear You, Lord and

      that all will then go well for us and

      for our children (name them)

      after us.

      Thank You Father, we believe it is done by You.

      In Jesus’ name amen

      Thank You Jesus
      Thank You Holy Spirit

    3. Another strong prayer from Hosea – who went through want you are dealing with. I encourage you to read this small book and ask the Holy Spirit to speak as you read.

      Lord, help __ seek You while You may be found;

      call on You while You are near.

      Let __ forsake __’s wicked ways and unrighteous thoughts.

      Let __ turn to You, Lord, and You will have mercy on __ , and

      (turn) to You, our God, for You will freely pardon.

      (Based on Isa 55:6-7)

      Amen in Jesus’ name

      Let’s pray esp if we are awake at midnight, that God protects and blesses all marriages and let no one separate the married couples.

    4. Beloved, you are right….God is for you and for your family. After all, He sent His Son to rescue us.
      There is no power stronger than the power of our God. Jesus came to set us free and He accomplished His purpose. Rest in that. No demonic force is stronger than our God!

      It is evident that your wife has been deceived and is currently blinded by those deceiving spirits. You must grasp that your battle is not against flesh and blood. Ephesians 6:12-18 states:

      12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

      13 Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

      14 Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness;

      15 And your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

      16 Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked.

      17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God:

      18 Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, and watching thereunto with all perseverance and supplication for all saints;

      Study and meditate on this passage until the Holy Spirit brings understanding to you.

      From Ephesians 5 learn to wash your wife with the water of the Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you how to do this. Then do it in love.

      Refrain from engaging your wife in a verbal battle. Turn your attention to warring in the Spirit.

      The bible also speaks of silly women who are taken captive. You will find this in 2Timothy 3. I believe that teaching will help you understand what is happening to your wife. The Word does not say this but I believe that silly women are often women who have sought to fill unmet emotional needs in ungodly ways. Ask the Holy Spirit show you the issues and how to pray.

      I also sense that you need to be very careful in relying on your son to pray with you. He is a child. I not sure that he is equipped to handle these issues. He us very young to be exposed to such things concerning his mother.

      Stay close to Jesus. Allow His Spirit to show you the way through this. Jesus is the way. Stay focused on Him.

      My prayers are with you.

      Judy Johnson- a Mountain Streams Counsellor

  43. My wife is being sexually harassed by demons, has delusional thinking and she’s and told me that she wants a divorce. She has told me that having marital sex opens her up for these demonic attacks and she would rather not have sex.
    What’s worse is she said she finally figured out why she’s having these attacks: Because “god” has revealed to her that what she’s experiencing is a “thorn in the flesh” that He’s given her. She believes God is calling her to leave behind her marriage so she can serve Him wholeheartedly. I told her God would not afflict someone sexually and it should be obvious that this is the work of the devil. She said of course it’s satan causing the sexual affliction, but God is allowing it, so it must be God’s will otherwise, He’d stop it! I can’t reason with her!
    Also, what is really scary to me is the attitude of my Christian counselor:
    He said she’s allowing the devil to do this by opening a door for it and nothing can be done about that. I asked, “won’t my prayers stop this if I keep standing in faith” and he said “NO”. He said God won’t violate her free will, she’s got to come around on her own. He said my prayers aren’t going to stop this! If that’s true, what hope do I have?
    Can I expect my prayers to break this? If so, I need to know and help her before it’s too late!
    I need to accept the truth, but I want to believe in a God who does miracles, not a God who says I can’t help you because she’s exercising her free will and it’s blocking healing and deliverance! I hope I don’t have a wrong attitude. Please let me know what you think.

    1. Ken, peace be unto you. Take a deep breath, right now. Know that God is in control. First of all no situation is too big for God – regardless of what people say. This situation looks like your wife may have allowed in some demonic activity, possibly through horror movies, sexual movies, porn, wrong friends, etc. What could it be? Ask the Lord to show you. Then do as Job did and come into repentance for your wife. You are still her spiritual covering. She is spiritually deceived. She will eventually have to come into complete repentance of her actions but for now you can begin to make intercession and repentance for her. You are in a very big spiritual battle. This is when we must use all the weapons that God has given us. First, go on a one year media fast (read all my teachings on Fasting and Prayer). Understand that it is time for Spiritual Warfare – this is different than prayer. Spiritual Warfare is actively and aggressively using the spiritual tools God gives us to fight Satan and his demons. You must be putting on the Armor of God out loud on a daily basis. Read all my posts on Armor of God. Read and study the list of Spiritual Tools https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2013/07/13/list-of-all-spiritual-tools-to-fight-satan-his-demons/ – you will need all of these to combat Satan.

      Understand that God hates divorce. Satan loves divorce. You now need a faithful prayer team of at least 2 or 3 men that can stand with you and begin to warfare with you in your situation. Call them each and every time you are struggling. Begin to pray over the phone. Pray in each others home. Next, take back Ownership over Your Home https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/tag/taking-ownership-over-relationships/ Satan has gained a foothold in your home and you are now going to cast him out! You are a mighty man of God – don’t allow these demons to intimidate, harass or torment you. Christ said “I have given you SUPER HUMAN ability to tread upon serpents and scorpions and over all the evil workings of the enemy and NOTHING shall injure you!” Ken, use your authority in Chirst to take back your marriage, home, finances, and family! Use that supernatural power Christ had given you. Speak the power of God OUT LOUD all day long. Speak His powerful Word OUTLOUD all day long. Lay hands on your wife’s pillow and side of the bed and command all demons to leave her. Do this daily until the attacks stop. Cover your home and all that you have under the powerful blood of Christ.

      Demons have no right to be in your HOME! Don’t allow this any longer! Read all my posts on Spiritual Warfare. Begin to activate all that mighty God given power that Christ has ordained for you. Don’t listen to any counselors that don’t line up with the Word of God – regardless of who they are, even if it’s your pastor, everything must come under the power and authority of God’s Word. Remember, prayers is not NOT spiritual warfare. They are different. Christ came and broke the powers of Satan and handed us the tools to fight him. It is our responsibility to warfare for what Christ has already won. We are all standing with you in prayer. Please keep us posted.

      1. Jackie,

        Thank you for the response. I really appreciate your words of encouragement. They came at the right time. I’ve been putting on the armor, praying over my wife and home. She is showing no signs of improvement that I can see. She’s working hard at trying to find a place so she can get away from me. She keeps telling me that she never loved me and even though I’m SURE that is NOT true, the enemy is trying very hard to get me to accept that lie. I believe he wants me to agree with her, give up and let her go so that he can destroy her once she’s out on her own. I’m conducting an intervention on Sunday 4.10.16 with family and friends and we’re going to confront her in love. Please pray that we can get through to her. She shows signs of schizohrenia and has been diagnosed as psychotic with delusional tendencies. Maybe medicine would help, but she wont take it and I also realize the devil is behind this and I will continue taking authority over him. Please continue to pray, things are coming to a head!

  44. Dear Jackie,

    My husband of ten years and 3 children, cheated on me witrh two women and the second affair resulted in a child who is now two years old. He has come bak home, but he is still communicating with his two ‘mistresses” (i call them cankerworms) and still helping them with their requests. He is sweeping everything under the rug – and the bitterness is already festering. Please pray for me and him

    1. Sekay,
      I will be in prayer for you and your husband. If you have not gotten Christian counseling, I encourage you to do so as quickly as possible. From Judith – a Mountain Streams Counselor

  45. Fabiola just put your trust in God and know that everyone is praying for you. I have a pastor husband who is running around with singles in church. Do you know the embarrassment I am in? I keep on praying that God will lift the veil in his eyes m lust has taken over his mind and he sleeps with all loose women in our church whether married or single . This is becoming too much strain on me am losing hope but I know if I surrender him to his Maker all will be well. Pray with me because this man has spiritual gifts but with this adultery behavior our ministry is going down. Pray for him please his name is pastor Ally. I am praying too that God corrects my life and changes me too.

  46. I am fighting such a battle at the moment for my marriage.My husband who decided 4 months ago to leave and have an affair is convinced that this marriage is not what he wants and he is now taken captive by this other woman whom he even took home to meet his family.
    Everyone is repulsed and sickened by his actions except him ,his mother and the other women .He flaunts this affair like he is not married and looks at me as the enemy in his life.
    I have been praying deliverance prayers alongside with a prayer partner for months and am being reduced to skin and bones because of this heartbreak and his infidelity.
    It’s like the man who loved me more than anything suddenly disappeared and this imposter who is callous,cruel has taken over.
    I really need help in praying deliverance for him as sometimes I feel my strength is sapped.
    My whole life has been turned upside down and the other woman has come in and taken over my husband ,our business and my role as a wife.
    Your help would be much appreciated at this time.

    1. I pray that God sends Godly people who is compassionate and be with Mary.

      She needs to offload ..I had a few friends who listened and prayed over me..even on the phone.

      Must pray for the right friends who are not judgemental. When we are so broken we don’t need people who are critical..I move away from them.

      At this stage of my life I found out painfully who are my true friends.

      Good to join cell group and good Bible Studies group like BSF.. I shared with 2 leaders and that’s enough.

      I cried out to God for 3 years.. I am much healed now tho I still feel down sometimes.

      God hears our cries for mercy.. I repent of my part..my carelessness. Search myself. .Ps 51.

      I sing praises often now. I pray that Mary sing praises too.

      One man’s wife returned and he said he praises God often.

      Yes. . Will pray for her to come out of despair.

      May God comfort Mary

      as in Isa 61.3

      .. and provide for those who grieve in Zion—

      to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes,

      the oil of joy instead of mourning, and

      a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.

      They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.

      Amen -Diana, a Mountain Streams Prayer Warrior

      1. Thank you Diana for you wisdom and comforting words.The hope I have is in God alone.All will be restored’
        Our God is a God of miracles !God bless !!

    2. Mary, I am standing with you for deliverance for your husband and restoration for your marriage. In Isaiah 61 and Mark 4 the Word tells us that Jesus came to set the captive free and to heal the broken hearted.

      As you put on the armor of God and proclaim freedom for your husband, you are joining with Jesus in His ministry. You are weak now. Let Jesus strengthen you by spending time with Him. Rest in Him and hide yourself in His armor. Focus on Him and He will restore your heart. You can not win this battle in your own strength. Take your eyes off your circumstances and know that this battle has been won by Jesus Himself.

      Pray that your husbands eyes will be opened and his heart turned to God. Let God work out the details. He is for you and for your family.

      Satan wants to destroy you. He can not do that, if you will hide your self in God and trust Him to fight this battle for you. Release all anxiety, fear, anger and sorrow to Him as you spend time in His presence. Let yourself rest so you can continue to stand firm.

      “In quietness and trust is your strength.” Isaiah 30:15

      In Him,
      Judy-a Mountain Streams Counsellor

      1. Thank you judy ..I must focus solemnly on Jesus ,I know this.Sometimes I put my eyes on the circumstances and get discouraged.God helps me quickly to shift my focus back to him.
        I see my husband waver too..One minute his says one thing ,then changes it the next.
        I will wait and let God fight this battle for me.I have seen the victory in my dreams twice so I know it’s coming.
        Thank you for standing with me judy and helping me with you prayers.
        God bless!!

    3. Mary, thank God for dreams! He has given you a picture to encourage and build your faith. I know this is a hard time for you. The Lord will not fail you. His love will meet your needs. Be sure you are wearing the Armor of God every day. You will know you are hidden in Him. Then, as you stand against the enemy using that Prayer to Pull Down the Demonic Strong Hold of Adultery, you are protected. I pray you have peace in the midst of this battle. As you submit to God and resist the devil. He must flee! Keep looking at those dreams.

      Our God does not fail us.
      Judy- A Mountain Streams Counsellor

  47. Dear Jackie

    Thank you for these prayers, they are powerful. I have been praying for 3 years now for my marriage, there has financial, physical, verbal and mental abuse in the marriage. I know there are demons behind it, which have even approached me in dreams challenging me, saying that are you the one who thinks you can pray, he is ours. My husband has now filed for divorce, I continue travailing in fasting and prayer. Please add me to your prayer list.

  48. My dear wife after living with me for 20 years suddenly became aggressive, verbally abusive and left home. she recently joined women empowerment programme. She deeply offended me to such an extent that I felt I am not worth anything. we have two daughters aged 7 & 9. My daughters are crying because she is applying for divorce.

    She tells my chdren that I am dead. She refuses to listen to church elders or beleivers. She is out of control.

    Please pray for my family as I really dont want her to do anything in her impulse that will affect my dear children as well… She was a beleiver in the Lord before joining this women empowerment programme. I have started praying exactly as per your teaching.

    I am in intense emotional pain.


    1. Patriarch, Do not think that you are dealing with your wife, you are not, you are dealing with a demon that has been set out to destroy your marriage. Remember Paul tells us in Ephesians 6 that “You are not fighting a person made of flesh and bones, no, you are fighting demons which you cannot see….. therefore, since you have an invisible enemy you must use supernatural weapons that are not of this world, so put on The Armor of God. Stop trying to reason with this woman. Keep clear boundaries. Don’t allow any hateful words to come from her mouth, if they do you can say “I now rebuke these lies that are coming out of your mouth in Jesus name. Don’t ever speak to me in that tone of voice of again. I will not allow you to verbally abuse me ever again. I am a man of God. Your actions are unacceptable.”

      I am going to give you a plan to follow to begin to warfare for your wife.

      . Put on the Armor of God out loud each morning. Read all my posts on this.
      . Begin a one year long fast. Your daughters can join in on this as well. Read all my posts on Fasting and Praying.
      . Read all my posts on Spiritual Warfare.
      . Purchase the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend. This will help strengthen your boundaries.
      . Read Power Verses that will Transform You https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2012/05/01/power-verses-that-will-strengthen-you/ Read them outloud daily. Memorize them.
      . Begin memorizing the Word of God on a daily basis. Memorize verses that will help you have peace, power and strength.
      . Read 30 Positive Sayings that will Transform you. https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2011/09/17/25-positive-sayings-that-will-change-your-life/ Say them OUT LOUD several times on a daily basis.
      . Read all my teachings on the Balm of Gilead. You need inner healing. She has wounded you. Satan has wounded you through her. Get complete healing. This is only possible through the healing power of Christ.
      . Know that our prayer team is praying for you and standing with you in faith and concern.
      . Let us agree to keep praying God will send loving Christian women to your wife that she might come back to Christ.
      . Have daily quiet time. Read all my posts on this. This will help you keep your sanity during this difficult time.

      Please stay in touch and let us know how things are progressing. You are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father. peace.

      1. Thank you for taking time to pray for this stranger. May God reward you abundantly.just a quick question Can I havw water only fast till I get my wife back/

        1. Patriarch,

          Ezek 36:25-27.niv
          I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you will be clean;
          I will cleanse you from all your impurities and from all your idols.

          I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you;
          I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh.

          And I will put My Spirit in you and
          move you to follow My decrees and
          be careful to keep My laws.


          Prayer of repentance :

          Have mercy upon __ and me, O God, according to Your lovingkindness;

          According to the multitude of Your tender mercies,

          Blot out our transgressions.

          Wash __ and me thoroughly from our iniquity,

          And cleanse __ and me from our sins.

          (Ps 51:1-2)

      2. Patriarch, be led of the Holy Spirit. Sometimes a media fast can be more powerful than a food fast, use wisdom. If you are working then you need your energy. A sugar fast is also very powerful. Pray about it and be led of the Holy Spirit. blessings.

      3. Plz pray for me theres a man who is going out with my wife am telling u it’s painful cos my wife seems to be a willing player in all this. We have 3 children we have been married for 15 years. My children are in great pain as am. Right now she is not home she has been a away for 8 days. Please my name is Nicholas.

        1. Praying God’s covering over you. Nicholas. The mystery of His will is only revealed through faith and a renewed focus in Him. Do no give up but lift your wife to the Lord in prayer. He hears your prayer and loves you.
          Rick – A Mountain Streams Prayer Team Member

  49. We got married 1992 I believe wife been unfaithful to me ever since and we’re still married myself because of me being mad took revenge and also committed adultery we know better than each other but I am tired committing adultery but out of the marriage she’s been doing that 97% of our marriage one give me a good answer no traffic at this very moment what would Jesus do hear my prayer because I’m insane I’ve been indulging myself in drugs not to feel the pain I know I need the Lord in my life that would Jesus do hear my prayer

    1. Will pray that God have mercy on Rick.. it pains me to know that he’s suffering so much due to his wife’s infidelity.

      I pray that God surrounds them with Godly friends to lead them back to Jesus.

      What he is gg thru is worse than mine.. I hv surrendered my marriage of 43years to God.

      I will pray that he offers up all the hurts and injustices to the Lord.. cry to God for mercy. Pray that he stays close to the Lord.. read the Psalms daily..

      We have to forgive our wayward spouses 24/7..& bless them daily.

      Father God, have mercy on this couple and rescue both of them from the devil’s trap. Send your warrior angels to battle with the demonic spirits of adultery, sexual immorality, seduction, fornication,
      lust of the flesh, lust of the world and drive them away like chaff before the wind (Ps 35:5)

      Amen in Jesus’ name

    2. Rick, please read this prayer out loud:

      Jesus help me. I am lost. Come and rescue me. Forgive my sin and save me. Fill me with your Holy Spirit. Deliver me from the power of Satan. Heal my heart.

      Rick, Jesus will help you. He will save you. He will deliver you. He will heal your heart. Trust Him to help you. Ask Him to lead you to some one that will stand with you and walk with you through this time. He will do that.
      Rick, I am praying for you, in the mighty name of Jesus.

      Father, Rick needs you. He is crying out to you. Let him feel your love. Let him know your forgiveness and your peace. Thank you for receiving him. Thank you for saving him. Thank you for healing his heart. Thank you for delivering him from the enemy. Thank you for filling him with your Holy Spirit. Thank you for leading and guiding him. May he be changed now by your mighty power.

      Rick, Jesus has heard our prayers. He has saved you and filled you with His Holy Spirit. You are set free by the blood of Jesus. Learn how to walk in that freedom. God will guide you.

      We will continue to pray for you.

      Judy-a Mountain Streams Counselor

  50. My husband has been gone for almost a month now, with no plans to return. There is no adultery, but he is thinking & planning for divorce. He wont pray for our marriage or anything. We have been married for 5 years & it hasnt always been good. Our last argument got really bad & for that reason he feels that there is no hope for us. I know that the devil has a strong hold on him & has used him a lot in our marriage, as he is weaker spiritually than I am. I am asking for prayers that the spirit of divorce be removed from my marriage & from my husband’s heart & mind, and that our marriage is fully restored to what God desires in His Will. I get very discouraged everyday because my husband’s feelings toward divorce are so strong. He doesnt see any hope or believe that things will ever change. But I know that God can do the impossible. Please pray for me, my husband, & our marriage.

    Thank you.

  51. First of all i come in agreement with all the people that left comments to restore thier marriages .i pray for all of you.also please pray for my marriage 3 weeks ago i found out my husband was having a afair .he denied it .but i told him to leave the very same day he ran off with her .i was devistated i still am .he has a bad spirit watches porn he jokes about going to massage parlors .then says no he didnt go .but i know in my hart he did. Now hes with her the first few days he called me sayin he made a mistake .after a week he stoped calling .iv ben to hell and back for this man for 5 yrs i was thier for him when he needed .this woman got on the phone with me and sayed she is going to do black magic on me .i rebuke her in jesus name.he now loves this woman .and i dont know what to do i love him i want him back please help me pray to restore and rubuke the evil spirit in my husband david.

  52. My marriage is not upto 4months now and I’m with a child. But my husband finds it hard to stay away from his numerous girlfriends. Series of times he gets phone calls n wen I’m around he doesn’t pick dem, wen I’m not he picks dem. He goes to d shower wth his phone, wen together he faces d phone face down. With my condition I’m really not happy dat his doing ds to me. A day he got a call to see one of dem, which I heard, some minutes later I started having preterm pains in my lower abdomen which I told him. He spent few minutes wth me and left to see ds lady he got a call from. Pls join me in praying for him, I don’t want to loose my husband cos I love him so much and it hurts me dat his having an affair. I’m full of shame cos I can’t talk to anyone abt it, don’t even knw what to do even with my condition.

    1. Juliet, You have so much going on in your life. But it is not too much for God. He will help you. Turn to Him and ask for His help. God loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to save you.

      The bible tells us that Those who hopefully wait for God will not be put to shame.

      Place your hope and trust in the Lord. Ask Him to lead you to someone who is a mature Christian that can help you. Do not let a feeling of shame keep you from getting the help you need. There is much you can do in prayer but first be certain that your heart is right with God and that you Jesus is Lord of your life.

      Read the teachings and prayers on this website. These will help you.

      I am praying for you, your husband and your baby. God will not fail you as you trust Him to help you.

      In Love,
      Judy-a Mountain Streams Counsellor

    2. I have prayed for your marriage.Because you are the wife,God will honor your petition for your marriage.Adultry is demonic.The spirit of lust,immorality and greed is the cause. I know what you are going through.Remember when something is demonic you are not dealing wuth flesh and blood.You are actually going through a spiritual battle.You must seek God the father Of Abraham,Isaac and Jacob, the Master who created the universe and everything in it. Spiritual warfare requires spiritual weapons.Adonai’s word is your weapon.Continue to comfess your sin to God the Father in Heaven.Petition God only after you have confessed.Tell him what you are going through.Pray that He renews and strengthens your marrital covenant.Ask Him to guide you and give you knowledge.Seek Him durring this time because Satan wants you to focus on the problem so you will be weak and butter.If you can not forgive your husband you will eventually hate him for his actions of betrayal.But as his wife, You have a right to pray for your marriage that is in your favor.Men do not even think about sex the way wimen do.The other women are saying things to your husband thatmake him feel good about himself.By stroking his ego, they have managdd to work on him.This is a doorway to sin for him.But he is nlund and cant see.You cant fight what you sont see. praises be to the God if Abraham for hearing your petition and beginning the work of tefreshing your love and marriage. Remember it is not your husband,but rather evil forces trying to destroy your family.

  53. My husband has been very distance towards me I often found him frowning at me when he thinks I was not looking he is a good looking man and his 3 baby mother’s are always calling him or texting him on Facebook .I ask him was he cheating. But he said no just recently he sent me a text that he thought was going to another women.. So now he they live together.. Please pray with me to remove the strong hold… Mitchell is his name. Amen God bless I want this to be one of my greatest testimony. To help some one else..restore…

  54. I am not sure what I written went thru,I don,nt seee it,please keep me and Jesus leadings in prayers thru HOLYghost leaden,ty sooooooo much

  55. my husband of 9 and a half years left me on my birthday in september and also 4 days before our anniversary. He is possessed with demons that i can no longer help him with. His boss is an atheist and i believe he has a tremendous influence on him. I recently found out that is has a porn addiction and gambling problems along with truly screwed up views on love marriage everything. I have tried and tried harder on fixing this but only anger is what comes out now which is not what i want to show my three girls. He has no respect for women me or his children. as he views porn on the family computer which my oldest daughter of 10 years unfortunately has seen. He disgusts me and I have filed for divorce nothing is getting through to him and i can’t stay in a truly un god like marriage.iri

    1. You are brave and wise to take care of yourself and your children. Trust the Lord to lead and guide you. He will provide. I understand your anger. You have been deeply hurt and rejected. Take your feelings to the Lord. Let Him love on you. His love will bring healing to you.

      Your anger has helped you do something very difficult to do but do not let that anger cause you to sin by becoming bitter. That anger and bitterness will destroy you.

      I pray that you have some mature Christians to help you through this. Let the Lord deal with your husband. You have seen that you can not change him. Once you and your children are removed from the circumstances and you have some peace, you can stand in the gap for your husband as the Lord leads.

      Your answer to all this is the Lord Himself. Seek Him and you will be amazed at what He does. You will find much information to help you on the Mountain Streams website.

      I am praying for you,
      Judy – a Mountain Streams Counselor

  56. Hello My Name Is Walter, my wife left me about 2 months ago we been trying to work on are marriage for several months i believe she try for a little to rescue are marriage, we did go to consoling but some how i always felt her very cold like she never want it to be there she never wanted me to touch her and always wanted me to stay away, i started to see sings that she might of been talking or seeing someone i asked her many times but she always deny it, we separated 2 months ago, just about 2 weeks or so ago i found that she has been talking to someone that there is another man in her life and now i understand why she would act the way she always did one day she will love me another she wanted nothing to do with me, she is the most wonderful person i ever know everyone sees her very different she has change so much i don’t even recognize my wife she’s not taking good care of my daughter by not paying so much attention to them as much and thats not like her please pray for her help me pray that god can save are marriage please her name is Vanessa

  57. My husband of 18 years recently filed divorce saying that we have been separated for 1 year. He changed the locks on our home and refused to give me a key. I am not sure if he is in an affair, but do know that our son (from a previous relationship that my husband was in prior to us) was shot and killed on Nov. 1. After the funeral is when he started to quickly want a divorce although we have both angrily said that we wanted out before. Our children are hurt by this and I am too. He will not talk to me most days and has said that I am the reason his son is not alive on earth. I have heard that my husband is grieving and I ask that prayer goes forth for him. That God will manifest Proverbs 21 in his life. Also that when he returns I show forgiveness and love.

    1. Beloved, I know that you are deeply hurt and confused. Place your focus on Jesus. Present yourself to the Holy Spirit and ask Him to fill the eyes of your heart with revelation knowledge. Listen to your heart and write down what you hear or see. You are loved more than you can imagine. The Lord will talk with you. Write it down so you will not forget and do not doubt what you hear. Do not be afraid. When you present yourself to the Holy Spirit you are protected by the blood of Jesus. The Lord wants to spend time with you. Allow Jesus to minister His love and peace to you. Then you will be able to walk through this situation in victory. You can stand in the gap for your husband by taking authority over the Spirit of Adultery that has blinded him. Remain focused on Jesus and His love for you. Be grounded in His love so your emotional needs are met. God will lead you through this trial. Rest in him and allow Him to work. Take the whole Armor of God and stand for the restoration of your husband and your marriage. This will clear the way for God to turn your husbands heart to Himself. (Proverbs 21)
      Please read the posts on Adultery and Spiritual Warfare for more insight and specific prayers.

      Take courage and be strengthened by the Lord. He will never leave you nor forsake you. Trust Him.

  58. Please pray for us. My husband of 21 years is having an affair with a teacher in his building, he is the principal. Besides being fired, he is ignoring our 2 precious daughters. He will not talk to me other than say I love you only as their mother and wait a few months and I will see what I want. My family is in turmoil- limbo. I can’t live in this uncertainty with children. He’s been gambling and not paying the bills. PLEASE I ask, beg for God’s mercy on our family and His wisdom and strength to fight for my husband. I pray day and night that he see the love of Jesus Christ and the importance of family. I ask for your prayers.

    1. Molly, your husband has an additive personality. Most times in these situations a person won’t change unless they are in good Christian counseling because they are so blind as to their sins. His lack of responsibility tells us that he is only thinking of himself. A person like this often has to hit rock bottom to see the truth. Be sure not to “chase” him. He is in deep sin and needs to feel it. Don’t beg or plead with him, just act very composed in his presence. NO matter what Christ is with you thus you need not fear regardless of the outcome. Your provision is from GOD not your husband. Standing with you in prayer and faith.

  59. My husband has decided to leave our marriage three months ago and is having an affair with another woman.Please pray for restoration of my marriage as I know it is a demonic attack on both of us as I have seen this in dreams many times.He says that he loves me more than anything .Help him escape this web of lies he is in.Thank you

  60. My Wife and I have been married for 53 year when I retired I stared finding out that she was cheating on me all this time with a lot of men long time affairs and don’t know what do we been fighting everyday since I frond out, she deny everything but she is Lieing is there need hope for us I really Hurt inside sick or please pray for us.

    1. Max, her sin has been found out. She either wants to get help and the both of you go to Christian counseling or she needs to leave. Letting her go may be the best wake up call she has ever had. She has deep seated problems that need inner-healing. Find a spirit-filled counselor for yourself if she won’t go. We pray reconciliation in Jesus name. Don’t chase her. Don’t beg or plead. Hold your head up and show tough love. You are going to have to tell her this is going to stop or she must leave. Stick to your guns, don’t compromise. She needs the fear of God in her. Standing with you in faith.

  61. I’ve shared my story if my husband leaving me for the woman he was having an affair with. I now want to share that he has come home. We are supposed to start marital counseling after the new year. My husband Brian is struggling because he was convinced that he loved the other woman. Thank you for praying with me. Please continue to stand with me for my husband & our marriage to be restored. I envision us getting baptised together as a symbol of commitment back to each other & to God. I just hope Brian will fight urges to abandon me again.

    1. Praise God Stacy! this is what we love to hear! Keep fighting vigilantly and continue to use all the spiritual tools on this site – Armor or God, Quiet Time, Prayer and Fasting, etc. We continue to stand with you for God to finish what He started. Be sure you have your husband break the soul ties (see my post) – this is critical for him to forget her. Blessings.

  62. Please keep my wife veronica in prayer she wants divorce and we are now seperated we have a 11 month daughter together and she knows God but is choosing to go back to the world and trying to forget about me I’m praying for her and for my family that I don’t want broken also keep me in prayer for temptation and do be patient on God’s timing

  63. My wife left on 12/20 to be with her boyfriend. She left me and our three kids for him. I’ve been praying and fasting for her to come home and forget him forever, I believe in the power of prayer and I believe that the more who say a prayer the stronger the prayers will be. I thank God and you for showing a path for me and to show that there is a glimmer of hope.

  64. This is Dave. I have written to you several times. This Christmas is the 2 year anniversary of my wife asking for a divorce. As of now she has not even filed for divorce even though she has left and had two affairs. In September my pastor and I signed a contact based on Gods word In Hosea that the holy spirit would work on my wife’s heart and hedge her in and deal with her heart turning up the heat, leading to repentance, and that she would make a decision one way or the other and that the deadline for this contact was Christmas, that after Christmas my marital obligation to her would be ended and at that point i will file for divorce. She had started communicating more with me, but then began to withdraw again. Just yesterday my pastor shared with Me that he had a dream about my wife, that God was dealing with her heart, but she was stubbornly resisting calling me. She actually did call me once last week asking me to come over to check on an injury my son received in wrestling practice. In any event, it is three days until Christmas and I am in agony. Please pray, I am in desperate need of help.

    1. Dave, peace be unto you. God isn’t surprised by any of this. He knows what is happening. Stop praying. Just start praising. I encourage you to purchase the book Prison to Praise – it will help you to rest and let praise carry you to where God wants you to be. Blessings.

  65. Dear Jackie,
    Please pray for me, my husband has filed for a divorce. Our trial begins in two weeks, first week in January. I have been a faithful wife but nagged at my husband for cheating. He says that he no longer wants our marriage because I seek advise from persons. I love my husband with all my heart and don’t want a divorce… I come against that wicked spirit of divorce.. Please pray for me and our marriage. thanks

  66. My wife of 9 years moved out of our house in August, blindsiding me, saying she felt controlled and suffocated. Throughout our marriage, she told me I am better than she deserves, that she would never leave me, that I am perfect for her. After moving out into her own apartment, she had an affair. I don’t know if the affair is still ongoing or not since we don’t communicate. We talk or text maybe once a week. My wife was molested when she was a young girl by an uncle, and she was recently sexually assaulted by her cousin when they were both drunk. She became a Christian a couple of years before we were married. Throughout our marriage she never drank, smoke, cussed or missed church. Now she is drinking, smoking, cussing, not going to church and has completely changed her views on scripture. She says she feels more genuine. We have been seeing a secular counselor about once a month, but she does not do what they recommend. She refuses to see a pastor for counseling. I have told my wife I forgive her adultery and have spoken to multiple pastors and counselors for advice, including things I could do better as a husband/spiritual leader. I am currently in a period of 40 days of fervent prayer and some fasting. I pray continually throughout the day, rebuke demons and ask God to see improvement in my wife or to encourage me by letting me know I’m on the right path, yet the situation only grows worse. The most recent pastor I spoke said it would take a miracle for my wife to return, and that I should set an ultimatum for her to return by a certain date or that I would have to move on. I have peace either way, but I am beyond frustrated and discouraged. God hates divorce. I don’t want one, but all evidence suggests God is leading me to do something he hates.

    1. Chris, peace be unto you. You are called to a life a peace – with or without your wife. You have done all that you can, now rest in that. Read all my posts on The Armor of God, Quiet Time will Change You, Light a Candle and all other teachings that appear relevant. Each morning or evening spend at least one to two hours in quiet time – no praying, reading or praising, just sitting and waiting on God. Let God minister to you. You can’t make this marriage happen. Stop the warfare. Find rest for your soul. You serve Jehovah Nissi – the one who goes to battle for you. Stop praying, just begin to praise Him regardless of the outcome. Read the book Prison to Praise by Merlin Carothers. This will empower you and bring you peace.

  67. Please pray for us. My husband left me and our 2 beautiful children (1yr/5yr) because of another woman. I am standing for the restoration of our marriage. I pray daily the word of God and will commit a regular fast. I also pray for all prodigals to come to their senses and to come back to their waiting spouses. Let us pray with all our hearts for our prodigals. Thank you for your prayers. -Standing in the Philippines

  68. I wrote to you over a year ago in October of 2014. My wife of 19 years had left me and had started an adulterous affair and seeking divorce. She eventually ended that affair but still insists she wants a divorce even though she has not filled for it. It has between almost 2 years since she initially told me she wanted a divorce (Christmas day 2013). She has started to open up a little more to me in November, but then declined my invitation to Thanksgiving dinner; she since has withdrawn again. In addition I am about to lose my home to foreclosure because she won’t sign the loan modification (it needs both our signatures). I have prayed and stood and prayed the best that I know how, I have made my share of mistakes, but I am tired, worn out, and riddled with anxiety. I have even had those who I thought were friends turn away from me because I continue to struggle greatly emotionally with this and was not able to just “get over it.” I am ready to give up and file for divorce myself. I am at my end. I want to save my marriage, but I need to move forward with my life. Please pray for us.

    1. Peace Dave, you have been through so much. I encourage you to stop praying, stop fearing and stop stressing. God knows what’s going on. “Be still and know that He is God.” Find your peace again. If this marriage is supposed to work it will happen. This is bigger than you. Start spending an hour a day in quiet time – no praying or bible reading, just sitting in God’s presence. Let Him minister His love and peace to you. If she wants to file for divorce don’t try to stop her. You need your peace above all. Let God unravel the mess. Come back to the lover of your soul. That’s your priority now. Standing with you in faith.

  69. 7 years ago, the Lord placed this girl in my life. This girl thought life was a punishment because she was sexually assaulted by her brother. This girl came to my life unexpected. We began a relationship, but i made clear my beliefs, she agreed. As time passed i talked her about the Lord, his word and how good he is. As the relationship grew, she decided to give it a try. I invited her to my church, immediately the Lord touched her heart. She had so many wonderful experiences with God. Our love for each other grew intensely, it was like a reflection of her love for God was rewarded by her earthly love towards me. We were so happy with each other, we even were told at the altar by an invited preacher, that we would marry each other. I dedicated this relationship to the Lord. However as time passed, our relationship with God deteriorated, (and so did our relationship -we grew apart from each other- and we were hit by temptation) we cheated each other. We had planned to get married this next year. However, she got unintentionally pregnant by a person whom she barely knows. She fully regrets it, of course i was devastated. As far as i know, she is confused with regards of who she truly loves. I personally believed this girl was placed in my life to be my wife as a gift from God. I do forgive her, she does forgives me, we wanted to be with each other. God has a purpose with us. However, i feel like i should give up on this relationship, but at the same time i don’t want to, something tells me shes blinded by this foul demon of adultery (although we were not married but we had it planned by 2016) and my heart is hurt. I came across this page, and i saw the praying i should do, should i give it a try? or leave her behind. If so, I’m willing to do it. I appreciate your help in prayer.
    Thank You

    1. God gave you a Word – now you must warfare for it. Yes, pray the prayer, seek counseling for the both of you. No matter what stand in the gap for your marriage, your future wife and God’s ministry for the both of you. Read all my posts on The Armor of God. Follow it closely. Standing with you in faith.

  70. Will you pray for my marriage my wife has been seeing and talking to somebody else she’s wanting a divorce now
    we have an 18 Month old daughter together.
    I don’t want a divorce nor do I want to separate our family I want for us to be able to work on our problems and be able to bring our children up under the same roof not having to be able to bounce from home to home
    Thank you

  71. My husband and i married 32 yrs. Ago. Neither one of us were saved. I received christ about 3 yrs after we were married. I thought our marriage was good until i found a text and he confessed about his infidelity.
    My husband isn’t a believer. We have been in counseling for almost a year. I have been praying but sometimes i get distracted and off course.
    I want my marriage restored, healed and most of all my husband saved.
    I have always prayed for my husband and tried to show love. But he is so stuck. He argues against Christianity and does not realize the lack of love his family showed him has a great deal to do with his decisions.
    I believe God can do anything, but because of my husband’s infidelity i believe i am full of demons which prevents me from praying with authority and fasting.
    Please help.
    Thank you

  72. Please pray for my husband and I. We have a 1 month old baby and the other day I found him in our bed with another woman. He hasn’t been wearing his wedding ring since we have been married (1 year and 5 months) and he hasn’t shown remorse for his actions. He has been unfaithful numerous of times but this is the first time I have caught him in the act. He hasn’t showed me any affection In the last 5 months and when I tell him that we need to pray he avoids it. I am broken and weak right now and I am looking up to God for a Miracle. Pls help.

    1. Beloved, you are in a very difficult position. Please read my post on How to Have Quiet Time http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/2015/09/28/quiet-time-will-radically-change-your-life/ this will give you the peace, strength and wisdom during these very difficult days. Also read Turn on the Light http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/2011/12/13/turn-on-the-light/ as this is a powerful exercise to calm your mind. Finally read all my posts on Putting on the Armor of God. This will give you the supernatural power and authority to live the Christian life. Standing with you in faith and prayer.

  73. I am so devastated. My husband of 20 years has left home and is now staying at his mom’s. I believe that there is another woman, although the woman in question and my husband both deny it. I am hurt beyond words. I love him so much and want him home. Please please please pray for me.

  74. Hi, my husband Brian started an affair & recently left me to move in with her. His family is working against our marriage as well & had welcomed the other woman & replaced me. I’m infertile & my husband is planning to have a baby with this woman.

    She even has the same first & middle name as me. She has 2 kids already so he left me to have a family. We used to have a heart for adoption. He just filled for divorce & lied saying that we’ve been apart for the required 6 months. In reality he’s only been gone for 2 weeks. Please pray for us.

    1. Hi Stacy, we are praying for you. If you aren’t already fasting I suggest that you go on a long fast (6 mo.- 1 year). Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer. I encourage you to put on the Armor of God – read all my posts on this. The spirit of “abandonment” will be working to try and destroy you. Don’t let it. Stand against it. Stacy, you are beloved to God. He has a divine destiny for you – with or without this man. Blessings beloved.

  75. Please join me in prayer for my husband. He has left myself and his 3week old son for another woman. I love and adore Vincent. I only want healing and restoration in our marriage and our family. I’m hurt and devastated by his actions, however I know God will heal and restore our marriage. I believe in our marriage and our love for one another. I know that this is Satan trying to destroy what God has made, and I will not allow it. Please stand with me in praying for us. Thank you.

  76. OK but what if you and your spouse have separated not legally. But you left him meaning me. Its been 3 yrs. We been arguing the entire marriage. I must admit I allow the spirit of adultery to enter my marriage. And now I’m highly confused . I no longer a relationship with my spouse but I don’t wanna be caught up in adultery either. P.S. we are both ministers this is sad.

    1. Zerlina, why aren’t you both in good Christian counseling? You both made vows to each other and to God. One day you are going to stand before God and give account of how you both have kept those vows. If you don’t know if this marriage is “worth it” – you have no choice. This is the man you made an eternal vow with – it must stand. Stop the arguing and get into counseling. This marriage is worth fighting for. God ordained it. This is God’s will. Be determined that you will fight for it with all you have. If you’ve lost the gumption ask God to give it back to you.

  77. Hi I’m in the same boat. I’ve been married to my wife for about 5 months but we’ve been together for 6 years. Last year we broke up for a few months and she met a new guy. She ended up stop talking to him and cut off all ties ended up moving across country for military and we got back together. Ive been going back and forth to her as I prepare to move. Recently I saw that he tried contacting her on social media and in the 3 weeks since she’s been talking to me less and now she said she wants a divorce and not in love with Me anymore. It makes no sense. I’m praying for her back and not resorting to anger or sin.

  78. Fred and I have been married for 39 years, but for the past 10 years he s been having an affair with a married woman 13 years his junior that he met at work. He quit his job of 23 years and became a truck driver. This woman is a Jezebel most certainly for she has many drug addicted friends who covers for them while they cheat.He left me and was gone for 16 months but, he convinced me so was no longer an issue,so I took him back. Boy,was I duped.I have prayed and prayed ! I fast, I fight prayerfully, but she had such a stronghold over him, I really don t know what more to do. Please pray for me…Sometimes I feel so desperate and alone. I would leave but I have no where to go.

    1. Kathy, you are in a difficult situation – but we must remember that nothing is too difficult for God. You need to get a Word on your situation – only the Lord can guide you into the right direction. Be sure you are getting about an hour of Quiet Time (read my post) daily – this is where your strength will come from and this is when God will speak to you. Begin to journal if you don’t do so already, then just wait, don’t talk or pray, just wait for about an hour each morning to see what God will speak to you about this situation. When God speaks write it down and no matter what you hold onto that Word no matter what happens or your situation looks like. You are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father.

    2. Kathy, you are in a very difficult situation. Only the Lord can give you the guidance that you need. Be sure that you are spending at least an hour in Quiet Time (read my post) – this is just sitting, not praying or bible reading, just waiting on God’s presence to speak to you. Do this daily. Begin to journal all that you feel God is saying. Then ask God to give you a Word on your situation – when He does write it down – then you stand on that Word – no matter what your situation looks like or how bad it gets, you stand. You are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father.

  79. Please help I’m standing in on behalf of my marriage we have been apart for 17 mos I moved out then because he’s been UN faithful he’s seeing someone now might be living together I’m broken and confused I’ve suffered a stroke in March and is highly stressed I’m in need of a faithful stand against this strong hold on my husband and I and our marriage of a reuniting and a reconciliation I’m in the process of losing everything nothing has been good since I left I was told by him that she put a spell on us too seperate us now look where were at apart please help me on a continuous prayer and stand I’ve been standing alone but I need more than just me in my battle please can you help
    Thank you warmly
    W d standing in the need of prayer

  80. I’m so glad I found this. I have been contemplating leaving my husband for so long because of lies and cheating. However, in my heart I just want him healed from these demonic spirits and return to me and my daughter. Thank you for your website and I WILL keep you posted! God Bless!

    1. It is amazing at how things change through prayer. Prayer is very Powerful. Yes it is very difficult when you’ve been hurt and betrayed, this is why its important to pray for our own healing as well. I’m believing God with you for the healing and restoration of your marriage.

  81. I’m praying for complete restoration of my marriage and I pray my husband turns from his adulterous ways. I also pray my husband Adrian gets saved.

  82. I’ve been praying and fasting for 28 days straight
    Believing standing etc..
    This is will help. Thank You!!!

    1. She came home and just blind sided me by telling me she was leaving and packed all of her things in trash bags and left.
      I have been so broken……..

      1. Robbie, God is not surprised by any of this. He sees, He knows, He cares. Just because she has left doesn’t mean it’s over. Have you ever sat down with her and asked her “What do you need from me?” Something is broken that needs to be fixed. Let her speak without you making any remarks or comments. She needs something, let her tell you what it is. Begin to be a really good listener. Blessings.

  83. I have a question should I have to be nice to him when he comes to see the kids, I feel like I can forgive him, but he comes so happy and care free, sending me godly text messages and wanting to be my friend with a kiss and a hug. I have ignored him because I can’t even look at him for what he has done to us. But I know that God calls me to forgive, my question is do I have to be his friend or be happy with him, will I be in sin or missing my blessings if I just ignore him and just say hi and goodbye and keep conversation only related to our children? Thank you sister

    1. Janet, all you have to do is be decent to him, no more. You are not his friend, his mistress or his plaything – you are the wife who has been used, disrespected and disregarded. This man needs to know you want nothing to do with him. He is an ADULTERER and should be treated as such. There is no sin in ignoring evil – right now he is evil. Go in the Gospels and read how many times Jesus ignored those who were persecuting him – Matthew 26:63. We never sin by ignoring evil. We sin by giving into the evil. When you treat this man with disdain it reminds him that he is headed to hell. He needs to be reminded every day. You don’t have to be mean – just firm.
      Blessings and strength to you my sister.

      1. Thank you so much for breaking it down. I am also separated from my husband of going on 6 years. I had under gone 3 major life threatening surgeries within a year. Had physical therapy the whole works. I had not finished my therapy treatment when he left me. The day he left , we had a major argument about his wandering eyes at church. It’s been 4 months, and he says he wants a divorce. He is seeing some else, not paying our bills, inconsistent with seeing our son, etc. The opposite of how he act when we was on good terms. I do not want a divorce. I want us to save our marriage and family. The person that you shared that they only had to be decent to. Was the same question I had on how to act towArds my husband. Please give me advice on how to pray for my marriage to be restored. Thanks

        1. Stephanie, I suggest you go on a one year fast. Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer. Read all my posts on The Armor of God. Get a Word on your situation during your quiet time. Sit quietly for as long as necessary until you feel God clearly tells you whether to keep warfaring for your marriage or to let it go. Often times you may have to do this for many days until you get an answer. If he is unwilling, as you indicate, God will have to do a major overhaul to change his heart, not impossible with God, but you need to know what God is saying in this.

  84. I’m asking for reuniting and a reconciliation of our marriage we’ve been apart for 16 months now I moved out our home because he was cheating please help stand in prayer for my husband and our marriage

    1. Please help I’m standing in on behalf of my marriage we have been apart for 17 mos I moved out then because he’s been UN faithful he’s seeing someone now might be living together I’m broken and confused I’ve suffered a stroke in March and is highly stressed I’m in need of a faithful stand against this strong hold on my husband and I and our marriage of a reuniting and a reconciliation I’m in the process of losing everything nothing has been good since I left I was told by him that she put a spell on us too seperate us now look where were at apart please help me on a continuous prayer and stand I’ve been standing alone but I need more than just me in my battle please can you help
      Thank you warmly
      W d standing in the need of prayer

  85. Please pray, I’m so torn as to what to do my husband left with another woman had a baby and came back to me 4 months ago and left again to be with her. I prayed and suffered so much, I’m asking God for conformation if I should divorce him?

    1. I forgot to add that he was gone for a year and 4 months with her before he returned. He returned because the situation he was living in was really bad sexual molestation, her family are thieves and definitely dangerous, she has two sons from two different dads, and the girl doesn’t like to work wants my husband to support her. This is why I say he must love her because he returned to her after I caught him texting another girlie met on the bus, so I asked him for a divorce because I was so hurt that he was acquiring new girls. He immediately 2 days later took off to be with the same women he had the baby with . That’s why I feel I should give up, I’m praying for God to guide me, Because I want to give up but at the same time I want to fight, just not sure there is anything to fight for

    2. Janet, you have been through a lot. Your husband is disrespecting you, God and his marriage vows. He is an adulterer and you keep allowing him to come back. First, determine in your mind that he will not be allowed to step foot in your home unless he agrees to at least one year of Christian counseling. If he won’t agree that tells you he is unwilling to change. Don’t let him in at that point. Stay separated. Never beg or plead for him to return. This makes you his emotional slave – you are better than that – you are God’s beloved! Hold your head up and begin to be strong in the power of God. Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer, How to have Quiet Time and The Armor of God. When you begin to do all these ask God to make it clear if it’s His will for you to divorce your husband. If you wait God will speak. You are deeply loved by your Heavenly Father.

      1. Thank you, so it seems as I shouldn’t really spend my energy in spiritually fighting for reconciliation or breaking down the spirit of adultery, he may be to far gone. I should focus on me and strengthen my relationship with God and not focus on restoration, although I’m not letting him know for he is living with another anyway.

  86. Please pray for my husband & I for a marriage reconcillation. Next month will be a year since we have be seperated to long ..he has a girlfriend we have been married. For 33 years …and i love him deeply . ive been praying my heart out ..i need christian people to be in agreement with me thank you and God bless you for this web site its been helpful and reassuring.

  87. Please pray for a hedge of thorns to be placed around my husband, that his heart will be transformed and for complete restoration for my marriage.

  88. My wife left after 14 years of marriage. I was always ridiculing her and never met her emotional needs. She claims she has been miserable in the relationship for years and said the dreaded ” I’m not in love with you” words. It is like someone is stabbing you in the back. We have been separated for 3 months now and she is filing for divorce. I also found out a week after I left the house she started to see another man who she claims she is in love with now. I do not want to lose my wife and I have been praying non stop for my marriage to be restored. I have asked God to heal my heart and to forgive and also for hers. I wake up each day believing this is going to be the day that she will return. I am heartbroken but faithful that God will restore this marriage because it is his will to. I will say this prayer for Satan to leave my wife with as much conviction and hatred for him in hopes of my wife to see clearly and end her affair immediately and return to me. God bless.

    1. First off I would like to say thank you Lord for Him revealing your heart – not being the husband God has called you to be. “Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her”. Ephesians 5:25. Now you are willing to work,learn and grow to be the best husband your wife deserves. I would tell her just that – You have been praying and God showed you places that you were not loving and supportive of her the way God wanted. Ask for forgiveness – read post on How to Say I am Sorry http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/2011/09/06/how-to-say-i-am-sorry/
      Tell her you forgive her and ask her to go to Christian counseling or a Christian marriage class. Ask her to give you 3 months in counseling –
      no divorce paper, not seeing anyone else. You love her and you are praying daily for the two of you.
      If she will not go, you go to counseling. Trust must be earned.
      You both have hurt each other very deeply. It takes time and patience to heal.
      Stay strong my friend. And put on the Armor of God daily http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/category/armor-of-god/page/4/ Blessings.

  89. God bless you for your prayers and support for marriages everywhere! I need prayers for marriagerestoration. I am married 17yrs with 2 kids. My husband left us over a year ago. We had to sell our home and we both rent. I grew up in an unloving home. My father an adulterer my mother just nagged him. This is still the case. My husband was born in an emotionally starving home, but his family was born again when he was a teen through his dad. We dated a decade then married. We had a loving marriage. I submitted a lot to him. He always got his way and we moved a lot. I would start stop work to move with him across land. He then resented me if I wasn’t working. My husband spent time away from home on his interests and accumulated high debt due to buying things. I nagged him spend time with me or stop buying stuff. He then bought behind my back ie. cars big toys etc. The lack of communication and no God in our home was killing us. Almost 2 yrs ago he had a one night stand then an emotional affair with another lady for a few months. He confessed all this to me about 6 months after it happened. He decided he wanted to leave and we had a legal separation. We live apart and hes dated slept with others during separation. I accepted Jesus when he left us. Thank God I did something right!! For 1.5 yrs I have been praying for restoration. I searched myself and repented for any of my wrongs and asked my husbands forgiveness. I stopped my bitterness and forgave his cheating spending no time for us etc. I love him like Jesus’ son. My love for him is alive and I want him to repent and come back to us. Through prayer he left the woman and he is much kinder to us. But he refuses to return because he fears hurting us again. He is not a hands on father and I am with the kids mostly. He tells me to divorce him and says he’s ok living like this. He doesn’t want to be the one to divorce although he won’t return and can’t stop spending or flirting. He says he doesnt want to lose me he says but doesn’t want to be married to me and live together. He doesn’t like boundaries. During all this time we are still intimate once a week although I stopped a few times for months etc because I was not sure if I was sinning against God? Everytime I stop he threatens to find another woman sometimes he did. I am praying for restoration still. I do not want to give up on my marriage. If my husband divorces me I can understand it’s over but I don’t want to be the one to forsake our vows!

    1. Glad you wrote. Stop vacillating. Either you guys are married or you are not. If you are then you both must get into good Christian counseling. You said “he doesn’t like boundaries” – there can never be a healthy marriage without boundaries. He needs to know that unless he will respect your family and personal boundaries there will be no sex, no intimacy, no relationship – don’t give him what he wants – he is only using you. He already broke his marriage vows and you keep allowing him to continue this pattern. Until he sees the consequences of his sin he will never change. I suggest you act polite to him but distant. Lay down the 5 rules he must abide by if he wants to prove his love – until he does this faithfully for a year he is only playing you – now he has his cake and can eat it too. Read the Books Boundaries and Boundaries in Marriage. Read all my posts on the Armor of God. I also suggest read a proverb on a daily basis and have Quiet Time for about an hour each day. Seek wisdom above all and God will direct your steps. Blessings beloved.

  90. Please pray for my marriage, my husband of 9 yrs left me and the kids about 8 wks ago. And moved in with his ex girlfriend, with whom he has a 12 yr old child with. I honestly thought we had a wonderful marriage. We both loved the Lord, I thought put him first, our marriage second and then the kids, and down the line. I have been a believer since I was a child, but he is new to the kingdom. I felt the Lord was propelling us to new heights. We then hit a financial snag, we were not good stewards. I got busy and started back in school at age 46, and he started to get a bit out of sorts. He worked out of town and that caused some problems but he was being transferred home. We were elated! Then I found out he had been gaming and gambling a bunch money away. I confronted him, we had words , I said I wasn’t sure about our marriage, he was hurt and shut down. I let him know when he came home we would work on it. Two weeks later, he called and said he was a free agent and didn’t want me anymore. He said I was a horrible wife and he was getting back with his old girlfriend and wanted a divorce. Up until three weeks prior to out financial issues, I thought we were unbreakable. We went on trips together, spent time together, we did Re-Engage marriage, went to marriage retreats. Now he is so angry, completely disrespects me(that’s not our norm). I’m so hurt, I am so in love with him. But he’s already filed for the divorce and every time I try to get close to him or the men of our church try to talk to him his “girlfriend” intercedes and has something to say. I want my family back. I love my husband. I want my family. Please pray for us. I feel such a of fear on him. He is being decieved but he is also not fighting for us. This is a man that said he would die for us. Now, I’m not sure he wasn’t lying.

    1. Kandy, make sure you are getting about an hour of Quiet time on a daily basis. You need wisdom that only God can provide. Be sure to be in the Word of God each morning and pray daily for wisdom. Don’t fight the divorce. Be cool and act as if you are totally in control. A man is very turned off by a woman who grovels. Let him go – then begin to do exactly as the Holy Spirit leads you. A divorce doesn’t mean that you have lost him. This could be the very wake up call he needs to come back to Christ and you. It could bring him to his knees. But stop chasing him. It makes you look desperate. Let him chase you. Blessings and prayers.

      1. I’m even more confessed than ever, I had let it go and walked away but now he tells me he loves me. And I own his heart, but if that were true, why is he still with this other person? I feel as if I am standing in the doorway and I am fighting against a stronghold. Also, I feel the longer he is gone the less I miss him, but when I see him or hear his voice, my heart does cartwheels. I truly miss my best friend. I have seen him twice and both times he was not been able to look me in the eyes. When we try to speak, we can be on the phone for hours professing love, but if his whatever is in the room, or his daughter with her, he acts like a pure butt. Also, is it weird that every time I pray the prayer that you laid out for us, he and I get in to the worlds biggest screaming match. And strife once again enters the picture. My mouth is my downfall.

        1. Kandy, when you say the prayer you are bringing forth light – he is now in the darkness. What you are seeing are the forces of hell fight the forces of God. What is your battle plan? Ask God to give you one then stand on it. You cannot go on like a yoyo. Read the book Boundaries in Marriage – then establish boundaries and stick to them no matter how much you are tempted. Put on the Armor of God outloud each morning. Begin to confess outloud God’s Word over your situation. Break strongholds.

  91. I’m sorry, I forgot to ask what you meant by asking for a word- as in a saying from the bible, or as in a literal word (ex- listen, pray, walk away) that gives me guidance? Thank you.

  92. Ok thanks. I’ve been off social media for months now. I haven’t done the tv or movies (war room) though. I’ll pray for a timeline. We have court later this month. October has been a year since he left. I’m growing in all this. Being refined. I blamed my husband at first. And me. And God. I’m finally starting to figure all this, or as much as I can, out.

  93. I ask for prayers- my husband has filed for divorce after 6 years of marriage. After going through infertility (which is hard & painful for any marriage), he found comfort in someone at work, cheated, and left. I have been standing in the gap in my armor for over a year. I don’t want this, nor believe in this. He is blinded by the enemy. His heart is hard & he wont see the other side. The man I married has (had) honor & integrity. I don’t know what happened to him. I have started fasting on my lunch. Thanks for your prayers.

    1. Kris, we are standing with you in prayer. You are a mighty woman of God. Remember, “it’s not by our own power, nor by our own might, but by God’s spirit” says the Lord. Standing with you in love and faith.

      1. Thank you for your prayers. Does this mean I’m wasting my time? I’ve struggled with this- not knowing if I’m to walk away or be the wife who doesn’t give up on her marriage/husband. I want what the enemy took. I want my marriage back.

      2. Kris, it’s different for each person. As you are in a season of fasting ask God to give you a Word on your situation and to give you a time line. If God says “one year” then that means for one year you do all you possibly can (except grovel) and after that date you let him go – whether that means separation or divorce, only God can show you what to do. I encourage you to read a Proverb each day of your fast – this will give you clarity. I also suggest a complete Media fast for one year – no Facebook, no movies, no TV, no internet, only the bible, or clean books. God will speak clearly.

  94. Hi can you please kee me in your prayers? My spouse walked out on me & the kids last month for someone else who put vodoo on him. I have a 6 yr old autistic son & a 2 yr old daughter. My husband left me with everything past due. Now he refuses to pick up his kids from school or give me any money for daycare,which if I do not have that money to help me I will face foreclosure as I can’t make it fincanelly with out him. He’s so bounded by anger resentment towards me & bounded by greed, sex, and material things of this world. He is all decked out in new clothes & shoes and I’m going to work with holes in my clothes. I feel this is getting bad to worse,even tho I go to church and have a good spiritual family & mentor. My husband was a verbal & emotional abuser & withheld sex from me for 2 months prior to him leaving.he would try to break me down by saying I’m a fat b, no one wants me, all my life j jump from relationship to relationship & im worthless. How could someone say this about a person they loved?lost & confused.

    1. Erica, your husband doesn’t want to change. Your strength and source doesn’t come from a man, it comes from God. Is God the lover of your soul? If so, then rely solely on Him for your provision. Read all my posts on the Armor of God and Letting Go of Unrequited Love http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/2011/09/06/letting-go-of-unrequited-love/ Let your husband go. Why would you want someone to be with you that will only hurt you? Beloved, you are more valuable than that. Stand on the Word of God – memorize it – read it 3 times a day – this is your strength, this is your direction. Standing with you in prayer.

  95. Hello,

    Please pray for the salvation and the deliverance from adultery (sexual impurity) and bipolar disorder in my husband Quan of 4+ years. We have been seperated for some time and recently found out about an affair he had. I’ve told my husband I wanted a divorce because he truly was not sorry, remorseful and repentant for his actions concerning toward this family. I’ve prayed for awhile, but not sure if with authority or expectancy of a real miracle to save and restore a right union. I love him and we have a 3yr old daughter 2gether. But, i know his heart is NOT right. I am a strong believer in Christ. He was at once a believer but has strayed far away from being a follower of Christ. There has been both emotional and some physical abuse within this marriage due to the bipolar disorder, but I’m believing for a miracle in his mind to take place… that he would be set free from the evil controlling his mind…

    Please pray for Quan and I… This is difficult because I love him… but may have 2 divorce in the end… And my heart most times becomes so folled with compassion to try and save this marriage for our family sake…

    Thanking you for your encouraging words in your posts and for the prayers 2 come…

    1. Yvonne, you hit the nail on the head when you said he is not truly repentant. Pray that he have “sorrowful repentance.” This is a repentance that goes deep into his heart about the wrong he has done. Too many women are so desperate to take their man back that they mess up God’s plan by not waiting until the man is truly repentant, then he just goes right back to adultery. Don’t rush. Wait on God. Quan must see the wrong of his ways. I encourage you to read all my posts on fasting and praying. I encourage you to do a solid one year “no media” fast. None of this guarantees his return, but what it does mean is that you have fully done your part and now God will do His. Standing with you in prayer.

    2. Yvonne,
      I start by praying for you because NO WOMAN deserves mental, physical or emotional abuse. You just described my 1st cousin’s husband to the tea. He used his bi-polar disease as a tool for his bad behavior. She has been married to this man for 15 years and has 3 children with him. Finally, after coming home 7 in the morning, losing a plant job and non-stop sleeping when he is home she kicked his butt out. She would call me daily crying and it broke my heart because I know she didn’t deserve that kind of treatment. Know your worth and never allow anyone to mistreat you. Keeping your family in prayers.

  96. Thank you so much for allowing the Holy Spirit to use you and minister to so many including myself. I struggled with lust for years. It even extended into my marriage. I don’t want any part of adultery anymore. I believe that the Lord Jesus Christ has delivered me from these terrible demonic sins. Thank you again and God bless your ministry.

    1. Chavis, what a powerful testimony! You are a mighty man of God. Say this out loud right now – “I am a mighty man of God.” Say is 3 times a day for the rest of your life. This will remind you and the devil that you have the power of the living God in you and will keep you strong. Blessings to you.

  97. PLEASE JACKIE PRAY FOR ME AND SUPPORT ME TO BREAK THE SOULTIE IF MY BELOVED WIFE OF TWENTY YEARS FTOM AN ILLUCIT RELATIONSHIP SINCE NOV 2014 with a married strangerI am a stage 4 cancer patient aged 64 with five children aged11-18.My wife is 39 going to 40 this year. She met him in a dingy beer corner in an outdoor beer drinking cirner.Please get the blinders off her and brjng her home.My marriage home family life health destroyed by satan. I am unemployed and weajened by my cancer!! My three boys are removed to a govt boys home. She lives away with my two teen agedbdaughter but one has come home to live with me.
    I truly love my wife but she has abandoned me in my state of health alone. I have managed to get her back a couple if times and thrice had conjugal relations but of late she us distant abd I feel that I may be losing her . Thiugh in my heart I believe God can intervene and break the relationship and restore. He is God of the impossible after all. There are many miracles of the Power of Almighty God from Red Sea crossing to valley of very dry bones Abraham fathered Isaac at 100 and

    1. In addition to my post to clarify, my wife and I are of different faiths. She is Muslim and I am Christian. We met in Indonesia and now live in Singapore. We have not been back for ten years due to financial issues. There has been three deaths where she was unable to go home.Her father her older brother and her grandmother
      This contributed to her bitterness against me.

  98. Has anyone had success? I desperately need prayer. We have only been married 7 months and it’s been tumultuous . I’ve been out of the home for 7 weeks and he won’t let me back. I want this man in my life …I love him . Please pray for restoration, forgiveness and peace. I dont know what to do.

    1. Baka, we are praying for you situation. I encourage you to read one proverb and one psalm everyday. Also, memorize all of Psalm 23. Once you memorize that begin to DAILY memorize other powerful bible verses. Do this every day for the rest of your life. As you let the Word of God grow richly within you then you will begin to have the wisdom and knowledge of God’s will for your life. Read all my posts on The Armor of God. Do this daily as well. Peace be unto you.

    2. Rejoice marriage ministries. …… great ministry to help you on the road to restoration of your marriage and relationship with God.
      Just google it!!

    3. Hi I’m in the same boat. I’ve been married to my wife for about 5 months but we’ve been together for 6 years. Last year we broke up for a few months and she met a new guy. She ended up stop talking to him and cut off all ties ended up moving across country for military and we got back together. Ive been going back and forth to her as I prepare to move. Recently I saw that he tried contacting her on social media and in the 3 weeks since she’s been talking to me less and now she said she wants a divorce and not in love with Me anymore. It makes no sense. I’m praying for her back and not resorting to anger or sin.

  99. My husband has been cheating on me for so long he has left me for another woman . I have been with him for 11 years married for 9 on August 12th never cheated on him . I’m saved and is believing God to restore my marriage but it’s getting hard my heart is broken I need pray that God touch his mind and soften his hurt.

    1. Fancy, your husband has been an adulterer for a very long time. He likes it. He desires it. He needs to be willing to change. Some men never change. Set a time limit as to how long you will give him to change, 6 months? a year? Ask God to give you a Word on your situation. Although we always fast and pray with faith we must also know that a person must desire to leave his/her sinful ways behind. Remember, you are called to a life of peace.

  100. My husband and I have been together for 12years and married for 10. I got saved and filled with the Holy Spirit the second year of being with him (he’s still not saved). He cheated on me the first 8years of us being together and I did nothing but prayed for him. He took that as a sign of weakness and continued to send me to church while he continued to talk to and see other women. After the 8th year, I started to see other men but became emotionally attached to one. My husband was very hurt and that’s when he started to realize what he has. I quickly gave up the affair, realizing I ONLY want my husband. When he saw he had me back, he resumed his MANY affairs. Telling me he’s sorry and he has an addiction to TALKING to other women. In January 2015, I found out he had been talking to another woman for 6mths. I haven’t talked to another man since 2013. I forgave him and prayed for our marriage. In April 2015, I found out he had yet again been talking to another woman for a month. I then retaliated by contacting that man who I once shared an emotional attachment with. I let my husband saw the many text messages that man and I shared for just a few hours. He then became concerned and wanted to work things out. Again I ceased all communication with that man and began to focus on my marriage together with my husband. For the last two weeks, he has been speaking of how bad I hurt HIM back in “2013” He can’t think of a reason to be mad with me other than from 2years ago. Today he stated he wants a divorce but yesterday he told me how much he love me even though he keeps talking about the things I did in 2013. PLEASE PRAY for my marriage and my husband’s mind that it would be brought from confusion.

    1. LaTarsha, you and your husband have a toxic marriage – you both keep hurting each other. This is a sinful cycle of pain, hurt and sin. I encourage you to find a solid Christian counselor that you both agree on. If he chooses not to go then it shows he will never change and you will need to pray about leaving him. It sounds like he likes to have his cake and eat it too – you both need to make up your minds whom your house will serve – Satan or God. Time is short. Make a decision today. You are called to a life of peace – not torment and turmoil – that is not God’s will for you.

      1. Thanks for the advice. I will always serve the Lord. I spoke with him before reading your reply and he stated he will like for us to seek counseling. So that’s a good start. PLEASE keep us in your prayers. Thanks a lot.

      2. Thanks for the advice. I will always serve the Lord. I spoke with him before reading your reply and he stated he will like for us to seek counseling. That’s a good start plus he has been treating me nicer. PLEASE continue to pray for our union and I’ll keep praying the prayers you have listed. Thanks a lot.

    2. Your husband is playing with fire. I got caught up with talking to other women just to have conversation. One thing leads to another and you get sucked in. You start wanting to help them because you learn of what abuses they have gone through and that’s when Satan takes over. You feel sorry for them and that’s where it should stop and you should pray for God to take over and heal their situation. Only God can heal their problems not your husband. Satan will destroy your husband’s mind as he comes to destroy and kill. Satan has had thousands of years of practice where we have maybe 40 years of life. Your husband is messing with his salvation. GOD BLESS YOU BOTH AND YOUR MARRIAGE. AMEN

  101. My husband Kevin left me this past Saturday. I am the one who committed adultery, twice actually. We have been married for 16 years, have 4 girls together. I don’t blame him for leaving, but I begged him not to. I love him so much, how could I have done this again! I pray all the time for restoration in our marriage, but I think he is right to have left. Please keep us in prayer!

    1. Shannon, with God all things are possible. You need to get to the root of why you committed adultery. I strongly suggest Christian counseling and inner healing. You need to “Heal and Seal” the wound that way you can be assured that it will never happen again. Praying for you.

  102. My husband of 5 years announced to me 6 months ago that he wanted a divorce. Seemingly out of the blue. We had been having problems in and out including me having an “online relationship” with someone of the opposite sex. My husband says he never loved me and he feels he will be happier without me, that he was never happy in our marriage although he never showed it openly. Ask me i would tell u he was very loving but just that we argued alot. I found out around the same time he left that there was another woman involved. I ended up telling his family about the other woman and even met her which ended up pushing him even further away. We have a 2 year old son who he barely even sees which is so strange because he loved his son so much. In april 2015 he said that he was going to file for divorce which i havent received any notification of yet. I became saved through this situation and i have been praying and fasting a whole lot within the past 5 months. I believe there is evil at work here as my husband has been saying and doing things not of himself including running after multiple women. Please pray for deliverance for my husband and for healing in our marriage. In Jesus name!!

      1. You both have committed adultery – you online and he in person. This tells me that there have been long standing issues which went unresolved. You need to find the root of why you turned to adultery. You need to apply The Balm of Gilead – see all my posts on this. As you begin your healing journey begin to journal all that you feel and experience. You need to restore your relationship with Christ before you can try and fix your marriage. Once this takes place get a “Word” on your situation with your husband. Once you get this stand regardless of what things look like. Healing a broken marriage can often take a long time, sometimes years. The greatest miracle through all this will be your restored relationship with Christ and bringing your son to know him as well. Blessings.

    1. You are loved and so is your husband God hates the Sin. Your husband needs to know that if he does not repent and ask for forgiveness he is damaging his relationship with God. I am so sorry for damaging my relationship with God. That satan will destroy his mind. I am so sorry forgiving into the flesh and I would love to tell your husband not to continue to pursue any other woman and to ask for forgiveness and restore his marriage with you. I was young and stupid when I fell for satins trap. God Bless you both and may the restoration begin. AMEN

  103. My wife of 10 years has had me served with divorce papers a few days ago. We have 3 beautiful children. We are both professing Christians. I have had issues with my anger and temper for years. I am seeking counseling for this. I’ve also struggled on and off with porn. I’ve been free of this for 3 months now after intensive Gospel centered council. My life has been turned around and God is dong a mighty work.

    I’ve never raised a hand to her or my children and I haven’t had an affair or sexual relationship with any other woman.

    For years, she wanted me to go to counseling and church more regularly. I stubbornly refused because of the pride that had hardened my heart.

    She has given up now and is determined to end 10 years of marriage. I fear I may have allowed demonic strongholds to form in my home when I viewed the filth readily available online.

    There is an evil at work here I know. I want the Lord Jesus Christ to reign in our marriage and for His name to be glorified. She not looking to get any money from me. She just wants out of the marriage but for me to be as present in our boy’s lives as possible.

    She says she loves them, but I know divorce is the most unloving thing that can be done to children. She is being blinded now and deluded. God wants to do a mighty work in our family and Satan and his demons are waging an all out war. The house we live in we bought from a woman who left her husband for another woman. Divorce happened in that house. Evil was there and more was brought in by me.

    Pray for these strongholds to come down. Time is of the essence. My wife’s name is Amy.

    1. Tom, we are praying for you and Amy. God is a restorer. Purchase the book online Boundaries in Marriage, I believe this will be a big help. Standing with you in faith.

    2. God Bless you and Amy.
      You are right about demonic strong holds being there from another broken marriage I have learned that some times are homes and other things have attachments with them. That maybe why the issue with pornography.
      GOD WILL HONOR YOU GETTING COUNSELING. GOD HATES THE SIN NOT THE SINNER. Call your pastor and have them bless your house and evict those spirits quickly and place Blessed oil on over all doorways to the house just like passover.

  104. My husband is in an adulterous situation. He left me in Oct 2013 and returned in April 2014. I and my supportive prayer partners prayed him home. He sleeps in the guest room and is continuing his affair. He filed for divorce the day after returning home but did not have me served until Oct 2014. He did not pursue it until May 2015. I was notified by the courts that he has asked for a trial date. He tells me that he loves me and will always love me…” it’s just different now”. I truly love my husband and have been standing for our marriage through all the hurts and disappointments for almost two years now. I was beginning to see glimpses of my husband returning, being kind and loving but it seems that since Nov 2014 he’s being pulled farther in the wrong direction. I have prayed every prayer and fasted many times including the Daniel fast in December (what a difficult month that was lol). But it was worth it for my husband’s salvation, our marriage, and family. He has a son, involved with numerous women and drugs. My husband cannot or will not see that his son is following in his footsteps and satan is trying to destroy not only my marriage but his son’s marriage as well.

    1. Jennifer, some people will never change. God will never break someone’s will. Let him go. Let Christ be the lover of your soul. Find your peace. You still have a divine destiny to fulfill – he is the one who will miss out. I pray love and peace over your mind.

    2. God is a God of miracles , he hates divorce.
      You will be blessed for all you are doing. Look up on goggle the Song tittle. GOD WILL MAKE A WAY. May God bless you and your family your husband needs to know by doing the wrong thing later in life Satan will destroy his mind.
      Speaking from experience.

  105. I need prayers. I am broken and Satan is trying to destroy me. My husband of 22 years has abandoned our home and left outr family torn. He left to another state with another woman. Please help me destroy the stronghold that Satan has over him and remove this woman out of our lives. In Jesus name, Amen!!!!!

  106. My husband and I had a civil marriage. (Now, I wonder is it even a marriage in the eyes of God? Especially that we are baptized as Catholics.) We live in a long distance relationship; our relationship actually started that way. Our marriage started to crumble 4 years ago. It was my fault because I went home to my family because I cannot take it anymore in their place; hence, the long distance marriage. But, I was willing to go back to their place because I realized it is my family that is important to me. However, it was too late. 5 months ago, I caught my husband saying “i love you” “honey” and talking about their dating plans with another girl. He denied it to me at first but eventually told me I lost him. He said he is over with me, and he loves the other person, and that it was impossible for us to live in one place.

    My husband has become rude, inconsiderate, and less caring to our child. He just doesn’t care anymore. He even hurt me physically for the first time.

    However, at one point he got drunk he said he love me. At one point, he told me that I could have love him right. At some point, I asked him if he wants an annulment, he told me sometimes yes, sometimes no. (We do not have a divorce in our country.)

    I have been praying intently. But I feel so far away. What kind of prayer will I have to do?

    My in-laws are supportive of his actions. My parents doesn’t want to me to talk to him. But we have a child. It is so heartbreaking to even think that my child will not have a happy family. We are family. I do not want my family to break apart.

    Please help me.

      1. Reese, being married by a judge is honorable in the sight of God and no less holy than someone marrying in the church. You have a lot of dynamics going on in your situation. Your husband is an adulterer and an abuser. Physical abuse stems from deep seated issues which need to be addressed. DON’T move back into your home with him until he seeks out Christian counseling and shows signs of true repentance and remorse. An abuser never stops of their own accord – it takes a lot of effort, recognition, accountability and prayer. Until he begins to truly seek these out he is still an abuser. The type of prayer for your husband would go something like this “Dear Lord, I ask that you would begin to show my husband that adultery and physical abuse are very evil sins. Bring him into sorrowful repentance. I pray that I will have the strength to confront him and tell him that physical abuse is NEVER acceptable. Help me not chase him. I desire this marriage healed but only in your time. My husband needs a lot of help. I pray that we find a good, Christian counselor. Lead and guide us. Show me how to love him with the love of Christ during this time.” In Jesus name I pray. amen

  107. My husband and best friend of 22 1/2 years admitted to cheating on me with a coworker. He has left myself and our two sons 20 and 13 to move in with this woman and her two daughters they do not have a place to stay so he stays with his brother or her mother.
    He left us on March 16, 2015 at first he was really mean and angry when he come around us and I started praying continuously every day numerous times a day since he left I noticed a change in him. However if she text him or call him while he is around us he gets angry and his whole attitude changes.
    He has since been admitted to our 13-year-old and myself that he misses me and that he doesn’t want to go through life with me not in his life at all. He tells me that he can’t lose me out of his life but at the same time he sure is different signs he is now looking for a place for them to rent and has caused a lot of grief for our family and troubled emotions for our 13 year old.
    When he is around he still has the urgent has to hug me and smell me and kiss my four head and sometimes still gives me a kiss. And he also tries to be intimate yet.
    I know in my heart and soul that he is my soulmate. We have numerous people join in prayer with us to help us to release a Dominica spirit that is in him I ask that you please join our family in prayer to bring my husband for complete reconciliation so we can be one again God bless you

    1. Diana, I do agree with you in prayer. I encourage you to get all the power you can get by you and your sons going on a one year media fast – see my posts on fasting and prayer – this would mean no TV, movies, Facebook, Twitter, internet, etc. anything on the computer or tv. This is a very powerful fast and can break demonic strongholds. Read all my posts on Spiritual Warfare.

  108. I have just found out that my husband has been lying and cheating on my for I do not know for how long. I have found out that my husband went overseas when he said that he was there for work. I pray in Jesus name that he comes back to the family fold and Satan realises his hold on him.

  109. My wife left over a month ago and just filed for divorce. I know I had a part in it but she did too. She stopped sleeping with me over 3 months ago and keeps putting the kids above our marriage. She now says GOD is telling her to do this and he is leading her. She says she does not trust me and will not communicate much with me. I have started to stand for my marriage. I ask for prayers and in agreement to restore our marriage. I know GOD hates divorce so he would not be telling my wife this. She has been deceived but she does not see it. She claims to love GOD and posts all this Godly stuff on Facebook but she does not show it. She just will not do anything to work on our marriage. I just don’t understand how after just barely almost 2 years she wants to throw it away. I have been praying against this spirit of divorce and have been fasting. I have gone on a Facebook fast and have been drawing closer to GOD more then ever. There has not been any infidelity or physical abuse in our marriage so I am at a loss as why she left. She is staying at her dads house. I pray that my wife will have an encounter with Jesus so he can tell her that this divorce is demonic and not of him.

    Please stand with me in Jesus name.

    1. Friend, I now stand in agreement with you in Jesus name. Be sure to put on the Armor of God out loud daily – see all my posts. Begin to daily praise God for bringing your wife back to you. Begin to claim that “she has a sound mind” – as we know that the enemy has totally distorted her way of thinking. Peace, power and blessings to you.

  110. My wife has cheated on me before and now I feel that it may be happening again, she is a believer but has strayed away from the church. ..she cursing and drinking a bit. I’m also dealing with that it is always about her mother. There are folks that don’t know her from nowhere and told her there is witchcraft being used against our marriage. But I know my God is powerful. She is distant from me at home, no affection or physical touch between us. It can be frustrating but I am patient. I know God will restore my marriage but the waiting part is the hardest. Please pray for my wife and I. Be blessed. .

    1. Jean Claude, go on a one year fast – read all my posts on fasting. Pick 2 things to fast – I suggest sugar and all media – Facebook, TV, movies,internet, etc. You are in a powerful spiritual battle and fasting will give you the power to fight during this difficult time. Agreeing with you in power and prayer.

  111. Hello. I have been with my husband for 13 years married for 5. We share 4 beautiful children. He has been cheating on me with this woman for 4 of those years. He finally made a decision and chose her over me. At one time he told me that she was a good friend before anything so I agreed to let him continue his friendship with her. I even fed the woman out of my house in good faith that they could have a friendship if he no longer cheated. I’ve talked to her several times and she has lied in my face Saying that it was nothing between them yet she was sleeping with him. I’ve went to the extreme making lies up about her to get him to stop seeing her. No matter what I tried to do it just brought them closer! March 7th of this year I gave my life to Christ. A prophetess at church that I didn’t even know told me that God is going to restore my marriage but since then things has gotten worse! I pray pray pray everyday for a change for things to be restored I pray that God softens my husbands heart and brings him home to me and his children. I pray trying to bind the spirit of Jezebel off of my husband. I fast also. No change. For these last four years I’ve been so depressed. I was on meds.. I now have high blood pressure my hair is falling out. He talks to me with such disrespect as if I never meant anything to him and he speaks so highly of her. The woman in my church tell me to stand!! Do not give up!! They tell me to fight. But how does this work if I’m the only one fighting?

    1. Tyeasha, I believe that you and all your children need to be on a one year media fast- no tv, no movies, no Facebook, etc. I also believe that your family could go on a one year sugar fast. You are dealing with a strong demon. While you are fasting ask the Lord to give you a Word on your situation – then write this Word down. It may surprise you. I want you to remember that this man has a free will of his own. Some men never come home no matter how much we fast and pray. Find your peace. We are called to a life of peace, even in the midst of adversity.

  112. I have been standing ,and believing God would restore my 20 year marriage to Danny. We were so happy, he treated me so good. After his Mom passed away in 2003, I had a pulmonary embolism in 2007…Danny began to distance himself from me, he met a woman at a camping trip that went with lots of men . He left me for her. She is evil, manipulative,and my husband would tell her he loved her, wanted to marry her and introduced her to my inlaws as his girlfriend whom he would marry someday. During the past 5 years i talked to him,and he would say he was coming home and that things would get better. I have been faithful to my husband, i love him very much. But recently he began spending lots of money on new trucks hes on his 4th new truck, he bought a red Harley Davidson motorcycle. Several boats,and campers ,remodeled her houseboat. All the while talking to me and saying give him time hes coming home. Finally i confronted her told her i wasnt going to divorce Danny. I did not believe in it. She then gave him an ultimatum to “go home to your wife or get a divorce. And he asked me to agree to an uncontested divorce. After 20 years, and I am disabled and cannot work. I refused. I talked him out of it anout two weeks ago. This woman then gave him the same ultimatum just a few days ago and he mentioned getting a lawyer. I prayed the prayer you posted, I spoke with him on the phone and asked him to consider me ,i was waiting for him to come home. Forgive him. And never gave him an ultimatum. Shay is trying to get him to divorce me and marry her. I explained that we were married by a wonderful man of God . And that our vows were beautiful. That 20 years is something to be proud of and fight for. He was quiet. I said think before you make the worst mistake ever. He is confused. He is so led by the demon woman and her evil ways. I get very down at times. God has given me strength, i have patience i do not yell at my husband anymore i calmly ask him to get away from her and think. And try to be the responsible ,kind loving adult husband i married instead of acting like a 16 year old out for fun and danger, and drinking .all lures of the devil.. I was so upset by the second mention of divorce. Then found this. Praise God i had strength to speak calmly to him. And point out she is manipulating him daily. I am not. Oh i pray he gets his mind back and realizes the horrific mistake a divorce would be . That he loves me and wants to come home to me. Ive cried so many many tears and hurt beyond my wildest imagination at his betrayal. He left me September of 2011 and I so want my marriage restored . Thanks for praying in advance , brenda

    1. Brenda agreeing with you in Spiritual Warfare. I want you to go on a one year Media Fast. If you can fast anything else do it for as long as possible. You are fighting a strong demon, you must use all the weapons that Christ gave us. Read ALL my posts on Fasting and Prayer, Spiritual Warfare and God. Read them over and over. Begin to write God’s bible promises (see my posts) on notecards then tape them all over the house – speak them out loud daily. MEMORIZE ALL OF THEM. Get rid of ANYTHING that is questionable, i.e. movies, books, videos – clean house. Get ready for warfare. We prepare by getting HOLY. Love and power sent to you in Christ. Read ALL my post on THE ARMOR OF GOD – PUT IT ON DAILY.

      1. Dear Jackie, praise the Lord! You gave me chills of hope. I will do as you say. I will use your advice,your tools, and do the media fast i have had nothing but conflict with Facebook, I will gladly fast from all this stuff that satan can ease into to attack and destroy. I will start today. Thank you for praying and standing with me . I know i will have a Praise report in the future. I will read and study and get my 3×5 cards today to write my scripture and start my spiritual warfare against this evil enemy. This woman has been contacting me through text I feel i should block her I am assuming you agree i do not need contact with her. Again thank you so much . I am praising God for your help. God bless you. .

      2. Brenda, I agree – NEVER have contact with the ADULTERER, it only gives them more ties to YOUR spouse. Totally ignore, block and stay away from this 3rd person.

  113. My wife left while I was at work on Feb. 27th and I haven’t seen or heard from her since. I pretty much started standing right away because God showed me everything I did to push her away. I let Satan into my home and he destroyed my marriage. I made a lot of changes. I threw away my Xbox, and I fasted to finally break the bondages of Porn over my life. Now I’m praying and fasting that the demonic strongholds over my wife will be broken. Our 6 year anniversary is May 14th, 2015. Please pray with me so I can celebrate my Anniversary and Marriage Restoration.

  114. I need help bad I’m seperated from my wife and son but I’m the one committing adultery I now live with this woman and I cannot leave her it’s hard I don’t want to hurt her for no reason I have notice a difference in myself I never have money I now work two jobs 7day a week I also have dreams concerning her but I can’t leave. .help me I need a word from God now!

    1. Brother, you made a vow before God to honor, protect and love your wife – you have now broken your vows. We are talking about your soul. I am very concerned that you said “I don’t want to hurt her for no reason…” Her pain is not your concern – it is God’s. The pain you are causing your wife and son outweighs all the pain. Make a plan – leave by 6pm tonight – run – this trap is very demonic and will cost you your soul. You and your wife need Christian counseling and inner healing. Begin a 40 day fast (read all my posts on fasting) and do a complete media fast until this bondage is completely broken. Nothing is worth you burning in hell.

      1. I can’t leave ,it’s my apartment that we got together last month. ..I’m lost for words ..I know I sound crazy. .

      2. Yes you CAN leave, you choose not to. You have a home with your wife and son. Stop making excuses. Run for your life. Your life is with your son and wife – not an adulteress. I am praying right now that God will give you the courage to do what is right.

  115. My wife and I were married on October 20, 2013. It has been a battle from the very beginning as her mother tried her hardest to end our marriage or make it difficult and isolate me from my family, friends, etc. Her mother said that my parents at our wedding had said to some of their friends that they didn’t love Lindsey or want anything to do with her. My parents never said this and this always was a major point of contention in our marriage. Also, my wife didn’t want or allow me to talk to my family more than 80 minutes per month were her in the other room. I put no unhealthy restrictions on her and my parents are great people and strong believers of Christ. I learned recently from one of my wife’s old friends (recently not a friend as she tried to confront Lindsey in love about marriage and the commitment as a Christian) about how Lindsey’s mother is one of the most selfish, controlling, and manipulative people they have ever known and been dealing with her selfish nature since they were in the 4th grade (Lindsey is now 30 years old). I have personally done counseling, met with pastors, wise counsel, etc. over the course of the marriage. Lindsey filed for divorce February 26, 2015 and she was never willing to go with me to a professional marriage counselor, never looked for wise counsel, etc. From last February until she filed for divorce we didn’t share the marriage bed as she said that I didn’t want her to get a good night’s rest even though it was extremely important to me as her husband. Also, last July in a petty argument where I was having ice cream and root beer at 10pm at night she starts an argument saying the doctor said you couldn’t have liquids 2 hours before your go to bed. I said maybe I should leave then meaning to go outside to walk away from the argument and she made me move out (I didn’t live there for 15 weeks, but after 2 weeks I would go back over and hang out and leave around 9-9:30pm every night and I would go prayer walking for an hour most evenings after leaving and before going to my temporary housing). Despite all of this craziness, I desire restoration, reconciliation, and transformation of our marriage. I am pretty certain that there is some heavy spiritual warfare going on in my marriage and also in her life/ relationship with her mother. I know that Lindsey can be an amazing wife and that God can break whatever it is that is holding Lindsey captive. I have reached out for reconciliation in a number of ways with absolutely no response from her. Her only communication is the business type stuff of the divorce like paying the taxes, how do you want to divide the wedding gifts, etc. In a recent email communication related to figuring out the wedding gifts she said that as a mature Christian adult we should be able to divide our gifts in a civil manner. I need help and prayers in breaking through to Lindsey. I know that God hates divorce and I believe that our marriage can be fully restored!

      1. Thank you so much for the prayers! I am fasting and praying since last evening and I am believing in a breakthrough here! God is a God of restoration, healing, reconciliation, and transformation, and I proclaim in Jesus name that no schemes of Satan, any of his demons, or any other person will prevail in my life and in my wife’s life, especially in our marriage. God will and already is victorious here!

  116. Please help me!!! I am dying inside. My husband left me and our 3 beautiful children. His brother and sister and law have been working tirelessly for the last 7 years to fix him up with his sister in laws best friend. She stayed in the sidelines waiting. Well back in November we had a huge fight. And they put them together again and now he left us for her. I know he doesn’t truly desire her or he would have left years ago. He used to get upset and tearful when they would try to put them together. I’m having trouble going in with life. Please I beg You God to speak his heart. Have him accept Jesus and come home to me and our children where he belongs. Please God. I can’t do this anymore. This relationship was formed out of their visceral hatred of me do I know it is of satan. My husbands sister does these “spells snd incantations” and left a little pouch with a chart in it behind my furniture. It is all dark and evil and void of love and light. Help us please. We loved each other so deeply. I let my guard down and stopped praying for my marriage. Forgive me.

    1. Stephanie read all my posts on Spiritual Warfare. Put on The Armor of God daily – read all my posts on this. Try to find a church or fellowship where you and other strong women of God can stand with you in prayer. I want you to spend at least an hour a day in Quiet Time – no prayer or bible reading, just waiting on the presence of God. Keep a journal nearby. Ask God to speak and write down what you feel God is saying to you. This situation is too big for you but NOT too big for God. Get back your peace. God is on your side. I am praying for you.

  117. Please pray for my marriage and restoration. She is very bitter and wants a divorce without any biblical grounds. Please pray that she would flee from the enemy and that God would touch her heart and allow us to reconcile and honor him. I pray that the strongholds in her life of control and un-forgiveness would be torn down. We are both struggling as we have been living in limbo for 7 months. Please come soon Lord!

  118. Please pray for my marriage, in my wife’s eyes, its over and she is determined to love another man. in her eyes God is on her side, helping her, and that God was the one who brought them together.

  119. I need help. I’m so confused and scared. I have been with my husband for 12 yrs, married for 5. He always had a wondering eye and views flirting as harmless. All these years I have seen clues like perfume scent on his coat, missing condoms, parties that I’m not allowed to go. I guess I’m in denial to admit his cheating. Part of it is that he has a terrible temper and blow up and gets defensive. We always end up in screaming matches and nothing gets resolved. I have encouraged him to be closer to The Lord and he did listen but he would go back to his old ways. He has too much anger in his heart. I guess the bills, him losing his job, our blended family and our toxic marriage pushed both of us to withdraw. Yesterday, he left me a note saying he left for Hawaii to make some decisions. He said he is visiting his friend who is not one of a god indulgence. I’m so scared he will come home deciding on a divorce. I have been pt ting for strength and guidance. I am so lost and in despair..it hurts too much that our once great love has ended up with such turmoil and grievance. The good news is.. He brought his bible. At this point I feel so weak, I’m surrendering my marraige to The Lord.

    1. Mai, I am praying that the Lord will give you wisdom and insight. If you have fasted, prayed, confronted him and gone to counseling then the next step is for you to let him know if these things continue the next time there will be a separation. See my post on Woman Stand Up on A Chair http://mountainstreamshealingcenter.com/2013/11/25/woman-stand-up-on-a-chair/ Plus, read all my posts on Fear and Spiritual Warfare. You husband is intimidating you so that he can play his games without consequences. I have seen in many cases that once a woman puts her foot down and says “no more” the husband knows she means it and changes his ways. Let him know that you mean business. Pray for the courage to do what is right. Stop being scared of divorce. His heart has already left you. Stand up and take back your power. You deserve to be loved.

  120. This page has been a blessing to me. My husband of 7 years has had numerous sexual and emotional affairs since 2 weeks after we got married. He blames it on his injuries and depression caused by his inability to work for the past 4 years. So, while I’m working, he’s playing. He blames me for having control issues that I don’t want him to have female friends and he insists that nothing is going on. I know I should have left in the beginning but I always had hope that he would change and I never wanted to feel that my son was a mistake. Also, we have a blended family and his kid’s need me because their real moms don’t care about them. I’ve tired everything to make him see what he is doing. We even had consueling but they never discussed his behavior so we stopped going. Now I’m extremely tired of his excuses and have even made matters worse. I had an affair recently with an ex and had no remorse until today. I don’t know if I’m coming or going anymore. My husband doesn’t know about my affair, he couldn’t handle it, he has expressed suicidal thoughts this year and physically hit me once in the past when he thought I was cheating. I mentioned divorce to him 2 weeks ago and since he has been trying to re-establish our marriage but my heart isn’t in it. How can I know if this is the time right now to trust that he will not do it again? I checked the phone and he is still texting with other women. Please pray for me, I’m so weak and lost. I feel trapped in this life. I know this is so unhealthy but normal is far fitched at this point. I’ve reached out to my church numerous times but no real help has been given. Any advice is appreciated!!!

    1. Friend, either ask him to leave or you can take the kids and leave. You have given him ample opportunity to change and he hasn’t. It’s time to begin to find your life apart from him. We are called to a life of peace – what you have is not peace. I pray you can find a church home where you feel loved and safe. God has a plan for you life, and abuse is not a part of it. I pray that you will find the courage to do what is right. Praying for you.

  121. My wife told me last Christmas she wanted a divorce, that she loved me but wasn’t in love with me, and she said she could not stand my negative energy. She has always been an ideal church women involved in her faith and church. I responded by taking on my issues, renewing my spiritual relationship with God and cherishing and treating my wife like she deserved. She was happy with the changes and all was going well until I discovered she had opened a secret email account and was emailing a man whom she had an emotional affair the previous summer. She immediately changed and said she felt trapped, suffocated, she wanted her freedom and she wanted a divorce. This was July 1st, or 19th wedding anniversary. She moved into an apartment at the end of August. All the time she maintained she just wanted her space and to be alone. She had no intention of dating and certainly would not open that door until the marriage was concluded. However, for some time now she had been into astrology and frequented astrology sex sites looking for love signs. Last week I discovered that she had started an affair with a married man and she appears to be going crazy with it. (I saw some of her web history and it makes me sick. ) Up until last week we had only been with each other. What happened? How did a good church lady and mother of two turn into this. What can I do?

    1. Brother David, you are in the midst of a very difficult spiritual battle. Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer and Spiritual Warfare. Your wife is under satanic lies and deception. I would encourage you to do a media fast (see my post)for a minimum of one year. I don’t encourage food fasts while in the midst of such heavy battles. A no sugar, no liquor fast would work well. Fasting breaks satanic bondages. Find 3 Godly men that will fast and pray with you. God is on your side. Let the battle begin.

      1. Jackie,
        Please continue to pray and believe for us. I have never been closer to God in my life and yet things have never been this bad. I have been working on this for the past 10 months and am tired and fatigued, and am struggling with a spirit of fear. I am so discouraged. Pray that God would heal my heart and renew my strength to fight for my family with the peace that surpasses all understanding. I must give her up to God’s capable hands and stop trying to control the situation myself. Only then can she be set free.

  122. Some of my Words r miss spelled I’m sorry Amanda my husband lefted forgive me it’s the spell check on my cell phone

  123. Oh my Amanda my name is LisaCartledge u are going through what I’m going through right now me and my husband steve have been separated for about 7months when I tell you I was devastated it was the worst thing besides death that stung this is my second marriage so it is very hard unlike yourself there was affairs we just had a argument and the next thing I knew my grandmother lefted me. Up until now he is still gone he moved to Vegas with u his cousin Amanda will definitely stand with you even touch and agree and I believe that god will here and answer you and me im so sorry it hurts me when ppl get divorced for no reason again im with you on this I’ve been married only coming up to 4years I could go on but time is limited god bless n keep in touch on how things work out n remember gid can reverse the irreversible amen York in Christ Lisa

  124. I am suffering an enormous loss. My husband has told me he wants to divorce me. There is no affair, there is no real reason other than he is depressed and unhappy with life and he wants to end it. He feels as though it is going nowhere and we are not working out. This is out of nowhere and when I came home from work he had packed and left me. Since then we have talked 2 times in person and he has made the decision he is going to file for divorce. He does have a lot of pain and suffering in his life and suffers depression and anger issues and is very confused and unhappy. However, I have always loved him and wanted to support him and help him. He has become blinded to the fact that we must remain together and help one another through every trial and trouble. He seems to think we will be better off separate. I don’t know where this is coming from other than Satan trying to destroy his life and our marriage. I love him with all my heart and he is a good man and a believer but just needs guidance and help. But the evil one is lying to him and making him believe that if he runs away it will be better. But if he is alone it will only make it worse. I believe God can restore our marriage and my husband’s mind in the name of Jesus. I want to have faith, and it is so hard not to give up. I tried to give up when he told me he was going to divorce me a few days ago, but God is not letting me give up. He has told me clearly: “Never Give Up!! You don’t know the end of the story yet.” Please, will you pray for me and help me? I came across this website because I searched for healing divorce through prayer. I am helpless to change his mind but God has all authority and can do that. Help me please pray for us. Thank you. My husbands name is Alex and my name is Amanda.

      1. Today the Lord has told me to fast and pray (not just from this page but from other sources.) I have never truly fasted before. I am praying with conviction and authority. The Lord has already spoken to me so that I know He is real, alive, and listening, and that He cares. He has sent me a message that I must take over praying for my husband and our marriage because my husband is lost and can not hold his place as the head of our marriage. Therefore it is my job to become active in the spiritual warfare which has consumed him and our relationship. God be praised, He is already working.

  125. Please explain what you meant in the article “except in specific biblical reasons” is divorce allowed?
    My problem is deeper than the normal adultery.

    1. Shon, Jesus tells us in the scriptures that unless a spouse has committed adultery there is no basis for divorce. That is an issue that must be taken very seriously, such as in the case of abuse, would that be grounds for divorce? I don’t have the ability to address this question in this format. I suggest you find a solid Christian teacher on the internet who can answer your question at depth. Peace and blessings to you.

  126. I truly believe that our steps are ordered by the Lord and me finding this in this moment is just God confirming what He’d already placed in my heart over two years ago. I am resolved to see God’s goodness poured over my family.

  127. Michael, I say peace be unto you in Jesus name. We are standing with you in prayer. Stop fasting food. When you are in the middle of spiritual warfare as you are you need to eat. You can do a media fast, no TV, Facebook, computer, etc. God knows your heart and what you are going through. He understands. At some point you will need to stop praying and just begin to thank him. I encourage you to purchase the book Prison to Praise – this will give you more tools to fight this battle. Read it 3 times in a row and begin to follow the plan of Praise. You are loved by your Heavenly Father.

    1. Thank you Jackie. I will find that book. I will try this media fast. I can’t do it while im working because my job requires me to use a computer. But I will do it after work when I can and on the weekends. Thank you for your prayers, please don’t give up praying for my family. I will continue to pray hard. If you have any advice or words of inspiration or success stories, please share them with me. I could use inspirations to boost my hope and assurance in the victory that is to come. Thank you so much!

    2. Jackie,

      can you please delete my post. I feel guilty for talking the way I did. I’m an emotional mess with what happened and I want to be more clear headed when i repost, which I will. Just praying and seeking God until then. i want the story to be said with a clear head and not out of desperation and grief. Please and thank you Jackie. I still ask please continue to pray and stand with me that God will heal my family if it is his will. I am fighting tooth and nail seeking God in this and not pursuing her even though my heart tells me to because I care so much about us being a family again. Again, I am eating up every word you say, I pray the Lord NEVER stops speaking through you. Please don’t ever stop. Your words are so inspirational, I thank God for what your doing. I even printed out almost everything you wrote. Please post more! or contact me.. I would love to speak to you. What your doing is what I think I may be called to do for a long time now, but I am not certain and would really like to speak to you about it. As strong as you are in the Lord, please speak to him and ask him if he would allow for us to communicate, if not…I understand. I am still a spiritual toddler and I am trying in the best way I know how.

      God’s many blessing on you and your family, I mean it.

  128. Hello I have been married for 1year and 4 months I have been with my Husband for 6 years just 1 month ago my Husband had cheated on me with a boss at his employment I was so outraged and angry I put him out and now he’s gone he’s currently still with this woman as we both still talk and text but yet has he talked about our marriage he tells me he dont know if he will return his things are still here but he has both rings I don’t know what to do as I feel soo lonely at night without him I wonder do he feels the same with me I don’t know rather to let him go or keep praying for him to return home

    1. Tanisha, you need to get a “word” on your situation – in other words keep fasting and praying – no TV, computer, movies, etc., until God speaks very clearly about you are to do. I am praying for you.

  129. My name is Anne and my Husband has been having an emotional/texting affair for many years, though he tells he and this person are just friends. He texts her over the weekend and on our vacations, he texts her during work. He does business with her through his job. When they first started talking to each other through text he told me about it. She says she needed some support as both of her parents were/are sick. He said in the beginning it was just him giving her support. She said she had no one. Over the years he has stopped telling me about their talking through text and has kept it from me. I have seen her text him and he will quickly say oh that’s just her I don’t know why she is texting me. I am not niaeve. I know they have gotten close over the years. Everytime I hear the name this woman has through a commercial or in a book my stomach hurts. I hurt. I know he loves me and our children. He is still having an affair though not physical but he comes home at night and doesn’t go out with her, it has been just through text. I have been praying daily. I wil pray in the shower, I will pray when he is at work, I will pray at night, I pray constantly for this marriage. I don’t care if he wants to have girls who are friends, but when it gets to a point where he has to keep it from me, there is something more going on. I have a friend who is a guy, we went to the same school but I just talk to him occasionally. He has his life, and I have mine. The last few months I have felt a disconnect to my husband. He always tells me he loves me, but physically we have not been close. I pray for that as well!!! Please stand in prayer for me and my Husband.

    1. Elle, purchase the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend. You have let your boundaries become blurred. This is not a life of peace nor a healthy marriage. You need to make it clear if he continues to text her then you will make steps towards separation. Be strong. This will not end until you make some power steps to reclaim your marriage. Hoping, praying and begging your husband will not make a change – you are the one who has to make the first step. He needs to know that it’s either you or this woman – adultery is always wrong – even if it’s just emotional.

    2. Greetings anne I kn share ur pain i kn what u r going through ill b praying for u n ur husband I’ve had that same experience with my husband n now we r separate im praying for the lord to deliver him from this soul tie n coming up every demonic force that has come ip against my u do the same if we both touch an agree in the spirit god will do it for the both of us my name is lisa in Jesus name n place it under his blood amen

      1. Thank you Lisa. I figured Julie would at least pray for me too. She did for others and didn’t just suggest a book! I am all for reading inspirational books, but I could use the prayers too!

  130. My husband and I have been together for 12+ years, and we have a beautiful 3 1/2 year old son. Somewhere between post partum depression and colic, he began an affair with his coworker. They have been involved for 2 years now. He left me to be with her a year ago for 2 weeks, came home and exactly 6 months to the hour left me again. I stood in prayer for him and our marriage. He was living with her again for 6 months, he returned the end of June full of tears and remorse and promises of love and a new future together. He brought all of his things home, quit his job, and released his lawyer. He was home for a month and left me again, more spiritually and emotionally broken than ever before. Now he suddenly wants to rush the divorce proceedings. I want to stop crying and seek God again, but I feel so lost I’m not sure how to get back there.

    1. Shannon, your husband does not value you. We are called to a life of peace – let him go. If this is going to work he will have to humble himself in repentance. He is playing a cat mouse game – don’t let him treat you this way. Begin to move on with your own life, put God first, not your husband. Relinquish control over the situation. Don’t try and stop the divorce. God knows what is going on. He knows your husbands heart. If this marriage is ultimately going to work then Christ must be at the center of it – otherwise it will all fall apart again. Find out who your are, get empowered, find one or two women you can pray with regularly – I think you have lost your sense of who you are. Your life has great value and meaning,even without this man in your life. When we seek first God’s kingdom everything else falls into place. Praying for you beloved.

  131. My husband and I are staying in Mum in-laws house and there are lot of troubles here and there. My husband have time for the mother more than me and takes his sister’s children and his own children. Since we went to stay in that house I have miscarried several times and now my mother in law was not talking to me when I got pregnant recently. My husband suddenly had a quarrel with me, three days later I lost the pregnancy and now the man is telling me he wants a divorce. I don’t want that to happen because God says He HATES divorce. Now the little thing I do my husband finds a fault with it. I NEED THE HAND OF GOD TO TOUCH HIM.

    1. Betty, you are not being valued by your husband. It won’t be good to reconcile the marriage without first getting his respect. If he wants a divorce don’t say a word. Don’t nag him – LESS SAY more PRAY. As you fast and pray let God speak to your husband. If he wants your opinion give it to him, otherwise keep silent.”In quietness and trust is your strength says the Lord.” You need to read the book Boundaries by Cloud and Townsend – you have blurred boundaries. Until he can learn to cherish and respect you there is no marriage – regardless of whether you love him or not. Marriage is about respect. Be strong in the Lord. Don’t beg or plead let him go. If he gets right with God then he will come back, if not, he would never have cherished you anyways. Praying for you friend.

  132. Please stand in faith with me for God to restore my marriage and heal my realtionship with my husband (steven) we are separate n have been for about 5 months now please please pray for us thank

  133. Hi , aldultry is like any other sin amd its completely forgivable, it would be great if all got that remarriage can mean adultry in many cases, ie divorcimg a spouse for another person. How ever Jesus died for all sin and to say one type of sin will lead you to hell is not rightly dividing the word. The good news is that all our sins are payed for and we are forgiven and we are free from sin, so should we continue to sin? God forbid……… most people dont even know that we have been ressurected to a new life and that we are now free to love……….grace will cause a person to lead a disciplined life, not the law, the law will only show you how you cant do it. When you give someone the law you bring them back under bondage to it. I donot cheat on my husband not because I will go to hell because Jesus already pad for it I am faithful because of the power of Grace be blessed…t

  134. My sister’s husband is doing ministry. They have been married for 11 years. They have 3 kids. Now we come to know that he is an immoral guy since marriage. But he prays & preach well. But inside home he is abusing my sister & not ready to accept his attitude, always justifying himself. Always blame her to all people. She was innocent, love him anything but he hates her even to touch. I can’t understand why this to my sister, coz she had been prayed for her life partner since age 15. Now she can’t pray anymore except crying. More than 15 months it’s going on too bad. she doesn’t like Jesus name to be used with this. She confused what to do & doesn’t like to leave him shake of kids. Pls pray & give advice.

  135. I humbly ask for you prayers to restore my marriage and cast out Satan and the spirit of divorce. My husband recently moved out and was connecting with his ex girlfriend. He says he knows the right thing for us to do is get a divorce because God is telling him to. We all know that’s not God speaking to him.

  136. My fiancé’s ex has used black magic to get him to leave us we are pregnant with out first child. He wanted nothing more than to get married and have children. We hadn’t been able to conceive and our miracle happened now everything changed in a couple of weeks. I was told that this woman has someone using a some kind of cigarette back magic on him and we are broken up! Please pray for us!! He doesn’t understand what is happening or why he changed neither did I until this woman’s neighbor advised me of what she had told her. Please please help

  137. This is a great prayer. Please pray for me and my marriage. My wife has strayed but I want her back. 100 percent pray for us please

  138. Please pray in agreement with me for complete restoration of my marriage. Wilder Cruz, we call him Cruz. He left us to live with hisbon again off again affair of five years. We have 5 children ages 10 , 8, 5, 2, and 3 months. I found out three years ago that he also had agfair with other people some I knew some I did not. He has a pot and smoking addiction to that picked back up during this affair. I have been praying for him daily sometimes hourly. I love this man so much. He has so many demonic spirits around him perhaps in him andvI pray they loose in the mighty name of Jesus Christ! And go back to the pit of Hell where they belong never to return to him again.

  139. Being unsaved, alcoholism, and adultery have my husband. We have been separated for 8 months after being married nearly 21 years. He started drinking again 2 years ago and had been having 4-month affair with a married woman. She says she and my husband aren’t cheating because she is separated from her husband and I and my husband are separated.
    I read that if an unbelieving husband lwants to go, we’re not bound. I am getting discouraged because I see no change after fasting, praising, surrendering, and praying non-stop. Even though I see nothing, I walk by faith and not by sight. I surrender.

    1. Good Morning Jill, No matter what others say, your husband IS having an affair. An affair is ANY sex outside of marriage, even if you are separated. What you read is correct – Paul said if an unbeliever wants to go let him go… now, is this to say you should divorce him? The key to the Christian walk is that we MUST be led of the Holy Spirit. Spend quiet time with the Holy Spirit and ask Him “Is now the time to divorce my husband?” This is such a HUGE decision that it will affect the both of you eternally. We must be sure of the Lord’s timing. If the Lord gives you the OK then you can have peace knowing that you have done all that you can. If He tells you to wait then ask Him for how long. Timing is very important. Praying for you beloved.

      1. Hi,

        I really need powerful prayer for my marriage!

        My wife and I have had financial shortages over the past few years. Her sisters, mother and adult children have a tremendous hold and influence over her. In the past my wife saw another man whilst married to me, due to these influences.

        They influence her to join a dating website to attract rich men. We are now separated, and I’m sure she is pursuing other men. but I want our marriage and finances to be rescued and restored.

        I have been a very loving and supportive husband and spiritual head of the home for the full 10 years we have been married. The influences against our marriage have controlled her mind to see me as worthless. I love her and want the influences over her mind broken off, I want her to stop seeing other men.
        Her sisters and mother have all rejected their own marriages to live as they please!

        I am begging for restoration and a happy marriage. She is born again but there are very evil mind control influences gripping her and the decisions she makes.
        Please pray for me and my marriage. I am deeply distressed!
        I need this wicked influence and control destroyed. I need her family to back off permanently and I need her to stop pursuing other men and to return and be faithful to me and our marriage.

        People have told me to walk away, but I believe in marriage and restoration.

        My wife’s name is Tracey.

        the family are: Ken, Lauren, Jane, Karen, Trish, Leigh, Dick, Kevin.

        Thank you,

  140. I feel so out of touch in my marriage right now, I feel like I have slapped the Lord, my wife and my children in the face. Over 2 yrs ago, I shared with my wife of an affair that I’ve had with a woman that I’ve once worked with. This
    Stupid nonsense ended about 10 yrs ago, but it’s been hard to move on at times. I’m a minister and sometimes I cannot believe how I could stoop to such a degrading foolishness. It has robbed my ministry, my marriage and now my sanity, but still I pray, still I love the Lord, still I love my wife and children, still I believe God for the healing. My wife tells me she wishes she was with someone else, when she lies next to me, she wishes it is someone else, that hurts, maybe I’m reaping from what I allowed. There’s an understanding that she’s deeply hurt, I feel her pain, but I got selfish and stupid, many times I felt terrible behind what I was in, the lying both out of fear and trying to keep my family, but I got carried to a place I thought I would never be. I need your prayers, please pray for the healing of my marriage sister, God bless you and your family, your ministry.

    1. Brother Russ, you and your wife need inner-healing https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/category/balm-of-gilead/page/3/ When the wounds are this deep only supernatural intervention can bring about healing and closure. I also recommend “Closure Counseling.” There is a great book written by Gayle Haggard “Why I Chose to Stay.” I recommend that you both read the book together. Their experience was very similar to yours as he was a nationally renown pastor. If you have any questions you can contact me on my email address and I will do what I can to help you through this difficult time. Standing with you in prayer.

  141. I like soo many others it seems am praying the prayer over my wife of 8 years together for 10. We have 5 children 9, 8 and triplets that will be 5. My wife Angela started her affair oct/nov and I have been struggling trying to get her to snap out of this self destructive mode. She filed for divorce in April. The other person was divorced in January has three young kids of his own. He was my oldest sons baseball coach. I confronted them in November and a few times since but selfish evil ways currently prevail. Still in same house she is here during the day and leaves every night. Justifies her affair by saying she was unhappy for years. I have been true to her and forgiving as I feel God would want. Still love my wife and my family! Mediation Wed May 28 FASTiNG and praying my way through. FAITHFULLY waiting on Gods miracle! Prayers appreciated.

  142. I also wanted to say, after reading some of the situations these others are in, it seems that this way of life and marriage is becoming an epidemic. I pray that the devil be rebuked in all of our lives and that love and kindness be restored instead of anger and ridiculous excuses. In Jesus name I pray these things. AMEN!

  143. I’m so happy to see what few things I have read from you. I have faith, but right now it’s ALL I have. I am broken and am in a VERY dark hole. I am in a state where I have no family or friends to go to. Today because the stress is physically taking its toll on me, I’ve lost my job as well. I’m not a suicidal person, but those thoughts are running rampant in my head. I have a strong enough faith not to harm myself and go to hell, but feel like I’m already there. I’m scared, lonely and hurt. I thank you and of course God almighty and pray that he heals my heart and all that is broken.

    1. Brandy, I am sorry for all that you are going through. None of us deserve the situation we are in. Hold fast to prayer, most especially in your weakest moments. I wish I could reach out to you and give you a much needed hug. Whenever you feel down, close your eyes and call on our Lord Jesus. He will come to you and ease your pain. I will pray for you. And I pray that all of our wayward spouses be struck with the realization of their sins, repent and come back to God and their true spouse which whom God has joined as one.

  144. Hi my name is Michael.I came across ur web page.my wife Dominique is currently filing 4 divorce.i was told i made 2 many mistakes n i didnt 4give her bout the affair she had.we both r saved but i backslid wen i found out bout the affair.my wifes friends that are leaderz in church are encouraging n entertaining her actions.i hav prayed the pray i found on ur web page.n praying my own prayers.if i can ask u to keep us in prayer as well.kind regards,MICHAEL

  145. Im asking for guidance and prayer for restoration of my marriage of 3 yrs..my spouse moved out the house when he had an argument about him having text conversation with other women. He says he fell into doing that due to his ego. And not feeling appreciated by me,Emotionally and sexually on a consistent basis. I was a wife that didn’t understand how to be a wife, in the last 4 months of separation I have began a relationship with god, prayed and began attending church regularly. In the last few weeks I have began to fast. He has started seeing someone, and says he is in love. He has had divorce papers drawn up as well. I know now the things that held me back in our marriage and will continually work on me to be the wife my husband desires. He says he doesn’t love me in that way anymore. I do feel God telling me to fight for my marriage. I do have faith. We have 2 kids together and I have 2 from previous relationship, we have been together approx 9 years and this is the first time he hasn’t been willing to budge on working thru our situation. I recently recited the prayer provided and I felt tingles in my face after praying.

  146. I am praying your prayer My wife of 4 years announced that she was finished with our marriage. She met another man and is spending nights with him. She has already filed for divorce. She is a different person and acts like a woman possessed. Please pray for her, the kids and i

    1. Gerald, begin to fast. Read all my posts on Fasting and Spiritual Warfare. Begin to PRAISE God all day long – no matter what you feel, just praise. This can be one of the strongest forms of Spiritual Warfare. Praise God for your situation, Praise God that He is going to work it out, Praise God for being a loving Father that sees and knows all. This may seem silly and illogical but just do it by sheer will. He says to “give thanks in ALL things….” so begin to do this day and night. You will see God move. Don’t chase your wife – let her come back to you. Standing with you in faith.

  147. My husband moved out yesterday. He kept blaming me for everything wrong in our marriage. I just found out he is having an affair. Please help me pray for him to realize the spiritual consequences of his actions. This morning I had to console our daughter. She woke up crying where her father was and he left us. Please, I need help.

      1. Thanks minister Jackie for this work of the Lord! This is my first time on this site and it has blessed me and encouraged me to keep fighting! Continue to be blessed for your much sowing, in the Mighty Name of Jesus! Amen.

        1. Thanks so very much for those powerful words of encouragement. Please keep our ministry on your prayer list. We are hoping to build the Healing Center and need much prayer support. Warm blessings to you and all those you love.

    1. Kim I have a son to and we are going through the same. Pray for your daughter to. The children don’t understand and may feel its their fault and need to know that it’s not. Pray with her to bring daddy back home delivered and on fire for the Lord! I stand with you on this also and that the Lord Jesus will give you peace in your heart so you can pray for your husband and not be bitter. Amen

      1. vthundr1, Thank you. Your message touched my heart. I will keep you and your son in my prayers. This is a battle we must not surrender to. And it truly helps knowing I am not alone, although I am sad that there are so many us. May God embrace you and your son and every one of us going through such trials, and may He embrace our spouses with much more love and bring them all back home to us.

  148. Jackie, what do you mean to ‘fast’, I have searched for days and I find alot of different types. Some are talking of giving up luxery items, some talk about giving up food for solid days and some talk about giving up food for certain hours of the day. Please help me to understand.
    I have been praying for the salvation of my marriage since February, My husband has always had more faith than I, I was raised differently and we never went to church as a family. This past Thursday things got more difficult and he moved out to live with his new girlfriend who was his employee in the factory we both worked at. He has since quit his job and said he is starting a new life. He is living a lie, he has lied to everyone who has approached him of the situation even his mother who is a Pastor in his home country! This man before me is not my husband, Satan has taken over him. I love my husband and I may sound crazy but I have no ill-feelings towards him, he is a good man and has always treated me great untill this point.
    Please keep him and I in your prayers.
    Thank you,

  149. My husband has fallen for another woman and is determined to push me out of his life. He is like a totally different person and his coldness frightens me. It is like he has the devil in him. We have been living apart due to work commitments and each of us took one child with us. We communicate daily through the Internet but two months ago I began to feel that he has changed and last month he said he wants me out of his life. This broke me apart and I began praying fervently after failing to talk any reasoning with him when I visit. He made me feel like I am in the wrong and he just totally shuts me out. I pray your prayer everyday. But I would like to ask for prayer from people who I think has even stronger faith than me. Thank you.

    1. Step, pray like your knocking the devil out with punches! You might not see any results at first, but it is working. The unbelieving husband is sanctified by you, the wife. Get to fighting girl!

      1. vthundr1, thanks for the encouragement. I am praying also for all prodigal spouses to turn back to God and their marriages. So all of us here with prodigal spouses will be covered by the prayer. God bless you.

  150. I am praying your prayer and have begun fasting. My wife of 10 years announced two weeks ago that she was finished with our marriage. She met another man at her Christian company and is spending nights with him. She has already filed for divorce. She is a different person and acts like a woman possessed. Please pray for her, the kids and I.

    I am claiming Luke 10:19 & Matt 19:6

  151. My husband has moved out and is living with the other woman (who was married as well at the time) – He says he wants a divorce and has even printed off and filled out divorce papers for us to file together. I have been standing for the restoration of my marriage for three years (will be four years in September). He is so blinded…he has only seen our children two times since Christmas. The oldest and middle child do not want to go see him if they have to be around her. It is sad that my own heart hurts, but when my children’s hearts are broken…that is a whole new world of hurt. We have been married for 11 years, been together for 19 years.

    1. Kathie, God is speaking to you https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/2011/12/20/god-is-speaking-to-you/ take the time to “Get a Word” on your situation. You are called to a life a peace. If God has told you He will restore your marriage then stand, but if you are still believing without results then move into Fasting and Prayer https://jackieosinski.wordpress.com/category/prayer-and-fasting/ and ask God to tell you if your husband will ever repent. Beloved, you are called to a life of peace. Standing with you in prayer.

  152. My husband of 29 years has been caught at various times in our union committing adultery with married women. Whenever i confront him, he apologizes and says, ” all men do it”, He further goes to say he does not know how his adulterous ways disturb me on the grounds that he pays the children school fees and maintains me and the home though I am in an employment.
    He now coded all his phones and iPad and laptop so that I do not know who these women are again. However, he looks for reasons to go on “business trips” where these women meet him in hotels. I know these because he is always carrying condoms(which we do not use as a couple) in his bag for these trips and even sometimes within the town where we stay. I have been praying and fasting since but God has been prospering him more financially, so he has excess funds to spend on these women. We used to have active sexual life but nowadays we barely do so and he tells me that i should initiate the move and even when i do, he says he is tired ( for obvious reasons). He keeps on professing love but the adultery is getting worse. Incidentally, his late father was like that. we have three girls and a boy whom he loves so much and keeps on begging me that the children who adore him must not know. This is my first time of coming accrues your site and I have copied the prayers referred to earlier to be printed and read regularly thereafter. Please join me in praying for my husband to be delivered from the spirit of adultery for these women could be diabolical with obvious consequences.

    1. Tola, say the prayers along with fasting for 30 days. If he does not COMPLETELY stop his ways LEAVE HIM. You must use wisdom. Until there are serious consequences many men will NEVER change. Let him know you are very serious. If you need the house then after 30 days of no change kick him out. Then give it 6 months, if he still doesn’t change tell him you will consider divorce. At each step of the way ask God to confirm your decisions. God said we are called to a life of peace – what you are living is not peace. God says we are to love and protect ourselves – you can do this by telling your husband you now mean serious business. Standing with you in prayer.

  153. Im so happy to have found your website and the prayers you posted I will pray daily. Im asking for prayers for my almost 18 yr marrige to be restored and for my husbands salvation. He has been having an affair sine April 2013, and just recently moved in with the other woman in Feb 2014. I have completely given everything to God and have prayed daily and fasted several days. God has begun to answer some of my prayers and a couple of days ago my husband and other woman had a big fight and my husband brought all of his stuff back to our house and he said it was over with her. Well unfortunately after two days he stayed with her again and has gone back to staying with her again after telling me he didn’t completely “feel comfortable” here at home. Almost all of his stuff is still here. You can imagine how devasted me and our 3 children were after we were so happy to have him back and then he leaves to be with her again 2 days later. Our 18 year wedding anniversary is coming up on March 30th and I and hoping and praying daily he will come back home by then if it is God’s will. Im am praying all emotional and ungodly soul ties and adultery will be broken from this other woman and that God will turn my husbands heart back to me so that he will come home permanently. I would appreciate your prayers as well. Thank You and God Bless You!

    1. Stephanie, I am standing with you in prayer. I would ask that your entire household do a TV, movie – and if possible, computer fast. I know that in these times getting off the internet is tough on kids – but when my daughters were little we were off ALL the above for a year – we saw amazing miracles. When families FAST together amazing things occur. Get rid of all magazines, books, etc. that are not totally Godly. STERILIZE YOUR HOME. Satan is at work here and we need you and the family in a powerfully Holy place. Only play Christian music. Don’t even allow your kids to bring anything into the home that is QUESTIONABLE. Do all I have asked you to do and you will feel a SHIFTING of the atmosphere in your home. Standing with you in faith.

      1. Thank you for your prayers I will try to start a media fast its going to be very hard, not so much the TV but the video games with the kids, but I will take it one step at a time please pray for us to have strength to do this. Thank you so much.

      2. I’ve been praying the prayers you posted daily morning and night and my husband is home tonight he and the other woman had a very bad fight and she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore. Thank you Jesus God gets all the glory honor and praises!hallelujah!please ask for continued prayer because I know this is when the enemy attacks the most thank you so much!

  154. i have been unfaithful for most of my 16 year marriage to a wondrful God fearing man.I now know that this is demonic and im under a stronghold by Satan.I want to be dlivered fom these dsires and lies.Satan wants to destroy me and my family.Please pray for me.

    1. Dear friend, what you have is an addiction – an addiction to attention, sex and self. This all began with the wounds of your heart. Please read all my posts on The Balm of Gilead, Spiritual Warfare, Addictions and Demons. Begin to bring yourself through inner-healing. Take your time in this area. Allow God’s love and care for you heal all the wounds of the past. I then encourage you to read How to Cast out a Demon. In the end there is a strong possibility that you will need to cast out a spirit of lust and perversion. I am praying for you to have the determination to win this battle. God is on your side.

  155. We have been married for 3 years. My husband has lied to me and been deceptive. He had planned to have a child with another woman in June 2013 and I read the emails between him, his friend and his lawyer. When I found out he said he made this up in order for me to become more active in having a baby. I have problems with fertility. My husband also stayed in the same hotel room with one of his co-workers,and he insists that it was innocent. He also found a donor and a surrogate for “his future child”- and told me I was too never know who the donor was EVER- and that these female friends did not want me to know. He thought it was ok for these women to insist that he keep secrets from his wife. He also said the donor was someone he worked with (I am convinced it was the woman he was in the hotel with).
    We have met with a spiritual counselor after I begged him. And after Christmas this year I thought we were headed in the right direction however I found out that he spent New Years out of town with another woman, while I was at home working. Once again he lied and said “you don’t know …you were not there.” I saw dated pictures of them together in his email box. He said they were cousins and when I emailed the female she said they were far from cousins. I thank God I was not able to have children with my husband! I pray that God will deliver him from infidelity, deceit, denial and lying.
    He refuses to come clean and I can’t move forward until he stops lying.
    Please pray for me I am at a crossroad.

    1. Friend, you are married to a liar, a manipulator and deceiver. He keeps pulling the wool over your eyes. I would encourage you to ask the Lord to open the eyes of your understanding. This man will never change until he comes into a sorrowful repentance. I also would encourage you to spend the next 30 days in prayer and fasting (see all my posts). After that I would like you to consider separation. You need physical space to clear your head, prove your boundaries and let this man know you will no longer be taken for a ride. Stop giving in to his lies and deception. He does this because he is allowed to.

      1. When you responded to my message, it was like a confirmation. I have been separated from my husband since January 9th and yesterday I started the process for divorce. I am convinced that my husband is possessed with a demon – a lying deceptive spirit. He refuses to admit that he has been unfaithful and he insist that I should wipe the slate clean, that all these issues are in my head, he says that I am inflicting myself with pain, That I like to suffer and I should submit to him.

        Submit to the man who texted this madness to me.. This is a text message he sent to me in December … “I am like God and God like me.
        I am as Large as God, He is as small as I.
        He cannot above me, nor I beneath him be.”

        I have been praying and fasting that God would restore me.. Joel 2:25. My soon to be husband has got to be a cankerworm.. And I pray that God will make him whole one day as well.

  156. I found out two weeks ago about my husbands affair. We live in Italy so my support is few.we have three little kids 1,3 and 5. I’m struggling with this. It’s affecting his job and it’s affecting my health. I am 23 and I really don’t know what to do . The situation is getting worse by the day. I found out last week I contracted an std from him. The military has him living somewhere else right now so all the stresses of parenting are left on me. I want my marriage back but I’m struggling with anger, betrayal and disappointment. I’ve cried out so many times and I feel like I’m running out of prayer.

    1. Jasmine,God is bigger than what you are going through. You are his little girl, beloved and precious. There is nothing that is broken that God cannot fix. You need to start fasting and praying (see all my posts on Fasting and Prayer and Spiritual Warfare) Dedicate the entire year of 2014 to a Media Fast – No tv, internet, movies, etc. – just soak yourself in God’s Word. Satan would love to destroy your marriage but we are NOT going to let him. Make sure you are putting on The Armor of God (see post) OUT LOUD on a daily basis. You will have to continually be in spiritual warfare. Begin memorizing Power Verses (see post) and memorize them. Also, memorize bible verses all day long that give you promises of God’s supernatural working power. Write them down in a notebook and all day long memorize them – add a new one every 3 days and then go back and keep memorizing and confessing out LOUD the old ones. As your sister in Christ I stand with you and agree with you for the restoration of your marriage.

  157. Please pray for my family…my husband, Antonio of 15 years wants divorce. He’s having an emotional affair with another woman. Me and our three kids are heartbroken. We still live together, but for him, we’re not husband and wife anymore. He will move out once he finds a place.

    1. Beloved, don’t stop fasting and praying. You and the kids can go on a one year media fast, which is very powerful. Read all my posts of Fasting and Prayer. Get off all TV, radio, Facebook, computer, etc. – you will see God move. Standing with you in faith.

    2. Hi Angela, my husband left me to make some decisions about divorce and I am waiting for his return. I am also scared like you are. I do not want a divorce. Let us pray for each other for The Lord almighty to give us strength and guidance…that our husbands will come back to us and be a family again.

  158. Dear Brother,

    I got married (arranged marriage) to my husband 3.5 years ago…at first the marriage was rocky and I was struggling with his insomnia, secrecy, alcohol abuse, financial difficulty, lifestyle of partying and to top it all, I had his ex girlfriend’s stuff all over the place.

    I know I listened to God, got a sign and then only did marry him. I did not care about his money or anything. In the last year, I saw a change him and we were healing, but there was a part of me which kept saying that it was too good to be true and I constantly asked him if I could trust him.

    On the 22nd after an office party he came back at 4:30 and I checked his phone, to find out a few messages which was shared between him and a girl.
    When I confronted him, he said nothing happened and it was just a kiss, though the message spoke about them wanting to see each other again.

    I spoke to the girl, she has a boyfriend and she is not interested in him. I asked her, if she truly loved him…I did not mind letting him go…I always felt that I did not deserve him, maybe I was not “good” or “like minded” or “extrovert” enough for him. I just wanted him to be happy…I do not want him to be trapped in marriage. She said that this has happened in the past….but they did not have sex and she is in love with the guy she is dating.

    My husband has expressed deep regret and blames alcohol for his actions. Now wants to start a family and trying to make amends by saying prayers in the morning and at night. However, he still has not stopped drinking. I want to believe him and make my love for him come back. I need help to trust him again. All I want is a husband who accepts me and is honest with me. I’m truly happy that he is praying with me and I know that is the 1st step…but I want him to be free of the demon of lust and adultery…I have seen him with women and I do not think his actions are too noble, but then again he claims I am backward.

    I need the Holy Spirit to help me discern and show me the way….I do not want him to go away from God because of me…but I do not want to be cheated on again. I do not think, I will be able to survive. I think it was Jesus, who caught my hand and made me survive to this day and I praise him.

    I know others are suffering a lot more than me and I do not want to sound ungrateful…but please do keep me in your prayers if you do have the time.

    Your sister in Christ.

      1. Dear Jackie,

        I found out again that my husband was in touch with his muslim girlfriend even during the years after we got married.

        I found out mails sent by him declaring his love for her. He has finally admitted to that relationship. He got married to me, mostly cause he knew that his parents would not accept the girl since she was a muslim and a divorcee. He felt that his parents would be upset with him and ended up agreeing to get married to me.

        Ours was an arranged marriage as per the Indian culture. Now I feel so helpless…yet so liberated…cause today I understand what he was going through.
        Then when I think of myself…I do not know how to approach my family who loves him like a son. It will break their heart.

        After a huge confrontation, he wants to stay with me…stating that this girl is no more a part of his life. He claims to love me. I want to believe him and trust him completely…but find it so difficult…I now know that I was cheated on during my marriage and the whole marriage was such a sham.

        It was a drama played out in his life…but I thought it was all real. I find it soooo difficult to trust him, I keep seeing all the photos taken by them in “our” house – The house where I wanted to build a family with him. He cheated on me every year….with the 1st girl in Bangalore(india) or the other (here in the middle east). We were apart for almost over 11 months. When I had found a job here and he had insisted I take it up till he gets a job out here.
        He wanted a job that would give him a role senior than the one back in India…he rejected everything else.
        After months of prayer…he got an offer and he had no choice but to accept it.

        Once he got here, like I mentioned in my previous post he cheated on me twice with the same girl who works with him.

        Today…he has agreed to quit drinking completely, close his old email id and start a new life with me. I’ve given up making any decisions on my own. I want God to guide my life desperately. I put on a face everyday in front of my parents and family…at times…I break down …not knowing what to do.
        I want God to lead me now, if God wants him to go back to his girlfriend, i’m willing to let him go. However, if mu husband is true about this radicle change and God wants me to honour this marriage..I will do as per God’s will… in spite of how difficult it is for me to accept him back in my life.

        Almost 3.5 years ago, I stood before God and made a promise to be with my husband and I kept it till date.
        I also heard a promise made by my husband to me in front of God, which he could not keep.
        This time if I have to be with him, I need a promise made by God to me in front of my husband….I will accept my husband back ; if God commits to me…that if something happens after accepting my husband back…God will take care of me completely.

        Please pray for me…I am confused, shattered and broken.


  159. I have seen God work His miracle in my marriage. Last week i started to pray authoritatively over my marriage, and i have received my miracle this morning.
    To God be all the glory! He never fails,all you need is to trust in Him with all your heart.

    1. PRAISE GOD! Another victory for God, another defeat for Satan. Always be on the defensive spiritually for your marriage, it is a daily battle. Walk in the fullness of God’s power, love and might. Remember, you cannot love your husband, it must be God loving him THROUGH you. Be blessed beloved.

  160. Praying that God will restore my marriage and remove anything and anyone who is stopping this marriage from being restored.

  161. Thank you. I have been praying my prayer and my husband called me at 4:30 am this morning. Keep agreeing with me in faith please that his mind will be completely delivered and he will return home

  162. I am praying in faith that God will restore my marriage and bring my husband home. I am in spiritual warfare for this marriage and for my husbands deliverance from this demonic stronghold

  163. So, in essence what you are saying to me, “friend”, is that God will not restore my marriage? As a woman of God, I firmly believe that He heals all who ask in true repentance. I was a different woman at that time in my life, one with NO relationship with Christ. I didn’t know Him much less care about what was right or wrong. If I am correct, you are expressing to me that while my husband is married to me, she is currently still married to another man, that God is going to restore the adultery? No matter how this is all sliced up, we (ALL of us) at that time were wrong and we have all been forgiven of our sins. Thank you for your help, I will not be re-posting here nor will I ever suggest your negative advise to anyone. You didn’t even offer an encouraging word! All you said was “Sorry chick, you screwed up, oh well, this is your punishment.” This was not nice at all. Thank you and I pray that you have kinder words for others in my situation because you JUST passed judgement against me.

    1. In Jackie’s defense I don’t believe she was passing judgement at all. She was giving you the facts…biblical facts.

  164. We have been married 13 years, together 15. He left his first wife and 3 girls, while she was pregnant with child number 4, for his ex-girlfriend from high school. He has always been an emotional man, used drugs through his first marriage (and then used for about 5 years during ours). He had filed for divorce and then she filed shortly after as well. He ended up meeting me, or running into each other again in college (we knew each other in high school). We fell for each other at first sight. I didn’t know all of the story. When I did find out, I didn’t care. I wanted to be with him so badly. We moved in together, I have two children from my previous marriage at this time as well. We lived together all that time, on and off. On for the most part. Finally, after about 5 or 6 times of him going back and forth between me and his wife I left him alone. The last came back one month later crying and begging, as he always did. There was a confrontation the first night he called to see me. It involved my husband, his mother, his wife (then) and myself. In less than 5 minutes, there was a slap across his face as he told her he never loved her (in front of me) and she (ex now) drove off.

    We were married in the fall of 2000, had one son in December of 2001 and most of the first 5 or 6 years consisted of drugs use (husband), no financial stability, 2 affairs (husband) and no father role for his daughters, my children or our son. Our son is now 12 (turned this past Sunday) and his little life is all jumbled up now. My husband decided to tell him (son) that he couldn’t be with his mom anymore because if he did then he could never see his grandchildren. After some PI work of my own, I discovered that he has been in an emotional affair with his ex-wife for almost 2 months now, maybe more. She recently filed for divorce from her second husband for using drugs himself, and other excuses that I’ve heard of. The daughters don’t like me, they never have. They are all pushing for their mom and dad to get back together. They are all pushing for divorce, where does that leave their little brother they love so much?

    My mother suffered her 2nd heart attack in August, my father passed away in September (unexpectedly) and then in October I had some tests done including a bone biopsy. Shortly after that exam I noticed many changes in my husband. I questioned and he finally told me he wanted to change his life and it was not going to include me. I had lower back surgery last week. On Friday he went to have lunch with our pastor and he came home saying that we would go see a marriage counselor when he got back from work. On Sunday night he said he doesn’t want marriage counseling, it was our son’s 12th birthday and instead of allowing me to take him to see him he had his ex-wife and daughters with him making them lunch and had lots of fun shopping online.

    There is much unforgiveness, a lot of blame on me for what I have no real clue about, much anxiety and fear. There is uncertainty and no real decisions have been made. He doesn’t call, doesn’t text and won’t return almost any reply if I have a question. Before he left to work (oil rig 2 weeks on/2 off), he told me he loved me and that it was all going to be ok. Now a few days later, it’s all UN-ok again. I pray, I have fasted (3 weeks) and I don’t fight with him or disrespect him. I accept him for who he is but he is BLINDED by his current emotional affair. I DO NOT WANT A DIVORCE and I can’t stop him…

    1. Friend, the bible tells us that as we sow, so shall we reap. You married a man who was an adulterer, a player, a former drug addict, emotionally unstable and a fornicator. You lived together in sin before marriage – now you are asking God to heal this situation. Beloved, go back to the beginning. This marriage was never of God. God will never fix those things which are not of Him – no matter how much we fast and pray. I would encourage you to seek God first for your own healing, your own direction and your son’s healing. Don’t chase a man who is still an adulterer – let this relationship go. Let the Lord be your husband and the Lover of your Soul. There is an eternal price to pay for adultery – even if you did marry the man. Repent of the wrong doing and find the new path that God has for you and your son.

  165. I’m asking for healing and restoration not only for my marriage and myself, but also for our children. They have been through more than they’ve needed to go through and still continue to battle things daily. I’ve written a post a while back, but here’s the update: My husband sent the OW away, but now he’s flying her from MI back to GA on Jan 1, 2014; he’s filed for divorce (we haven’t gone to court yet; he’s moved me out away from our children; I’m currently living with my mom; and he’s already telling people that we’re divorced. Please stand and pray for my family and I, the enemy continues to try to destroy my family as I’m sure he’s doing the same throughout other families. Pray for peace, comfort, and an unexpected/unexplainable miracle to manifest for my family and families across the world that are suffering. Thank you and God bless!

    1. Beloved, we are standing with you in prayer. How active Satan is!”When we were utterly helpless Christ came at JUST the RIGHT time.” You are in a broken place, utterly helpless, we put our trust in our Kinsman Redeemer who is able to rescue each of us from the darkest places. When you are tired – say “He is ABLE.” When you are weary, say “He is ABLE.” When you feel utterly helpless, say “He is ABLE” – for we know Christ is much more than able. Peace beloved.

  166. Asking for healing & restoration for my marriage. That all ties between him & his mistress are broken and she’s gone from his life for good. Also, all hindrances, enablers & negative ppl are removed from our marriage along with stromgholds and familiar spirits are broken from him. Finally, my husband returns home.

  167. Hello my name is Claudia,am in the same situation with my husband,he is convinced that God wants him with the adulterous the other woman,they live together she is pregnant he also dealing with alcohol lots of anger and unforgiveness,The Lord blessed us with two beautiful children a little boy a nd a little girl.please pray for our marriage restoration and protection,because the woman he is involved with was married and supposlly her husband commited suicided and shot him self, this woman it’s being harassing me in many different ways by phone,text,messages,impersonating me and accusing me of all sort of things I never done and got my husband believed all of her lies.i will pray for all of you guys for the restoration of your family’s in Jesus name Amen!!

  168. My husband filed for divorce and it was final nov 13, 2013. He is still living with the ow and the child they have together. Trusting God and still praying for both of them. I have forgiven but it’s a struggle daily. Please pray for my children and myself.

  169. Hello, I also need prayer for my marriage and a word from the lord. My husband had left for the 2nd time in a year in adultry. He doesn’t know that i found out again. He moved out and there are more than one woman. One had the affair with before whom i contacted a year ago and she told me than that she was still gonna let him come over. The 2nd one is one he works with which he denys but she had been pursuing him. she knows hes married too.Please stand with me in coming against these ungodly soul ties. My husband knows the lord and had clearly walked away from him. I know the lord only allows divorce in the case of adultry. Only the lord knows if he will change, Ive had much prayer for him coming against the Strongman of whoredomes and lies and perversion. im asking for a rhema word because only the lord knows if he will change. Thanks

    1. Definitely praying. This has got to end. Too many of us are going through this. Satan, you are a defeated foe. I plead the blood of Jesus over all of these prodigal spouses. Lord your word says that what you join together let noone/nothing separate. We stand on your word in faith!! In the name of Jesus!!!

  170. please please stand in prayer with me for my marriage. there is a battle going on. I’m fasting and praying but at times feel so weak. I am standing on the word of God . I had a real low day today I had to leave the office go for walk so I could pray it through. This is the toughest challenge I’ve ever had. Let God’s word stand and be true. Help me to pray for Neil’s heart.

    thank you so much

  171. I am waiting for my restoration and I pray collectively for everyone. God Bless u all stand firm. God is the restorer, the healer the deliverer.

  172. Sister,
    I understand how you feel because I went through the same situation where I discovered a text between my husband and someone else, but my husband completely told me it is not what I think. However, the lord has been good to me. This brought me closer to Him than ever. I rely on the word of God and prayer and faith. I read and love Psaume 91 as well as Luke 10:19 . Keep your eyes on Jesus and not on the ” troubled water” and surely He shall deliver you. In the mean time keep loving and cherishing your husband . The word also say that God is our deliverer and justice belongs to Him alone.
    May the peace of God keep you.

  173. Well this month has been three months me and my husband Ryan have been separated. He is living with a woman. God is dealing with them both. Please pray for me and my husband (Ryan) and that this woman Shelby honors our marriage. please pray

  174. I have just discovered this web page, and i am in desperate need of your prayers…My husband of 4 years is cheating on me. i caught texts between him and this woman, declaration of love and them missing each other. Its been almost a week since i’ve discovered this and i am an emotional wreck. The worst part is that i am pregnant, 7mnths. They are even planning a holiday together in December, and this is when i’m due to give birth…I am hurting very badly and i need GOD to release my husband from these demonic shackles.
    Please pray for me; my husband, my marriage and my family.

    1. Beloved, I am fasting today for your situation and all those who are suffering with this demonic abuse of adultery. I speak peace over you. Rest. God is bigger than this situation. Get a “Word” on your situation and write it down. You stand on the word NO MATTER WHAT HAPPENS. GOD IS A HEALER. I encourage you to declare this out loud all day long. Say this each time you are fearful and tormented. Speak faith NOT fear. You are deeply loved by your heavenly Father.

  175. I am Nikitia please pray for my marriage! My husband, E, is wrestling with many demons and desperately needs deliverance. The Lord has revealed to me that E is acting out his demons. Our 11 year marriage is in divorce court and the final hearing is scheduled forJanuary 7, 2014. Im believing for cancellation of the divorce. The Lord has spoke restoration to me every time I ask him his plans for my marriage. I trust and believe God!!!

    E has wrestled with pornography and sex addictions througout our marriage and has left our family to be with his new mistress who is a seventh day adventist. He is in a very dark place right now. God revealed to me, in his word, that my husband was led astray by false prophets. I have been warring in the spirit. The Lord told me that Leviathan was present in my husband. I have been praying renounciation prayers against Leviathan. My husband has been extremely mean, vindictive, lying, deceitful and evil acting towards me since his involvement with this female. Before he left home, he was saying things like “Pray that I get my mind right”, “You and my family are so worth fighting for”, “I didnt get married to get divorced”, “Im fighting my way back to you”.

    I’ve prayed and fasted since my husband left on February 27th of this year. I begin this year by fasting for my family. The first twenty-one days of the year, I fasted for my family!! Please pray with me for my marriage to be restored. God is able!!!

    We have two small children, sons–10 and 2. They need their father to be made whole. They need a Godly father in their life to show them the way as they are going to be husbands and fathers one day.

    Please pray heavily for my husband and family.

    1. I am dealing with a similar situation, my husband is dealing with several spirits which have been revealed to me leviathan being one, adultry, lust, corruption and these are all generational. We have a 2 year old so I understand whole heartedly the pain of having small children. My fasting and praying this year was for my marriage and by March he has confessed to an affair and most recently to one that happened two months ago. So I say to you be strong and of good courage God is with you always, I am praying for you and your family, that every evil strong hold be broken over your marriage, that God take the scales off of your husband eye and he be delivered and set free from the clutches of the enemy, hence now and forever more. I prayt hat every argument(lie/demon) and knowledge that exhaults it’s self above God in your husbands heart and mind be brought into captivity(arrested) in to the obedience of Christ, Amen

      1. Thank you so much! I’ve felt so alone. I’ve been told to move on because he isn’t worth it. This is my Husband!!! He not just anybody. He is sick. I vowed In sickness and health. That includes spiritual sickness. I am in serious spiritual warfare for his deliverance and salvation. I’ve been praying against the same spirits that you mentioned and I’m asking God to reverse the curses generational and ones brought on by disobedience to God. Please let’s touch and agree for one another. I believe that God is able to defeat the enemy!!!! He is the same God that has done so many times before!!!!!!

        1. I stand and agree.. My husband is doing the same can you plz stand with me as well. I hear the samr things move on.. No he is my husband and I will stand strong.

      2. Nikitia and hurt I touch and agree with you both, that strong holds are broken, soul ties are broken, and generational curses are broken for our husbands and marriages in Jesus name, AMEN.

  176. Please help me pray I was the prodigal and hurt my husband with adultery of the worst kind I made him ashamed of me. I have repented and am now saved by The Blood Of The Lamb JESUS CHRIST! THANK YOU JESUS… my husband is here still trying to stick it out he said I hurt him so much and I killed what was left of our love …he no longer loves me or is I love with me. He said he is here out of obedience to God but that hes waiting to see if God will restore the love he had and hes not sure if that will happen. I notice he hides his phone sometimes when I see a text message or he wont open it in front of me. He dud admit he had a sexual affair with a girl on fb but determinated it because he didnt feel right doin the same thing I was doing and it wasnt fair to that other person but he still had fb and gets text from somebody. He tells, me everyday that he wishes he we could be back to normal and he’s trying but that its hard and he prays out loud sometimes crying for God to open his heart to me again. I pray and I fadt that adultery will be removed I know God is moving because now he is actually praying and crying for help and before he was ready to leave and very closed off not a text or a conversation and we live under the same roof. Please pray with me that all these strongholds will be broken and the love can be restored it hurts that God rekindled my love for my husband and changed my heart and now its my husband that has a hard heart Satan I Rebuke you In JESUS NAME!!! IF God can take me out of my sin and change my heart even after my husband was begging me in August of 2013 to come to my senses and I was so cold telling him I no longer loved him…I know God can do it for my Husband Phillip. Satan is always ready to attack my husband gave up and God was not going to and brought me back to pray for his soul please help im fairly new at this walk and learning about all this fight I need intercessor prayor warriors!!! In love Martha

  177. I have been married for 10 years and have 2 children. My wife has had or is still having an affair. She moved into an apartment and has taken one of our children with her. Even though she comes home each day it is difficult on both choldren and myself. Our finances and business have also been affected and we are in danger of loosing our home. My wife doesn’t see the pain and problems being caused by our separation and her lies. Please pray for her to be delivered fron the hold of satan and sin so that she may see clearly and return to her loving family once again. And may she never be unfaithful again.


  178. teresa
    I am on too much hurt, i love my husband and my family. He left me and his son for another woman who is also married. Im begging God to pls restore my family and our marriage. please pray for me

  179. Hi Im a male, Im struggling with nude females, porn, I try to stop doing it and i dont for a while but end up watching porn and touching my self, I hate doing it, but its hard not to, n since I got separated with my wife I do It more offten now and its even harder now to not do It, am I addicted ? How do i stop doing it, Im human and I want sex but I can’t have sex Im alone ;( is it a sin to touch your self while watching porn videos since your separated and alone? is there a prayer I can pray to stop watching porn? Thanks

    1. Dear Brother, Porn is a very grievous sin against God, against women and against yourself. All porn is DEMONIC – even many movies rated PG-13 are considered raunchy, light porn and sinful. Anything that shows two people doing ANYTHING beyond kissing is PORN and it is SIN. Many people will end up in hell because of porn. You need to find a support group. You now have an addiction which will be very hard to break. You will need inner-healing (read my posts) and DELIVERANCE. When a man or woman watches porn a demonic spirit of LUST and PERVERSION enters their mind and doesn’t leave until there is deliverance, repentance and walking that deliverance out. Regardless that you are separated and in “sexual-need” – sin is never an excuse. Masturbation while watching porn is very sinful – you open your mind to lustful imaginations. Begin to fast and pray (see posts) for the next year. Brother, you have got to kill that flesh or it will kill you. All that extra sexual energy must be released in appropriate ways such as intense exercise. There are several prayers against lust under the Prayer category. I also encourage you to read the post Not an Option. Seek first God’s kingdom and He will give you the wisdom, knowledge and insight you need to win this battle.

      1. Jackie

        Thank you so much your encouragement and advice is very dear to me and very Important, I appreciate it where do I find this prayer against lust?

      2. I have more questions, what if you masturbate wihought watching porn is It still a sin? where in the Bible does it say that you must not masturebate? I don’t see anywhere in the Bible that masturbating is a sin. For males who are are alone or separated its almost inpossible not to masturbate because we humans are designed to have sex, if you don’t desire sex your not human, if males don’t release their semen theyll get sick, Doctors say its unhealthy, so I don’t believe that pleasuring your self wihought watching any porn is a sin. Males can’t hold for long and its unhealthy if you are a male you should know

  180. My wife and I have been together for 7 years. 6 of them married. We have had a volatile relationship from the beginning. Recently we had a huge fight and she moved out with my daughters and moved into an unsaved friends house who is also having marital problems. On Friday night, she called me to tell me that we were completely through. No chance of reconciliaton. She did say that I could come talk to her. When I got to the house and we went for a drive, she began to tell me the story of multiple infidelities over the years of our relationship. All of it was filled with anger. Then she told me that she had been having an affair with the husband of the woman she is staying with. She gave me all the vile details. She came over to the house yesterday and told me that she had lied. I wanted to believe it so badly, but after the fact realized that she was scared that I would report her (we have a foster daughter together who we are now splitting time with along with our biological daughter) I called and confronted her and she came clean again. Then she invited me to the apartment she had just moved into with the girls. We sat together for a long time and then I snuck her phone and began looking for texts from the man. She caught me and says that I’ve violated her trust and can’t even come into her house any longer. The lies just keep getting deeper and deeper. i knew that I shouldn’t check the texts but rather than resisting the temptation I gave in. Now rather than allowing the Lord resolve things I’ve created a situation where I don’t have any access to her any longer. I haven’t slept or eaten well for a month. I know that I need to let go of her and let God work but I feel as if I can’t stop obsessing about this situation. I want restoration but at the same time am consumed with the desire to know what’s going on. How do I let go and let God do his work. Every time I try to take control I make things worse.

    1. Brother Joel – first I say “Peace” to you. Right now, take a deep breath and know that your Heavenly Father sees all and knows all. You are deeply loved by the Father. He understands your pain, your loss and your heartache. Stop trying to change your wife – she is who she is – you can’t change her. We need to work on you. Begin to spend an hour each morning just sitting at the feet of Christ. Don’t talk or pray, just listen. Keep a notebook nearby – when you feel like God is speaking write it down. Do this 7 days a week. This is now a permanant part of your routine. You have worked so hard at trying to make your marriage work that you have forgotten your true love, the Lord Jesus. God will allow many things to occur in our lives so that we will draw back to Him. He once again needs to be Lord of your life. Next, read all my teachings on The Balm of Gilead, Spiritual Warfare and The Armor of God. I want you to really understand that you are not battling your wife – it is demons from hell. Get empowered. Read all the teachings on Fasting and Prayer. I would like to see you go on a year fast of no TV, Movies, Internet, etc. – a complete media fast – even music unless it is pure praise music. You need inner healing- (watch for my upcoming youtube teaching on this).Stop thinking about your wife – let her go. This battle is killing you – instead of you killing it. Okay, next, begin to read the bible for at least 30 minutes a day. Begin to memorize bible verses on a daily basis. Think about them all day long. Recite them out loud. You need to begin to be the mighty man of God that God has called you to be. Rise up oh mighty man of God. You are not yet ready to battle this demonic force. Does a private go out into battle before boot camp? Does he go out before being given ammunition? You do not need to go out and fight this battle until you are powerful, strong, overcoming and confident. Finally, stop all contact with her as much as possible. Stop groveling. You are above that. Hold your head up. This marriage will only work if your wife is truly willing – seek God first and His kingdom and He will speak to you about the situation. When you are finally ready to get back into the battle you will know – it may be a year from now – I don’t know – then you will get the victory God’s way.

      1. I have attempted to make it so that we don’t have to see or talk to each other at all. She and I are supposed to get together with our pastor this week so that we can work out details on the kids etc. I offered to have her Mother pick them up from school so that she and I don’t see each other, but she refused as she wants the kids in the afternoons prior to me getting off of work. Thank you for your words of encouragement. I’ve been making this my focus and giving in to fear rather than seeking the Lord in this. My whole focus has been seeking restoration for us rather than restoration with my Father through his Spirit. It seems so wrong to let go of her. Do you have any prayers for relinquishing the thoughts? The obsessing has been destroying me mentally also any warfare prayers for sleep and rest would be appreciated. I know a great deal of my struggle is that I am so depleted mentally and physically that everything overwhelms me.

        1. Joel, under “Prayers” you will find a Prayer for Good Dreams. Glad you are meeting with your pastor – may he offer you wise counsel. In a minute I will write a prayer called Prayer for Peace of Mind during Spiritual Battle. Say it out loud on a daily basis, say it as often as necessary. We are now fasting and praying for your situation. Remember the battle is the Lords not yours. Shalom – in Hebrew this means “all is well.” I would say that out loud all day long also, to keep reminding yourself that in Christ all really is well.

    2. I am praying for you. I immersed myself in the word of God. Prayed for the spirit of truth, peace and have learned to lean on God the father. I also keep a notebook and as soon as I’m given a word I write it down . This has helped me so much May God keep you in his peace and bring his comfort through this time.

  181. Roman I will be praying for you. its so sad that we children of God have to suffer this. I know that nothing is impossible for God. I pray everyday for my husband. this is a matter for God we are not fighting flesh an blood and sometimes it so easy to become despondent. I’ve not been able to work for a month I’ve spent that time praying and fasting. The Devil is a liar. God bless you.

    1. Mrs G thank you God bring healing, hope, peace and your husband back to you, I bind n break every unclean spirit that holds our spouses away from us in the name of Jesus Christ, Gods only son, Amen!! I will pray for you

      1. Roman from the bottom of my heart I thank you for your words. I really needed to hear this. I pray the same for you too. lets encourage each other in this . I have prayed fasted, cried but God knows the heart. I feel that we have to pray for the heart of our spouses and stand firm for the restoration of our marriages.As my pastor/sister said yesterday God wants total and complete restoration for our marriages, so if its taking time its because when our spouses return they will never step foot outside the marriage again I stand in agreement with you. May God Bless you cause his face to shine on you, look upon you with favour and give you peace. Praise God!

  182. I’m suffering for almost 2 years now since my wife left me, cheated on me and having an affair with another younger guy, she had been running back and fourth but usually always spending the nights and living with her lover, I’ve dated her 3 yrs and have been married to her for 4 yrs, we’ve never had a divorce but are separated at the moment, she says she feels unsrcure with me, she is still living with him she tried to be back with me but didn’t work, I never gave up on her and still don’t I’ve prayed to God for our marriage many times, it seems like she is attached to him or has some kind of obsession with him its hard for her to drop him, and there were times when I lost hope and stopped praying but I’m still not giving up because I still have faith and hope in out marriage and love, please pray for me as I go through this fire and pain and battle this wicked spirit that got a hold of my wife! pls join me in this battle and help me win my wife back with the help of almighty God and Jesus Christ our Lord, God bless you all, let’s all stay stong in our faith and prayers and stay clean from sin Amen, pls pray for my marriage, I love my wife

  183. I am praying and fasting believing and thanking God . I am calling my marriage back to existence. I may appear strong but believe me I have the sleeping tablets and anti depressants, the battle is in the mind but i’m holding on to the knowledge that the Devil is a Liar. Lets all pray for each other. pray for me as I pray for you. God created and honours marriage. God bless you all

  184. I have been separated from my wife Karen for 10 years and divorced for 8. We had been married for 13 years before she left me ;( I still love her as much if not more than the day we got married. I know I made mistakes by being too controlling and moved jobs too often. However, I have come home to The Lord and I need prayer to turn a hardened ex wife’s heart back to me. She has dated but never found anyone she wanted a long term commitment to. I tried online dating and all it did was waste money. ( I know this is God saying go back to your wife) All I want is my darling Karen back and I am asking prayer from all of you that God will restore our marriage. Thank you and God bless you!

    1. Friend, I am now agreeing with you that you and Karen will have complete healing and reconciliation. Begin to Fast and Pray (read posts) until you see and receive a complete breakthrough. Don’t stop until you get what you came for. I believe that God has good things in store for your marriage. Have faith. Stand strong.

      1. Thanks for the encouragement. On fasting that is extremely dangerous for me because I am a Type I diabetic on very special medication. However, I try to fast for a meal but must be careful. Thank you for your prayers. If you pick up anything from the Holy Spirit let me know. God bless in the name of Yeshua!

      2. Please pray for me my marriage and my Wife Helen, were separated for almost 2 yrs now and she is living with another man, pls pray so she can return back to me and be in my arms forever, also pray for my finances, I’m struggling to find the right job for my self thanks everyone

  185. my heart totally breaks I have used Jackie s Luke 10 :19 and her prayer, I try to be strong its hard. I have been praying and fasting this past week. I would rather die trying to fight the devil and his lies than to sit and claim defeat. I’m asking God to remember you. I am praying for restoration and for God to speak to the hearts of those who who have wronged us. Yes God is good but my heart is broken. I have lost so much but give God thanks for it all. I will continue to plead the blood

  186. Well me & my husband has been separated for 2 months he has a girlfriend & I’m holding on so pray 4 me & my husband I love my Jesus what a mighty God we serve there’s power In the blood

  187. My husband began an affair about 8 months ago. He’s not living with us anymore, he is living at his father’s house. It is very difficult for the children to know that their father spends time with her and get children that are in fact in the same grade and school as ours. He told my 10 yr old that he had plans with his sister so he couldn’t stay the night with him then we ended up seeing a picture of him at a party of her family’s holding the pinata. If just broke my son’s heart. I truly want restoration and reconciliation for my marriage and family but I have very mixed feelings after all the damage he has done. This is not my husband. He went from being a loving father to a monster overt night.

    1. Beloved Serena,
      The best way to hear God’s voice in these difficult and painful situations is to Fast and Pray (read posts) until you know without a shadow of doubt what you should do, what God’s will is and how you are to battle this. Keep applying the Balm of Gilead (see post) all day long – otherwise you will also fall into the same trap of bitterness and hate. Remember, this is not a battle between you and another person – this is a battle against DEMONS sent out to destroy your marriage. Keep this in mind. Read all my posts on Spiritual Warfare. I am standing with you beloved.

  188. my husband has committed adultery I will stand for this marriage . God has put the axe to the root, i am standing firm and believe that God has heard my prayer. the devil is a liar. i thank God for this blog. i will be upholding you all in prayer. marriages will be restored strongholds will be broken. we have the victory

  189. Cristina I will fast and pray in agreement with you as well the devil has to loose his hold on our husband’s God bless

  190. I am in desperate need for someone to stand with me and go in spiritual warfare. My husband put me n my kids out weve been married 1 yr. Together for 3 he is tlking to another female. He treats me so bad he wont call or txt me. Im believing for total restoration. His name is Kenneth.

    1. I will pray for you and Kenneth. like you my husband has yet to call txt or email me it hurts but I know tht God will never see us forsaken. our husbands will turn around. I love u.

      1. Thanku so much love u too and I will pray for you. We will stand together and yes God will fix it for us and they will be back!

      2. I will continue to uplift you I pray that the scales be removed, that we declare the devil is a Liar . I’m going to plead the blood of Jesus until the change has come. Jackie has a prayer concerning adultery that I’ve printed off. U should do the same and put your husbands name where applicable in the blanks. stay in touch God bless u the strongholds will be destroyed and scattered there is already a shift. God already has given us victory. Lets praise God it is done, x

  191. Jackie, would you please pray for my husband Austin? Earlier this summer he made a very hasty and fast decision that he wanted a divorce. I begged him to give it some time and work on things but he refused. Then he started dating someone else and didn’t hide it, and has seemed to have no remorse. We have a 22 month old daughter and the whole situation absolutely breaks my heart. I know his head has been filled with the enemy’s lies and he is too caught up in his emotions to realize it and think rationally right now. Thanks so much~ blessings!

    1. Father, today convict Austin of his sinful ways. May he come under sorrowful repentance. Remind him of his marriage vows. Remind him that all adulterers will end in hell. Draw him back to his family in true, Godly love. Lord, we look to you for the power to continue to fast, pray, believe and receive. In Jesus name we pray. amen

  192. I am a married wife of 14 years. I abandoned my family (husband and 3 kids) and had an affair. I conceived a child. My husband filed for divorce. I realize now the big mistake it was to do this. I now have 4 children. I pray that God will repair my marriage despite my foolishness. I cry daily and beg God to save my marriage. My husband wants nothing to do with me and is now in a relationship with another woman. I’m wearying God that He repair all that damage that has been done in this marriage. I pray He restores my marriage.

    1. Beloved Shelly, anything that is broken God can fix. Let your heart be at rest. You cannot change your husband or your circumstances, only God can. Get off all TV, movies, computer media, etc. – continue this fast for at least a year or until you see a major breakthrough. Read all my posts on Fasting and Prayer – it is the most POWERFUL thing that you can do to have answered prayer.

  193. I caught a text message between my husband and another female and they were making love declarations , but my husband insist he met her at the airport when he was traveling recently and says it was just a ” misconduct”. He got saved and baptized a year ago and we were attending church as a family till last March when he completely stopped going. He believes he is right with God and doesn’t want to open clear communication with me, always hiding his phone and get mad when I touch it. This is the second time I have caught him in a similar situation .the first time was with my relative that lives at my house.! And he denied any sexual involvement and her story doesn’t match his. I am dedicated to my family and we have 3 boys including a special need. Please pray for us because my husband is completely blindfolded and doesn’t want any help .

  194. Please pray for my family and husband he has been seeing another woman for months and already moved in with her. I feel like I lost my marriage and hopeless. We have been married for 12 yrs and have 4 kids!

  195. I just found out about 4 days ago my husband has been bringing other woman in our house while I am away at work and even when I go to church on wednsday nite as well as Sundays. I pray that God restore my family, my trust and my heart. Even if he does not return home to protect my husband. No matter what happens I will keep my eyes on God.

  196. My husband of 12yrs is currently having an affair. It was with a woman who was suppose to be a new friend of the family. It turns out that in our small town of just 2000 many of the men have laid with her. He doesn’t say that he wants to come back but he doesn’t want divorce either. I don’t understand how he could be a bath time/ bedtime time one day and distant himself the next literally from one day to the next. And all cuz I caught him. I’m just exhausted and want my family reunited again.

  197. Help. my absolutely beautiful wife of 22 years had a couple of affairs over 10 years ago. we worked through them and became closer. we are both christians. 3 months ago, she started getting into facebook (8+hrs a day) and reconnected with some old boyfriends and eventually reconnected with one of the men she had an affair with. I called her out on it and she swore she was not going to cheat on me. the military recently moved me to japan and she had to stay behind for 30 days to wrap up her job. i was only gone 5 days when she told me she was going to another city for business…and when i called to check on her, she had lied and was in las vegas with the man she had the affiar with. she broke off all communications with me while she was with him for 4 days in the hotel, and when she returned to her hometown, she still will not take my calls, but will send occasional emails. I need prayer for my marriage. i am willing to forgive her again, but I am stuck on the other side of the world. i am praying the prayer to break the satanic spirity of adultery and the spirit of lies and also have pleaded with God to restore the marriage and turn her heart around. She is so heavily influenced by facebook and by her own sexuality that she is not even like the same person i knew. Please pray for this spirit to be broken. I am alone on the other side of the world. My heart is breaking.

    1. One follow-up. this spirit is very powerful. Her family and extended family have a history of adulterous relationships.

    2. Chip, I am fasting and praying for you and each of the people that have contacted us. Would you fast and pray with us? Fast TV, Facebook, Youtube, Movies, Radio – this is a very powerful fast as it clears our minds and roots out Satan. Stay on the fast for at least one year – only get off of it after your marriage is completely restored – and only do what the Holy Spirit tells you to do. Standing with you while you stand for us. Thank you for all that you do. God bless you brother.

    3. I am standing with you in prayer right now by faith through Jesus Chriat our Lord and savior. Hang in there brother , you are not alone. God is with you. The word says : fear not for I am with you always.

    1. Im a big fan of yours Jackie, your spiritual enlightenment and The Holy Spirit have gotten me through the worst experience of my life. I discovered through extensive investigation that my wife had a short term affair that included sex three different times. Everyday I feel Im faced with having to make a decision of reconciling or divorce. Its been a little over four months since I got the heartbreaking news, and I swear my wife has been crying everyday sometimes three times a day often because of something I said that Im not too proud of. I guess long story short, we joined a Baptist Church and (she converted from being Catholic) accepted Lord Jesus Christ as her savior and got saved. Im so proud of her and as my heart still hearts, I feel that true forgiveness is due to her. My vows are still in tact and although I admit that I am a sinner, I have stayed faithful to her for 21 years, 18 married. Through my renewed relationship with God, I am learning to love my wife and to forgive as God forgives us EVERYDAY. I am learning that this is not about me but how I am being defined as a husband, I cant turn my back on my wife when things are at its worst. I am going to support and show her love as a good Christian man should. Thank you

      1. WOW Brother Tommie, God is on the move in your marriage. Your lives will be a living testimony of the power of God to change, heal and deliever. You can’t forgive – it must be you ALLOWING the Holy Spirit to forgive through you. I am standing with you in faith. I speak complete reconciliation. Write me in 6 months to share the good news with us. BLESSINGS!!!

        1. Thank you so much for your confidence and faith in my marriage. ONLY God has the loving power to help me and my wife heal from what evil has done to us. I will confess that my initial reaction was to leave my wife and I even had a well thought out plot to bring serious harm to the punk kid who took part in putting my life in hell but God seemed to have instructed me to do otherwise through friends and family. Then I got into the Gospel to find Romans 12:19, and now I understand. To his credit, he is doing one thing right and that is staying as far away as possible, wife told me he was scared. My greatest revenge is nothing except to continue showing love and caring for my wife and kids. I will prevail.

  198. I’m going through the same situation. I need prayer. I found out on my 40th birthday (in May) that my wonderful, loving, man of integrity was having an “emotional affair”… later found out there was one sexual encounter. He said he stopped contact with her, but caught him instant messaging her again recently. Now I am so fatigued and exhausted. I was praying so hard before I caught him again. I know it is so much warfare around us. Please pray for our beautiful family. We have a 17 yr old, 14 yr old and 7 yr old…all girls. The 2 older ones are aware of the entire situation. The 7 yr old just asks why he doesn’t live here anymore. I am so hurt. I want to obey God. I want God’s will… He hasn’t come to full repentance…he still is putting blame on me for pushing him away. We’ve been married 18 yrs together for 20. He was my hero when I was coming out of sin… I struggle to fight this now.

  199. I found out my husband has been cheating on me.. I caught them together on his job. However during this time; I’m allowing God to minister to me. I realize that I have to forgive him; and work on me.. I realize that my husband is in bondage and he has a ministry in him. I believe that through my praying and fasting I’m going to be the one instrumental in bringing them forth. We have to realize that a lot of time the accuser takes there eyes off God.. We have to pray with authority and with the word. We have to bring truth to the lies the devil is trying to convey.. let the word of God be our map, our comfort, our secret tool, and our book of wisdom. Ive been reading the power of a praying wife.. it has open my heart and mind to things we lacked in our marriage. Its teaching me how to pray for my husband and ive found comfort in knowing what kind of power I have through God.. I know that God is going to reconcile, restore, and heal.. women and men of God be encourage and wait on God… he is going to do what he said he will do. Stand on his word.. love and peace

    1. WOW! Mighty woman of God! God is going to restore to you all that the enemy has stolen. I now stand with you in faith and prayer. Let me be the first to know when your husbands heart turns back home. Blessings!

      1. Thank you so much… During this time ive been ministering to other people.. God is using me in a mighty way… I’m greatful for this time alone with God. I pray that God continue to do great work through you.. I receive that God is going to restore what the enemy robed from me. Be blessed. I speak great things over you and your family.. love and peace

      2. As promised I have an update…. Yesterday my husband came home… It was Gods grace and mercy… I am so happy = its a day to day process.. I’m going to fast and pray over my husband and my marriage.. women ad men of God – be encouraged there isn’t anything my God cant do… for the prayers of the righteous are not forsaken…. No weapons formed against you shall mot prosper.. We have to speak theses things over our marriages and our spouse. Remember Exodus 14:14 God will fight your battles and you be still… trust in the Lord with all thy heart….. love and peace

  200. Thank u 4 what u r doing 2 marridges en your wisdom 2 give us the correct tools 2 work with God 2 Restore my marridge.

  201. Please pray that my husband comes home and stops this adultery it hurts so bad it makes me want to do wrong and sometimes hurt myself I laugh about how stupid he is sometimes but if he left I probably would kill myself

    1. You are not alone. I have posted a prayer request for my cheating wife….and if you read these posts, you’ll see you are in the right place as many of us are going through these terrible satanic events together. as for wanting to kill yourself, IGNORE THAT VOICE! it is coming straight from the pits of hell! Rebuke the voice and stay in prayer. I am struggling as well…I’ll lift you up in prayer and ask everyone reading this to do the same for you and me. You are not alone.

  202. I am in a bad spot my wife was full of the Holy Spirit and serving God just a year ago , after getting baptized she slowly back slid and now has left my house and is in a relationship with another man and doesn’t seem to care that it is adultery believing that God will forgive her and that she can be with this man.

    1. Will, your Heavenly Dad sees what you are going through. This situation is not a surprise to Him. He now wants you to warfare with Him for the salvation of your marriage. Use all your Spiritual Tools (see Post) to fight this demonic spirit of adultery. We are standing with you in faith, power, hope and might.

  203. I am in the same boat as Lorraine. My husband and I have been married for 4 years but have been together for a total of 7 years. About 9 months ago my husband became involved with another woman. He’s bought our three young children around her which has caused so much confusion. He’s stole money from me to spend on her, he’s even bought her to our new home to take our two oldest boys with her and go swimming. More things have been done and said, but I won’t get into all of that. At the beginning of my husbands adultery God had already made me the promise that He would restore my marriage, that He would bring healing to my family, that He would deliver my husband from the sin that has him bound; but I have to trust and have faith in Him. This is the second time my husband and I have been down this road The Lord is really trying to get my attention. I shall not give up, give in, or give out to satan.

    We recently had our 4th and final child on July 1, 2013 (a little girl) please pray over her. I know that she has an anointing on her to bring healing to my husband (this is his first little girl).

  204. My husband is in an emotional affair. He net her at work and he has become obsessed with her. I became friends with her but i am no longer in contact her as it was becoming unhealthy triangle. He texts calls visits her constantly. But he wants to leave me. He sees no wrong in it and believes its from God. Its awful im in a spiritual battle as i don’t believe for one minute this is from God. He supports

    her emotionally financially and neglects me and his children.

    1. Lorraine, we are standing with you in prayer. Please begin to fast and pray – do so until your marriage is completely restored. Read all the posts under Fasting and Prayer and Spiritual Warfare.

      “Heavenly Father, we pull down this satanic attack of adultery – it comes from hell and has no business in this Godly home. We agree now that these lying ties of adultery will be broken. We see it as done. We will continue to warfare until we see this husband repent, come to his senses and return back to his family.” In Jesus name we pray. amen

  205. Geez. I didnt think this kind of thing happens in America.
    May God restore all the years that the locusts have eaten in all your lives.
    My case is quite different.
    I’m under spiritual attack from family members (my moms sisters and her kids) 10-12 people in all. They’ve been stealing from me, and my sister my blessings, strength, knowledge etc) since pre-high school (I just found out this week). So they’ve had a good head start. Everyone we’ve tried going to for help declines once they’ve assess the situation. One did try, the attempted to kill him spiritually, he backed off. They go to church and are bible believing Christians (but so are demons). How do I stop this when they are stronger than me and know the word very well?

    There’s more they’ve done but now is not the time to talk about it.

    1. David, read all the posts about “Jezebel” under Spiritual Warfare. You must know and understand the demons you are fighting – you are fighting Jezebel.

  206. I caught my wife committing adultry with a much younger guy at her work.I discovered that they had sex three times. We have been together for 21 years. I have been an emotional trainwreck since. My solice is Romans 12:19. I’m forgiving my wife every day but I need the Lord’s strength. We have three children who we love and do not deserve this type of selfishness.

    1. Dear Lord, I pull down that DEMONIC stronghold of ADULTERY – we break it now in Jesus name – it has no power over this precious family. Lord, send ministering angels of healing. Tommie can’t forgive his wife – but you can forgive her THROUGH him – all he has to be is a willing vessel. Bring his wife into sorrowful repentance. Whatever is broken I know that God can fix. We look to you Lord, the author and finisher of our faith, for a great miracle in this situation. In Jesus name we pray. amen

    1. Beloved Friend, I am agreeing with you in prayer that God will touch your husbands heart and turn it back towards home. Just smile, stand in faith and begin praising God for the answer.

      1. Amen I’m with you all on this my wife to be has been miss led away by the devil and believes the lies told about me toward here from the devil she claims I lied to her and she can’t forgive me or allow me back with her family and her kids. they miss me and feel sad and mom is sick they say!!!! Help me I’m not giving up on them they’re family and she is my wife to be given to me by God.

    2. Hi Donna…I’m so sorry you are going thru so much pain right now. I am too in the verge of a divorce. We are not alone. I will be praying for you to regain strength to continue your life and fight for your husband. Let us surrender all our sufferings to The Lord and keep our faith in him even stronger. God bless…Mai

  207. I am in a similar situation too. My husband committed adultery with his married secretary and by the time I discovered it, there is a 5 year old child. He has left me and my three children, one with special needs, to look after this 13 year old daughter whom he considers his primary responsibility. I have been in great pain all this time. I want to give up so many times, but the love I have for him since I was 20 years old keeps telling me that I have to stand for this marriage. Please lets pray for each other.

  208. i love this. I’m in a relationship where my HUSBAND committed adultery with his female friend and now they have a baby together. I trust that God will turn the situation around and bring my HUSBAND back home and the friend in a relationship with a New man who is willing to take her and the baby. Then my HUSBAND come back home where he belongs.

      1. thank you jesus ……I am going thru the same my husband for 19 years cheating for a long time but I was taken up with my children and trusted him because he knows the word of God so it never crossed my mind he would do something like that ……..thank you for the prayer …I am fasting and praying now that God bring my husband home.

        1. It is so hard , it seems that she is controlled by anger and bitterness , and I’m still not quite sure what the root of either is in relation to me. She tells me that she is not obligated to me anymore and that she doesn’t care.

      2. I will pray for yall I’m hurting so bad right know . it will get better he will come home lets pray for our husband to come home in the name of Jesus .Ammen.

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